Translation in Argentina

Freelance translators and translation companies

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Translation is greatly developed in Argentina, not only because of the numerous professional translators in the country but also for the average level of their education and training. A high percentage of translators in Argentina is a graduate of one of the many universities which offer translation in their course of studies, and a great part has additional education in their areas of specialization.

Argentinean translators have inherited the tradition of extending bridges between cultures, a gift received from the culture and work of countless immigrants that came to the country from all over the world.

Many factors converge to foster the hiring of Argentinean translators by clients in the international market. Among those it's the solid reputation of good quality and professionalism, the current relevance of Spanish as a target language, and in some cases, a scheme of competitive rates.

Many professional associations regulate the segment of public translation and local clients. Particularly the Buenos Aires Translators Association (Colegio de Traductores de la Capital Federal) which has more than seven thousand registered translators.

The ProZian community in Argentna is one of the biggest and more active. Many events have been organized in the country since 2001 in main cities like Buenos Aires, La Plata, Córdoba and Rosario.

In line with the relevancy of translation and the community in this country, the biggest office in the world is located in La Plata, Argentina.

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Articles related to translation in Argentina

-La importancia del tiempo para un traductor independiente
-Por sus tarifas los conoceréis
-4 formas de inmersion cultural para empezar bien tu carrera
-Avivando colegas: Traductores argentinos: CAPACITADOS Y BARATOS: IRRESISTIBLES
-Como conseguir clientes directos
-Deben los traductores de paises en desarrollo aceptar tarifas mas bajas cuando trabjan para el mercado internacional?
-Las competencias del traductor
-La teoría de la traducción como herramienta para cotizarse mejor ante potenciales clientes

More translation articles » members in Argentina

Translation associations and schools in Argentina

SchoolInstituto Superior Dr. Pedro Goyena
SchoolEscuela Normal Superior en Lenguas Vivas Sofía E. Broquen de Spangenberg (ex J. F. Kennedy)
AssociationColegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
SchoolUniversidad Nacional de Lanús
SchoolLiceo Superior de Cultura Inglesa
SchoolUniversidad Catolica de Salta
AssociationColegio de Traductores Públicos de la Provincia de Córdoba
SchoolInstituto Superior de Profesorado N° 3 Eduardo Lafferiere
SchoolUniversidad del Salvador, Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Letras
AssociationAsociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes

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Upcoming and past events in Argentina

Powwow Argentina - Vicente López Mar 7
Powwow Argentina - La Plata Feb 28
Powwow Argentina - Vicente Lopez Nov 22, 2024
Powwow Argentina - La Plata Sep 28, 2024
Powwow Argentina - Buenos Aires Apr 19, 2024
Powwow Argentina - Santa Fe Feb 15, 2024
Powwow Argentina - Santa Fe Dec 1, 2023
Powwow Argentina - CABA Nov 17, 2023
Powwow Argentina - La Plata Sep 22, 2023
Powwow Argentina - La Plata Apr 13, 2020

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Recent discussions in forums relevant to Argentina

-¿Nos juntamos en La Plata, Bs.As., el sábado 28?
-Does anybody use Veem (similar to Paypal) to receive USD in Argentina?
-¿Estarías interesado en unirte a un evento virtual con tus colegas de Argentina?
-Certificado de Residencia Fiscal expedido en Argentina
-Salario mensual por agencia de traducción
-Ciudad de La Plata: primer powwow virtual para profesionales platenses (13/4 - 10:00 am)
-Powwow en CABA: falta tan solo un día para encontrarnos ¿quiénes se suman?
-Búsqueda de profesional TRADOS
-Enviar y recibir dinero con TransferWise
-Impuesto a la exportación de servicios en Argentina

More in Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina

Argentina vital statistics
Time now
(Buenos Aires)
14:01 -03 (GMT-3)

(3 hrs behind you)
Official languageSpanish

Largest citiesBuenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario
CurrencyArgentine pesos (ARS)
Calling code+54 in Spanish users in Argentina
Logged in now19
Translation companies8
Popular outsourcers in Argentina
Translators Without Borders
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 33 entries)
CGC Translation Services
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 22 entries)
MGM Linguistic Solutions® / maria guillermina mercau / Maria Mercau
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 14 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 13 entries)
Language Specialists
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 10 entries)
CV Traducciones
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 9 entries)
Lexico Unlimited
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 9 entries)
Scuba Translations
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 8 entries)
Win and Winnow / Win & Winnow Language Services
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 7 entries)
Arcadia Translations
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 7 entries)

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