Powwow Report for Velká Británie - Edinburgh (Nov 9 2006)

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Report from  Henrique Magalhaes
I think that this magnific event was really a 'plain plenty'!!!( can you say that in scotish/british?...I hope so... for there were plenty of nice people, plenty of good teaching speakers, plenty of live & funny scotish folk dancers (turn around & where is my partner?) and of course plenty of the most efficient & kind organizers. So dear fellow prozians be prepared for the fast & double turn around czardas!!!! in Budapest, evidently ...wherever could it be?
Henrique (Rico) Magalhaes

Report from  Philippe Carino
Thank you so much for this wonderful conference and for all the laughs we had on the "pub" and "restaurant" extra sessions:).
I will never forget the "Ceilidh" dance session : this was UNIQUE!
I look forward to talking to you soon and will do my best to be in Budapest next April! By the way do we already know the dates?

Philippe Carino

Report from  mariajorge
Thank you for the conference. It made me want to come back to Scotland. Your organisation was perfect. Well done, both of you!

Report from  corinne durand
Yes, thanks and great to have met yous (as we say in Scotland!) Nov 13

It was a truly fantastic experience, my first conference and it was magical indeed: interesting issues, great tips to pick up, admirable organisation from Rebecca and Katharina, etc... but the best thing of all was to meet other translators for the first time, in what is a fantastic but nevertheless very lonely profession...and make new friends etc... So much so that it was strange to leave as it felt like leaving a bunch of people I now felt very close to...including the ones I had not even spoken to!!!
Will definitely try and attend the pow wows or stammtitsch (sorry for the spelling) and have already marked the Budapest conference dates on my agenda. Looking forward to the next gathering, thanks guys, it was truly "magic"!

Report from  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
powwow image powwow image powwow image powwow image powwow image
powwow image powwow image powwow image
(Click on an image for larger view)

Report from  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Report from the organisers:

The "pre-conference powwow" took place on a cold night in the Grape wine bar in Edinburgh's New Town on 9th November 2006. The aim of the powwow was to get together for an evening of informal networking and socialising before the official conference kicked-off on Friday morning. A section of the bar was reserved for the powwow and the room started filling up shortly after 7pm. Sarah Adams, the winner of the 2005 Marsh Award for Children’s Literature in Translation was also present and had the opportunity to meet delegates prior to her keynote speech the next day. Many thanks to everyone who turned up and contributed to the buzzing and friendly atmosphere!

Katharina & Rebekka

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Click here to register. (It is free.) users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Nicky Over
Mats Wiman
Per Magnus
Catherine Dauvergne-Newman
Csaba Ban
Magda Dziadosz
Rebekka Groß (X)
AllisonK (X)
Pernille Chapman
Ralf Lemster
Robert Schlarb
Jacqueline McKay (X)
Mariana Harriague
Džiuginta Spalbar
Jerzy Czopik
Marianne Dahl
Carla Araújo
Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD
Steffen Walter
Malgorzata (Maggie) Hickey
Maciej Andrzejczak
Paola Dentifrigi
Monique Simmer
Henrique Magalhaes
Pamela Brizzola
Arianna Tremayne
Fabio Scaliti
Monika Pilecka
Jutta Frense
Alexandra Cox (X)
Konstantin Kisin
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Luis Cerna
Alicja Weikop
Irene Elmerot
Fiona Paterson
John Di Rico
Helena Diaz del Real
Jadwiga Anna
Marion Lurf
Angelica Kjellström
Vigdis SJ (X)
Enrique Cavalitto
Sophie Edgley (X)
Fredrik Vrang
David Kerr
Colin Lewis
Philippe Carino
Sabine Loots

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 19 '06  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: Reports, Photos & BrowniZ
Several powwow reports by attendees and the organisers, as well as a selection of photos are now available under View Powwow Report. Since there is only limited capacity for photo upload on the site, it would be great, if everyone who took pictures at the powwow, during the conference, at the Ceilidh or in the Advocate and uploaded them to a sharing site, such as Snapfish or Flickr, posted a link on the powwow page for others to enjoy.

If you signed the attendance sheet at the powwow, you will receive BrowniZ, which should appear in your profile within the next 48 hours. Please contact Katharina or Rebekka, if this is not the case.

Since several of you asked us about the general purpose of BrowniZ, here comes the official explanation:

“BrowniZ are points earned by contributing something to the community or the site, such as site translations, introduction of new members, organization or attendance of powwows, etc. BrowniZ are a measure of 'helpfulness' or 'activity level', as opposed to KudoZ points, which relate to 'expertise'. Unlike KudoZ points, BrowniZ points can be spent. Having BrowniZ points means you have done something for the community, and the community "owes you one".

To find out more please refer to the user manual:
Nov 18 '06  Philippe Carino: Thanks for the gallery & trados now works
Hi Rebekka,

I have just been trying again and it works! I have got the presentation now.
I might have a look at my wifi connection:)...

