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Poll Discussion Poll: Do you enjoy the company of a pet while you work? My doggy Little Butt (that's what her name translates to)
usually keeps me company or, actually, guards the
door to my office IN HER SLEEP. Yep, I work,
work, work, and she sleeps, sleeps, sleeps.
Lucia [Lulu] Lay Sep 9, 2007 Translator Coop Staff member Justin has passed away My condolences I know no words of mine could ever soothe your
pain, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that all I can
offer is this virtual hug that has no chance to
make you feel better. And I'm sorry I can onl
Lucia [Lulu] Lay Sep 5, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you feel while translating? Other A weird combination of several of the options
sometimes, but definitely somewhere around
interested. I mean, instruction manuals... sure,
I'm only interested in the invoicing part. But
Lucia [Lulu] Lay Jun 29, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the longest you have missed a deadline by? Just plain forgot... to send back a two-word translation I had done on
Friday evening and was supposed to deliver on
Monday morning. Of course I forgot!
Lucia [Lulu] Lay Jun 19, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Who would you like to be for a day? A queen Having had so much practice in "my little world",
I'd like to be a real queen for a day. I'd SO
rule! =) Have a great weekend,
everybody! Lulu
Lucia [Lulu] Lay Jun 8, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do first thing in the morning? Other It used to be turning the radio on, making a pot
of tea, taking a shower, breakfast, then
e-mail. But now I have to walk the dog first,
then feed her, then everything else. No
Lucia [Lulu] Lay Jan 5, 2007

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