David Hollywood har tjent KudoZ-poeng ved å oversette vanskelige uttrykk for andre oversettere. Klikk på totale poeng for å se på oversatte uttrykk.

Etter språkpar

Språk personen jobber i er uthevet.
Ikke-PRO-poeng i parentes.
Pair Poeng
Spanish to English (659) 9365
German to English (318) 5633
English to Spanish (409) 4731
Portuguese to English (153) 1237
English (478) 1013
French to English (271) 807
English to German (56) 713
German to Spanish (15) 603
Italian to English (125) 524
Spanish to German (18) 199
English to French (76) 190
English to Portuguese (8) 110
French to German (4) 108
French to Spanish (8) 107
German to French (19) 90
Swedish to English (4) 62
Spanish to French (8) 49
English to Italian (7) 36
Spanish 35
Latin to English (16) 28
Dutch to English (14) 27
Portuguese to Spanish (4) 27
Italian to German (13) 25
Catalan to English 20
Portuguese to German 19
German to Italian (3) 11
English to Irish 8
Polish to English 8
Danish to English 8
German (12) 8
Romanian to English 6
Scots to Spanish 4
German to Russian 4
Spanish to Dakota 4
Gaelic to English (4) 4
Romanian to German 4
Italian to Spanish 4
Scots to English 4
English to Latin (28) 0
Irish to English (8) 0
English to Dutch (8) 0

Etter felt (generelt)

Felter personen jobber i er uthevet.
Ikke-PRO-poeng i parentes.
General Field Poeng
Other (1174) 5539
Bus/Financial (336) 5466
Law/Patents (238) 4237
Tech/Engineering (260) 4231
Medical (177) 1889
Social Sciences (141) 1325
Art/Literary (253) 1315
Marketing (104) 1090
Science (63) 743

Etter felt (detaljert)

Personlige spesialfelt uthevet (hvis oppgitt).
Ikke-PRO-poeng i parentes.
Detailed Field Poeng
Law (general) (136) 2451
Finance (general) (108) 2003
Law: Contract(s) (90) 1648
Business/Commerce (general) (87) 1236
Medical (general) (71) 1023
Education / Pedagogy (96) 1002
Construction / Civil Engineering (24) 681
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters (489) 672
Other (194) 645
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs (28) 470
Engineering (general) (23) 451
Government / Politics (67) 439
Human Resources (35) 427
Accounting (14) 427
Automotive / Cars & Trucks (19) 421
Poetry & Literature (104) 389
Insurance (24) 371
Marketing (40) 369
Mechanics / Mech Engineering (8) 361
Sports / Fitness / Recreation (58) 358
Tourism & Travel (37) 320
Medical: Pharmaceuticals (24) 314
Medical: Health Care (32) 310
Law: Taxation & Customs (12) 289
Economics (51) 267
Cooking / Culinary (22) 260
Transport / Transportation / Shipping (22) 244
Engineering: Industrial (10) 241
Investment / Securities (12) 241
Energy / Power Generation (28) 237
Electronics / Elect Eng (20) 230
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings (32) 225
Real Estate (24) 220
International Org/Dev/Coop (16) 216
Food & Drink (43) 208
Architecture (7) 201
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion (8) 201
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (27) 198
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (8) 190
Linguistics (53) 181
IT (Information Technology) (4) 181
Psychology (35) 165
Gaming/Video-games/E-sports (8) 162
Agriculture (8) 154
Mining & Minerals / Gems (16) 154
History (7) 152
Music (20) 149
Petroleum Eng/Sci (4) 149
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama (28) 142
Management (4) 140
Ships, Sailing, Maritime (4) 140
Computers: Software (28) 137
Geology 129
Environment & Ecology (24) 129
Journalism (31) 126
Printing & Publishing 126
Military / Defense (4) 126
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting (28) 117
Manufacturing (12) 116
Advertising / Public Relations (20) 116
Telecom(munications) (23) 108
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright (12) 95
Computers (general) 95
Slang (14) 94
Livestock / Animal Husbandry (4) 91
Computers: Systems, Networks (24) 88
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.) (4) 88
Mathematics & Statistics (8) 88
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) (16) 82
Medical: Instruments 80
Botany (4) 79
Religion (8) 77
Medical: Cardiology (6) 76
Internet, e-Commerce 72
Media / Multimedia (4) 72
Medical: Dentistry 71
Cosmetics, Beauty 70
Zoology (20) 69
Retail 68
Aerospace / Aviation / Space (8) 64
Furniture / Household Appliances 63
Metallurgy / Casting (4) 59
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture (8) 55
Forestry / Wood / Timber 51
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) (4) 50
Geography (12) 49
Surveying (4) 44
Science (general) (12) 40
Philosophy (12) 36
Nuclear Eng/Sci 32
Paper / Paper Manufacturing 32
Fisheries (4) 30
Anthropology (8) 28
SAP (4) 22
Archaeology 20
Automation & Robotics (4) 20
Physics 12
Astronomy & Space (4) 12
Esoteric practices (4) 12
Nutrition (4) 11
Genealogy 8
Computers: Hardware 8
Names (personal, company) (4) 8
Folklore (7) 7
Metrology 4
Safety 4
Patents 4
Genetics 4
Meteorology (4) 0