I wanted to thank you a lot for the gallery tab: it is just great to get this pictures especially those of the Ceilidh session:).

Warmest regards from sunny South France.

PS. Yesterday it was raining cats and dogs over here:)...

Nov 18 '06  Rebekka Groß (X): downloads
Hi Philippe

I just downloaded the presentation without a problem. Perhaps you could try it again? Otherwise, you may want to submit a support request. As a last resort, Jerzy could perhaps e-mail it to you. HTH.

Best regards from a grey and rainy Edinburgh

Nov 18 '06  Philippe Carino: trados introduction presentation
Hi Rebekka and Katharina,

I have just been downloading the presentations available on the new tab but I cannot manage to download the trados introduction.
Would you be so kind as to check whether it is working or not?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Warm regards from South France.

Philippe Carino
Nov 17 '06  Ana Kardum: Good conference
Thanks for good organisation. We enjoyed being in the city, too. See you all in Budapest in les than 6 months! :-)
Nov 17 '06  Dees: Many thanks! :-)
This was my first conference and powwow. I had a WONDERFUL time!

Many thanks, Katharina and Rebekka, for being such talented organisers! A big thank you to the speakers too!

I look forward to seeing the group photo... :-)

Nov 17 '06  Helena Diaz del Real: To Katharina
Yes, I understand that you do not want to ask for more things at At any case, I will try to send my feedback asap.
Thank, you very much, once more,
PS. Perhaps can this be a suggestion for other conferences?? ;o)))
Nov 17 '06  Helena Diaz del Real: To Katharina
Yes, I understand that you do not want to ask for more things at At any case, I will try to send my feedback asap.
Thank, you very much, once more,
Nov 17 '06  Heidi Kerschl: Advocate antics - request
Dear ProZians,

May I please ask those of you who managed to take pictures of my "gogo dancing" antics at the Advocate pub to send me copies. I would be extremely grateful, especially if you could airbrush them first <G>.

Sorry about hogging the limelight, and a thousands thanks again to Rebekka, Katharina and everyone else who made this such a great event!

Best regards,
Nov 17 '06  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: To Helena
Thanks for your suggestion, but we wouldn't dare to bug the delelopers at with yet another request. Needless to say, they've been fantastic so far. What I would suggest instead is that you send feedback to speakers directly (through their profile pages) or send an email to the organisers and we will pass it on.
Nov 17 '06  Helena Diaz del Real: Why not to...?
As a suggestion:
What about making a page for general comments about the conference?

At any case, I feel very sorry that I cannot make comments on speeches I have been into and I didn't sign it for. I.E. I changed my mind and was at the "Tolstoy-Speech": The only "bad" thing I can say about is my level of english. I wish this speech would have last not one hour, as it did, but 3 more. It was not only great and superb done but a delight! I enjoyed it as much as my english allowed. And for me, even if most of us do not translate literary texts, so is this kind of translation the basis for translations of all kinds.
Beside this, this sozializing and the conference itself was more than great - with some people I had, afterwords so much fun, as I never had since many, many years!!
Thank you very much for that to you all!
See you in Budapest,
Nov 15 '06  Jutta Frense: Fab event - I'll be back!
Thank you to both of you - this was my first Proz conference and it made me want to come back. Your organisation was perfect and the sessions were really interesting. Well done, both of you!
Nov 15 '06  Carla Araújo: Thank you both!
It was my first conference and I really enjoyed it. Thank you for your efforts!
Nessie sends his regards to all of you :)
See you in Budapest!
Nov 15 '06  Hester Eymers: Thanks again!
Thanks for organising this! I really enjoyed the conference and I loved Edinburgh: I've seen a wonderful exhibition of Canaletto and walked to the top of the hill in Holyroodpark for a magnificent view of the town, the Scottish hills and the sea!

Moving wouldn't be such a bad idea...
Nov 14 '06  Rebekka Groß (X): Voice from Auld Reekie
Thank you all so much for this "exceptional feedback" (Henry's words!!!!).

Edinburgh feels a lot quieter since the end of the conference. Why don't you all just move here?!?!!?!?

I enjoyed the conference, the powwow, all the socialising so so much - thanks Csaba for Saturday night, I don't remember the last time I danced in a pub - , seeing all of you having a great time during the conference and on the numerous nights out. Now, I feel quite bereft.

Let's do it all again in Budapest!!!
Nov 14 '06  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: Voice of London
Thanks to the Voice of Budapest and each one of you for your kind words. Csaba - I'm sure everything will go smoothly, as long as you remind the hotel to switch off the beamer overnight to stop it from overheating, don't rely on the fact that laptops and projectors always communicate and be prepared that people will invariably forget their adapters :)
Nov 14 '06  Csaba Ban: Voice of Budapest
Ever since I came back, I work day and night... and think of Edinburgh as a background process. Wonderful event, thank you Katerzina and Rebekka!

