Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 23 '09 ara>eng الإيمان بالقضاء والقدر Belief in divine decree pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '09 ara>eng ما بال أقوام Why would some people do..... pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '09 ara>eng قال رسول الله (ص) "خذوا نصف دينكم من هذه الحميراء " Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said, "you should learn half of your religion from Aisha." pro open no
- Feb 12 '09 ara>eng ما يجوز أن يخلو الرجل بالمرأة عند الناس Chapter on the permissibility of a woman to be alone with a man within a surrounding group of people pro closed no
4 Feb 12 '09 ara>eng والله إنكن لأحب الناس إليّ By Allah! you are the most beloved people to me. pro closed no
4 Feb 12 '09 ara>eng إذا تقرر هذا Based on the mentioned evidences pro closed no
- Feb 12 '09 ara>eng ما يجوز أن يخلو الرجل بالمرأة عند الناس Chapter on the permissibility of women talking to men in the presence of others pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered