Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 10 '09 jpn>eng 派遣社員 (Staffing agency) contract employee pro closed no
4 Apr 21 '09 jpn>eng 日本出し価格がベース vs. 顧客渡しベース delivered ex-Japan vs. arrived-customer pricing pro closed ok
4 Nov 22 '08 jpn>eng 対外在庫 Outward bound parts inventory pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '08 jpn>eng 預け在庫 sub-contracted storage, outsourced storage, consigned storage, storage lease pro closed no
4 Oct 30 '08 jpn>eng 確定した債権債務相殺後の残高を限度に Based on the remaining balance after compensating for accounts payable and accounts receivable pro closed no
- Oct 29 '08 jpn>eng 毎月月末をもって締切り、翌月15日全額支払いを原則とする Accounts will be closed at the end of every month, with the entire balance paid on the 15th of the.. pro closed no
4 Oct 29 '08 jpn>eng 生産回転用在庫 VS. 備蓄用在庫 production inventory, back-up (storage) inventory pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '08 jpn>eng 勘定科目上、買入商品として計上される物品 Items recorded as purchased products pro closed ok
- May 15 '08 jpn>eng 風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる The Butterfly Effect pro closed no
- Apr 28 '08 jpn>eng 奥が深い elaborate, much involved, complex, multifaceted pro closed no
4 Mar 18 '08 jpn>eng 当製品の形状・仕様はすべてカスタムとなります。 (Product) shape and specifications are completely available in custom designs pro closed no
4 Nov 11 '07 jpn>eng 加圧放置パージ pressure release purge pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '05 jpn>eng 導入効果が見込めるプロセスの洗出し Come up with a process for assessing the outcome of implementing (subject) pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered