Translation glossary: Social Sciences

Showing entries 51-100 of 113
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inferential leverageapoyo inferencial 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
intervenidosresulting from (the artist's) intervention / artist-intervened 
Spanish to English
jornada de triadastriad sessions 
Spanish to English
Key take-a-way exercisesejercicios de reflexión/para reflexionar sobre lo aprendido 
English to Spanish
la ayuda pegó fuerte en la soberbia y aparentemente opulentathe aid served as a painful blow to the proud and seemingly wealthy 
Spanish to English
la de mitigar las demandas de embargar(as for) the demands (supported by US courts) that our country's assets be frozen 
Spanish to English
legalización de la familia(the lack/absence of) legitimate families/a legitimate family stucture 
Spanish to English
letter-perfect, rule-book approachun enfoque/aproximación/acercamiento basado en/orientado a la perfección a pie de letra 
English to Spanish
live-in partnerpareja de convivencia 
English to Spanish
Many firms operating in the city center have accounted for capital expenditureMuchas empresas que operan en el centro de la ciudad (constituyen las que) han invertido 
English to Spanish
mappingmapeo / crear mapas (de actores) institucionales 
English to Spanish
mapping and map the partner institutions.mapeo y la creación de un mapa de instituciones asociadas 
English to Spanish
merenderocommunity kitchen 
Spanish to English
mixed recordhistorial/desempeño de altibajos 
English to Spanish
moralmente solventes[of] good moral character 
Spanish to English
motivable[more easily/readily] identifiable 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
oil beltfaja/zona/cinturón del petróleo/petrolífero(a) 
English to Spanish
on enhanced social inclusionavances en (materia de) inclusión social 
English to Spanish
organizaciones solidariassolidarity organizations 
Spanish to English
out of a sense of self-interestpor motivos interesados/por interés (propio) 
English to Spanish
overall accurate assessmentevaluación global acertada 
English to Spanish
payadores libertariosanarchist/revolutionary troubadours 
Spanish to English
pertenece al ejército de:is a member of 
Spanish to English
potenciar la instancia de convivenciaincrease/promote/maximize interaction among neighbors/in the community 
Spanish to English
presunciones libresunsupported / unsubstantiated assumptions 
Spanish to English
produzidos pelo pensamento jurídico e policialderived from philosophical thought in (the fields of) law and law enforcement 
Portuguese to English
programas benéficos y de acción social.charitable and social action programs 
Spanish to English
provide leverageproporcionar apoyo financiero 
English to Spanish
que los colocaban en la cima de los afortunados del mundowhich placed them among the world's most fortunate people 
Spanish to English
razón tácticatactical/strategic justification 
Spanish to English
redundarresult in/lead to 
Spanish to English
rights-based approachuna estategia fundada/fundamentada en sus derechos 
English to Spanish
ringing endorsementsapoyo entusiasta 
English to Spanish
scholarship analyzing Shaw has become its own cottage industryestudios que analizan la obra de Shaw se han convertido en la base de... 
English to Spanish
se echaron a correr versiones que engrosaron la leyenda urbanaspread versions that made the urban legend (grow) even bigger 
Spanish to English
Se trata de adecuar la participación y el interés en ella.It is a question of shaping participation and encouraging/fostering (related) interest 
Spanish to English
señalamiento de la ruptura de la dependenciahaving identified the elimination of dependency 
Spanish to English
si los pesos se quedaran en la calleif the currency/pesos were to remain in circulation 
Spanish to English
something on the lines of the West of Ireland packagealgo parecido al plan elaborado en la parte occidental (de la Rep�blica de Irlanda) 
English to Spanish
spikingaumentando (de forma indebida) 
English to Spanish
students often form cliques - jocks, preppies, stoners, skaters, freaks, geeks,a menudo los estudiantes forman grupos selectos--los atletas, los futuros empresarios... 
English to Spanish
tamización identitariahomogenization of ethnic identity 
Spanish to English
the inside trackinformación de primera mano/de quien trabaja/vive 
English to Spanish
the Reagan administration's anti communist thrusts ensured a...makinglas manifestaciones anticomunistas del gobierno de Reagan dieron como resultado...haciendo 
English to Spanish
this unprecedented level of support for Reagan’s moral, muscular, unapologetic foreign policy left many of his political opponents breathlesseste nivel de apoyo, sin precedente, para la agresiva política exterior de Reagan, una basada en principios morales y por la que no ofrecía disculpa alguna, dejó boquiabiertos a muchos de sus opositores políticos 
English to Spanish   Government / Politics
to be culturally awareelevar/desarrollar la conciencia cultural 
English to Spanish
to hold on to Clark Air Baseconservar la Base Aérea Clark 
English to Spanish
transitarreside in 
Spanish to English
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