And I managed to carry the big box home without any problem :)
Nov 14 '06  Marion Lurf: Another BIG thank you
Rebekka and Katharina, thanks so much for organising this fantastic event! I had a great time at the conference as well as at the get-togethers in the evening, and really enjoyed meeting so many nice colleagues from all over the world. I wish we could have such events more often...Hope to see you all in Budapest!

Nov 14 '06  avantix: And again...
A lot of thanks to Rebekka and Katharina for this excellently organised event, to the speakers for their interesting contributions, to Csaba for spontaneously organising the wonderful "Advocate's carnival" and to all colleagues I'm looking forward to meeting again at the next occasion.

Nov 14 '06  Luis Cerna: Like my doctor said!
Thanks a lot for the marvelous organization. I would like to "pay" for it with a small poem (I hope crs are possible in the message):
Be quiet
And stay behind the corner of the hotel
Listening to the music of the water
You are drinking now.
Smoke a cigarette
And dream behind the water
Perchance approaching to our souls.
No matter!
Let the glass fell down to the floor
And leave the water cover the broken pieces of glass
All over the floor
As we cover you
All over the love with no meaning!
(signed: Luis R. Cerna)
Nov 14 '06  Angelica Kjellström: A big thank you!
Katharina and Rebekka you did a marvelous job in organizing this event! Everything was perfect - from sessions, accommodation, Edinburgh in itself to all fellow Prozanians!

Angelica Kjellström
Nov 14 '06  Steffen Walter: Thanks a million for this great event
Many many thanks to the two of you for organising such a fun (and "magic", I should add) powwow and conference. Full marks, Rebekka and Katharina!
Nov 14 '06  Jerzy Czopik: Praise the Champions!
R&K, you are the Champions of this conference.
Thank you for giving me (us) the possibility of having so much fun, which on the side note was also good for improving my English too.
Nov 14 '06  Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD: Thank You!
Thank you for this great informal and informative event.
Nov 14 '06  marie-christine périé: Adding my voice
Thank you so much, Katharina and Rebekka, perfect is the best word to sum up the whole event!
Nov 14 '06  Catherine Dauvergne-Newman: Thank you
Well done to Katharina and Rebekka who displayed great organisation skills.
Nov 14 '06  Henrique Magalhaes: It was a bit of every good things
Much pleased the way you received me & all the other fellow prozians. Hope to see you again in Budapest.
Nov 14 '06  Elena Volkovaya: Thank you Katharina and Rebekka!
Thank you both for your hard work at organizing the conference and the powwow, a great event of networking and socialising!
Nov 13 '06  AllisonK (X): energizing
Not only did I learn much more than I dared to hope, I enjoyed myself more than I ever thought possible! Met so many great people and am even more motivated and enthused about my profession than I was before the conference! Kudos ;) to you both for putting on an excellent event! I'm going to do my best to be in Budapest in 2007!
Thanks again!
Nov 13 '06  Džiuginta Spalbar: Bis!
I never thought that a conference for translators can be so amusing! Still not sure about Budapest, but eventually I might be tempted to go there as well! :)
Nov 13 '06  Alicja Weikop: Bravo
Thank you girls. Great event, great location, great people. This is becoming really addictive!
Nov 13 '06  flipendo: The best hostesses and organizers!
Thank you both for your efforts, time and devotion you put into this powow and conference to ensure everyone left with the best of impressions.
Nov 13 '06  Arianna Tremayne: I am of the same opinion
The amount of hard work, organizing and good will that went into setting up this wonderful conference was tangible and most appreciated. I did have a lot of fun, made great new friends and learned new things. My heartfelt thanks to you both! x
Nov 13 '06  Heidi Kerschl: Fantastic conference
I've attended many conferences and translator events, but I can honestly say that I haven't enjoyed any of them as much as this, my first ProZ conference. Roll on Budapest!
Nov 13 '06  Mariana Harriague: Thank you so much, Katharina & Rebekka
You two have been brilliant at organising this and making sure everything worked to the smallest detail during the conference (which was extremely interesting and fun). Top marks, ladies!
Nov 13 '06  Robert Schlarb: Wonderful job
This was not only informative and professional, it was plain fun. The two of you deserve credit for your efforts, and I believe we will see even better attended conferences in the future as a result.
Nov 13 '06  Helena Diaz del Real: Thank you, too, Katharina and Rebekka!
For my side, I do also want to say thank you for both, this powwow and the conference itself.
I learned a lot and had much more fun. And beside this I have the feeling to have improved my english ;o)))
So thank you very much and see you all in Budapest!!
Nov 10 '06  Konstantin Kisin: thank you Rebekka & Katharina
Alina and I had a really great time meeting everyone! Thanks for organising this event!