Contract terminology
Thread poster: Owen Witesman
Owen Witesman
Owen Witesman
Local time: 01:37
Finnish to English
+ ...
Jun 24, 2008

Does anyone know of a good FI-EN/EN-FI glossary for contract terminology. I do a fair number of these and every once in a while I run into some crazy legal word that doesn't seem to show up in contexts other than contracts.

Päivikki Eriksson (X)
Päivikki Eriksson (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:37
Swedish to Finnish
+ ...
Not really my cup of tea... Jun 30, 2008

... and I don't know whether these are of any help, but I myself often find the legal terms I need at the following sites:

Inter Active Terminology for Europe See more
... and I don't know whether these are of any help, but I myself often find the legal terms I need at the following sites:

Inter Active Terminology for Europe
Finnish Government Termbank Valter




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Contract terminology

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