Finnish Annual Report Resources
Thread poster: paul hacker
paul hacker
paul hacker  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:27
Finnish to English
+ ...
Feb 22, 2009

The above link may be useful for people needing more experience in annual report translations from Finnish, as it contains the reports of many Finnish firms in both English and Finnish version.

Torben AXELSEN  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
Member (2007)
Finnish to Danish
+ ...
And an updated glossary to go with it... Feb 22, 2009

... in 3 languages (FI-SE-EN:

Spencer Allman
Spencer Allman
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:27
Finnish to English
Thanks Feb 23, 2009

to both of you

unfortunately the glossary does not seem to provide English translations of the terminology - or an I missing something?

paul hacker
paul hacker  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:27
Finnish to English
+ ...
Glossary Feb 23, 2009

Spencer: did you click on the Finnish term? You should see the English and Swedish translations.

Spencer Allman
Spencer Allman
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:27
Finnish to English
OK Feb 23, 2009

Yes I see - there is no English translation for every term but i tries a couple of others and got one

thanks again


United Kingdom
Local time: 08:27
German to English
+ ...
Thanks Feb 25, 2009

Thanks for both of those links!


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Finnish Annual Report Resources

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