Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Helen Johnson
Mar 7, 2014 08:34
10 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation lake management
Example site where this term is referred to:

where the text says: I reglerade vattendrag kan höga flöden dämpas genom att stora vattenmängder kan lagras i regleringsmagasin. När magasinet är fullt kan ingen dämpning göras och flödesförloppet blir då i princip som för ett oreglerat vattendrag, jfr figuren nedan. Vid vissa extrema situationer kan dock viss **överdämning** övervägas, dvs att vattenytan i magasinet tillåts stiga över den nivå som anges i vattendomen. Vattendomen fastställs av en vattendomstol och den anger gränserna för vattenstånd, flöden etc under året.

Anyone know how this word translates into English please?
Thanks asap.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 surcharge
4 overtopping


Deane Goltermann Mar 7, 2014:
Overtop is uncontrolled... Over topping is uncontrolled as in this reference - This does not fit the usage in the context phrase 'tillåts' refers to controlled raising of the reservoir level, tho this exceeds levels permitted in the court judgement.
George Hopkins Mar 7, 2014:
Helen's reference Overtopped. Eg, dam overtopped by water.
Helen Johnson (asker) Mar 7, 2014:
Just found this reference as well (if the translation at the bottom is correct:
where the relevant reference given is:
Nilsson Å., (2009). – Dams under extreme load, Överdämning av fyllningsdammar, lecture held at
SwedCold 2009-10-20 (in Swedish).

Proposed translations

15 mins


Used this in my own 'dam' translation a while ago. Will have to redo some research to determine exactly why.

Note added at 23 mins (2014-03-07 08:58:17 GMT)

Here's a good place to start, (
"The surcharge capacity is the capacity of the reservoir above the spillway crest that cannot be regulated"

Note added at 40 mins (2014-03-07 09:14:51 GMT)

Another wiki reference, if you need it -- with a surcharge (above spillway gates, but below the dam crest) capacity of ... (

Another reference

Consideration of limited surcharge levels (surcharge load) is permitted, under certain circumstances.
Peer comment(s):

agree Sven Petersson
56 mins
Thank you, Sven!
agree Charles Ek : This is the correct term. See the pairing in the Swedish and English summaries at .
2 hrs
Thanks, Charles!
agree Michele Fauble
6 hrs
Thanks, Michele!
agree Anna Herbst : "Water in a reservoir (dam) above full supply level" according to Melbourne Water.
16 hrs
Thanks for that one Anna!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much Deane and to everyone who contributed"
1 hr


Answer based entirely on Helen's reference.
Peer comment(s):

agree Sven Petersson
29 mins
Thank you Sven.
disagree Charles Ek : "Overtopping" is when the water level exceeds the height of the dam, not the controlled overfilling that the source text describes. See
59 mins
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