Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 12 '05 .cr>eng .....i kad sam mislila da sam dovoljno zrela za momka i da bi mogla nac.... ..and when I felt grown enough for a boyfriend and that I could... easy closed ok
- Jan 17 '05 .cr>eng provoditi akcije pridobivanja novih korisnika taking actions to acquire new customers easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ....osjecam bolje da sam ti objasnila te neke stvari o meni a i voljela... ... feel better when I told you some of that things about me, and I would like... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng On joj se dopao zato sto je pametan, radi vec taj poso i studira za enzinjera... She liked him because he is smart, he is doing that job, studying for engineer... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Sa njegove strane to je vise zato sto je veliki vjernik i cvtrsto se drzo ti ... From him, that is more because he is a much religious, and he is acting by that. easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Malo vremena iza toga on me je pitao da izadjem sa njim i naravno ja sam rekla.. Some time after that he asked me to go out with him, and of course I told him no because of school easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Ostali smo dobri prijatelji, i on je saceko to vrijeme i pitao me opet... We remained a good friends, and he wait some time, and then he asked me again... easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng sedmicu dana iza mog zavrsnog ispita .. a week after my final graduation... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng sedmicu dana iza mog zavrsnog ispita .. aweek after my final graduation... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Tad smo bili i krenili. That's when we start dating. easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ....mislim o tom a plus jos sto si znao da cu ici. ... think about that, and plus you knew that I am going to go. easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ..nisam sigurna kakvu si sliku imao, i sta je prolazilo u tvojoj glavi o meni. ... I'm not sure what picture you had about me, and what was in your mind about you. easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ...imalo je nesto o tebi sto mi se bas svidilo... .. has something about you I really liked... easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ..kod tvoje mame na kafu 'ako nenadjem nikog u Zagrebu.' .. at your Mum's to coffy "if I don't find anyone in Zagreb". easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ...vremena ni prilike da me propisno upoznas. ... time or opportunity to know me better. easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng da mi i ti reknes kako se i ti osjecas u svemu ovome. you to tell how you feel in all of this. easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ..u isto vrjeme, a najvise zato sto je vidila da je posten i da je.. ... in the same time, and mostly because she saw that he is honnest and that he is... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ...vjerovo u te neke stvari isto ko ja. ... believed in the same things that I did. easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Nakraju sam odlucila da prekinem zato sto sam primjetila da ga vise... At last I decided to break, ecause I mentioned that I love him more... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ...volim kao prijatelja nego kao momka, a to nije bilo fer prema njemu... ... love as a friend than as a boyfriend, and that wasn't fair to him... easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Zato se osjecam nekako cudno kako se to sve brzo desilo medju nama. Because of that I am feeling somehow strange about how fast all of that happen between us. easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Vise smo se zblizili u taj kraci period nego sto sam sa ex momkom u tom puno... We have come closed in that short period, much more than I with my ex-boyfriend in much longer easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Prvo, bilo me je fino ti par puta koji smo izasli... First of all, I felt good first few times we went out ... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ..ali ima te neke stvari sto mi nisu skroz jasne o tebi... .. and there are some things that are not totaly clear about you... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng ..Kao kako si mkje mogo pitat da spavam s tobom ako sam ti rekla sta... ... like how could you ask me to sleep with you, and I told you what.. easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Predpostavila sam da mozda to mislis kada si mi rekao da se svratim... I supposed that you are thinking of that when you told me to come by... easy closed no
- Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Jesi mi objasnio i razumjem te na tu drugu ruku, ali zato ipak sto si me pitao,. You... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Nako kad pomislim, neznam ni ja zasto sam dopustila to sve ali... When I think about it, I don't know why I let all of that, but... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Necu da mislis da sam jedna od tih zenski koja bi skocila samo od jednog do... I don't want you to think that I am just another girl who is jumping from one boy to another. easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Mozda ce bit prilika da dodjes vamo pa da svatis da ovo sta ti pricam je istina. Maybe you'll have the chance to come here, and to realize that everything I told you is tr easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Neocekivam nista ako to mislis, i samo sam napisala ovo pismo jer se ja..... I am not expecting anything, if you think so, and I just wrote this letter because I... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Ovo ti pisem iz razloga sto necu da imas pogresno misljene jer nisi imao... I am writing this because I don't want you to have a wrong opinion just because you didn't have... easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '05 .cr>eng Nedam se da ces me razumiti zasto sam sve ovo trebala napisat. I hope you will understand why I need to write all of this. easy closed no
4 Feb 22 '04 .cr>eng Dinaridi Dinaric alps easy closed no
4 Feb 2 '04 .cr>eng poslovni uredi Business offices easy closed ok
4 Feb 2 '04 .cr>eng Javne službe Public services easy closed ok
- Feb 2 '04 .cr>eng Započnite svoj odmor na najugodniji način. Start your vacation in the most pleasant way. easy closed ok
4 Feb 2 '04 .cr>eng otvoriti vrata novim iskustvima Open the door to new experiences easy closed ok
- Feb 1 '04 .cr>eng prihvat reception easy closed no
4 Feb 1 '04 .cr>eng asketski brudet od kamena ascetic fish-stew with stones easy closed no
- Jan 25 '04 .cr>eng pogodnosti Benefits easy closed ok
4 Jan 25 '04 .cr>eng ribarske fešte Fisherman's festivities easy closed ok
- Jan 25 '04 .cr>eng animatori Animators easy closed ok
- Jan 25 '04 .cr>eng kancona Cancone easy closed ok
- Jan 25 '04 .cr>eng zabavne priredbe Fun show easy closed ok
4 Jan 24 '04 .cr>eng landovina Sharks and rays easy closed no
4 Jan 18 '04 .cr>eng dani mjesta Town days easy closed no
4 Jan 18 '04 .cr>eng smrt fašizmu - sloboda narodu Death to fascism, freedom to the people easy closed ok
- Jan 15 '04 .cr>eng beštek Silver silverware easy closed ok
- Jan 13 '04 .cr>eng banuti Plunge; fall into; strike into; blow in; butt into easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered