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[View Powwow Report] powwow: share some Cordoba cuisine and tinto

August 14, 2005, 8:00 pm
ArgentinaCordobaIn personEnglish
Sign up quick = numbers limited !!

Aug 13-15 is the 4th Anual Translation and Interpretation Conference organized by Iros Maldonado here in Cordoba ( so I thought it would be nice to take advantage of the fact that so many people will be in town to get together and have a pow wow on the evening of SUNDAY AUGUST 14 after the conference. Of course you are still 100% welcome even if you are not involved in the conference.

The basic idea is to get together for a gran cena on Sunday night and enjoy some Cordoba cuisine and share experiences and tinto.

Sign up soon as surely many will be interested and we can't very well have a pow wow with a hundred people, can we?? Or can we!

I have received quite a bit of feedback from people along the lines that it should be a relaxed and informal event at a relaxed venue where people can bring their own wine and other edible contributions.

Venue: my house - address will be provided by e-mail to those who confirm.

NEW NOTE: July 20
Numbers are limited so please confirm your interest if you have not done so already. If your proz profile does not provide information regarding your specific personal identity (i.e. name contact details) then please either update it accordingly or send that info to us.

NEW NOTE: July 24
It seems to me that there are too many of us to meet at my house now so I will begin working on Plan B, a nice restaurant or similar venue.
I will keep you all posted.

AUGUST 2 - finally a venue!

Originally the idea was to have the pow wow at my house, which is located at the edge of Cordoba city facing the sierras. That was the plan until numbers surpassed 40 people.

There are now 80 people on the list and we have had to think carefully of alternatives. Many options were discarded because they were not willing to open on a Sunday night in the middle of a long weekend, or because they did not have enough space for us.

We have come up with what I consider to be a fair price for an excellent venue.

San Honorato is certainly one of Cordoba\'s best restaurants and has a charming old fashioned atmosphere and award winning food. It was named as the best restaurant in Argentina by the Insituto Argentino de Gastronmía outside of Buenos Aires and Patagonia (see the YPF road map guide for details). It used to be an old bakery and was totally refurbished a couple of years ago and preserves a historic look that is very interesting - you can actually see the old bread ovens .

We have spoken to the owners and they are fully prepared to open on the Sunday night in question just for us and have prepared a special menu for $36, including everything except alcohol. I think this is the fairest option as many people wrote us and said they would be drinking water or Coke or a beer, while others stated they would be ordering a bottle of wine or two per person! This way you will be able to economize if you wish or get merry if that is your intention.

NOW, I know that price is a sensitive issue and I have deliberated about this for several days, dithering over whether it was too high or too low or whether some people might feel left out for money reasons. PLEASE contact me by e-mail at [email protected] if this price is not manageable for you.

The venue is centrally located in Barrio General Paz, which is a $3 peso taxi ride from downtown Cordoba, where most of you live or will be staying.

Here is the menu:
. Variedad de pinchos y montados
. Variedad de fiambres caseros (jamón crudo y cocido) y Queso de cabra con tomates secos
Plato Principal
1.Blanco de ave bañado con salsa de azafrán
Pechuga de pollo con salsa a base de vino blanco, azafrán y un toque de crema. Acompañado de papas doradas a la manteca de romero
2.Chateaubriand de lomo envuelto en masa a la manteca, espinaca y queso, con salsa de hongos serranos y ratatouille de vegetales
. Helado Tradicional
. Torta marquise de chocolate blanco y almendras con salsa de zarzamora
Incluye las bebidas sin alcohol, té, café

The address is Pringles Esq. 25 de Mayo, Barrio General Paz.
Payment (please do this shortly so we know exactly how many people are really coming)

1. If you are in Cordoba why don't you either swing by our office at Rivadavia 85, Oficinas 204-5 and make the payment in person


2. Deposit the $36 in this bank account: Banco de Galicia, caja de ahorros en pesos #489-70191169-7

And send us a scanned image of the deposit receipt by e-mail or at least confirm by e-mail afterwards and then bring the original.

If you know anyone else who would like to come tell them to register and contact us asap as we are near our limit!

Charles Campbell
[email protected]
  What are these?
Event Organizer:

Andrea Ali

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (90) / Confirmed: 80 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
XLuciana Malano (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
Andrea Ali  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" La Conferencia está en mis planes y ni loca me pierdo las delicatessen de Ignacio!!! Espero poder verlos en tan hermoso lugar.
  What are these?
angelica perez   the delsur girls will join you and take a couple of tintos  y
XJosé Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)   Voy a asistir a la Conferencia. Además, como contacto/representante de en la Argentina, será un placer presentar a Patrick Dotterer, staff de y, hermano de Henry.  y
XPatagonia   Nos vemos en la comilona entonces. Yo voy a llevar algunas delicatessen hechas con estas traductoriles manos  y
Georgina Rapetti   I´ll be there
  What are these?
InGoodSpanish   Sorry! se me complico...  n
Natalia Zudaire   ¡Nos vemos en Cordoba!
  What are these?
XIMTT (X)   We would love to have you all here!  y
oggui  \"Photographer\"  Count me in!!!!  y
Mile   I would love to go!  y
MacKal   I'll be there!  y
XLeila Demirllian   Voy a la conferencia, así que por extensión ni loca me pierdo el powwow, y menos en Córdoba, amo el lugar...
  What are these?
Gisela Re   Won't be able to make it. Hope u enjoy it! And congratulations in advance Charles!  n
Patricia Valsecchi   ¡Por supuesto que asistiré! (Probablemente acompañada por mi marido.)
  What are these?
XLuciana Migliazza   Me anoto, además quiero asistir a la conferencia!:D
  What are these?
Barbara Compañy   See you there!  y
Horacio Menendez   Luego del placer de haber estado en Mendoza, me anoto para éste. Saludos
  What are these?
Florencia Bernal   I'll be there!  y
Maria Emilia Gonzalez Saua   Count me in  y
jab  \"Photographer\" I'd love to be there too!!!  y
XMario Chavez (X)   Como tengo presencia obligada en el congreso, ahí estaré.
  What are these?
XTexo  \"Photographer\" Our staff will be glad to attend too.  y
Daniela Monti   See you there!  y
Luciana Caballero   Por fin el primer powwow en Córdoba!! Me anoto!
  What are these?
Horacio R. Dal Dosso   Horacio R. Dal Dosso  y
V V   I'll be there!  y
XCandelaria Garcia del Pino   Cool! My first powwow! So exciting! I'll definitely be there  y
Agustina Pogliano Conte   Ahí estaré!!!
  What are these?
Maria Boschero   Looking forward to my first powwow  y
Mariella Di Bua   Cuenten conmigo!!!!  y
María Florencia Méndez   I'll be there!!  y
Valeria Rumachella   sorry, cannot make it  n
Elinor Thomas   Allí estaré, para conocer a nuevos colegas y reencontrarme con viejos amigos! :-))
  What are these?
Terje Ostgaard   I am now installed in Buenos Aires. Will definitely attend.  y
vilu   Las dos "delsur" no faltarán al gran evento. Aportamos unos muy buenos tintos!!!!!!
  What are these?
Pura Murua   Seguro que asistiré. Estoy en mi ciudad y este será mi primer experiencia de powwow. Cuenten conmigo y manténganme informada por favor
  What are these?
Gustavo Pisoni  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" See you there!  y
Andrée Goreux   Bueno, lo único seguro es yo sí voy y les llevo pisco sour. Cariños Andrée
  What are these?
two2tango   Allí estaré - Haydée
  What are these?
Ricardo Duran   Count me in too!  y
paula arturo  \"Reporter\" Looking forward to seeing some of you again, and meeting those I don't know :o)  y
Carlos Rivarola   Will be there! It'll be nice to see some of you again and also to meet those of you who I don't know!  y
Cecilia Calonico  \"Photographer\" Ahí estaré. Nos vemos!
  What are these?
Paola Fresoli   Looking forward to my first powwow. I´m bringing a friend!
  What are these?
Eliana Alonso   Eliana Alonso Una más en la lista... allí estaré
  What are these?
Patrick Dotterer  \"Photographer\" Site staff members allowed :))  y
XAurora Humarán (X)  \"Photographer\" confirmada  y
Patricia Lutteral   Allá estaremos :-)
  What are these?
Ivana Delfino   Ill be with you there.  y
XMiguel Wald (X)   ¿Hay lugar para uno más? :-)
  What are these?
AH   Natalia Rexach. Hola! see you there!  y
Laura Bruno  \"Photographer\" Agendado...allí estaré
  What are these?
XANA MACCIONI   Count me in, too!  y
Claudia Porta   Sí puedo ir!! Y mi marido también... Nos vemos!
  What are these?
Evelina Brondi   Reserven un lugar para mi please  y
Marta Guzman   Presente! Muero por conocer a los Prozianos (Marcianos?)  y
Mines   Count me in!  y
XlaBern   Dos más, mi hija y yo.
  What are these?
materol   Yo también iré
  What are these?
Nancy Cepeda   Yo también quieroooo, voy seguro....
  What are these?
Vanina Ricciardelli   Cuenten conmigo y con Lorena Estrada! Nos vemos!  y
Eugenia Sánchez   Allí estaré.
  What are these?
Natalia Esperanza   Count me in too!  y
Gabby McLellan   I'll try to be there - it's the day after I return from England, so it depends on the jetlag!  y
LSA   I'll be glad to see old classmates and meet new people. See you there! Guillermo Astigarraga  y
Gabriela Elena Lemoine   Por supuesto que voy!! Cuenten conmigo  y
Amizulle   I'll be ther for sure! It will be nice to see old and new friends and colleagues  y
XSPBACKOFFICE   Obviamente vamos a estar ahí!!! (Florencia y Lucas from Spanish Back Office)
  What are these?
Eugenia Ibarrola   See you there! :)  y
Eugenia Strazzolini   Count me in!!!  y
Josefina Coisson   See you there!  y
noelwiemer   I'll be there!!!  y
Paula Yacante   Paula Yacante  y
Fernanda Nieto Femenia   See you there!  y
XCarina Cesano   Cuenten conmigo!!  y
Iris Recalde   I'd love to come!  m
Rodrigo Resuche   Nos vemos ahí colegas!
  What are these?
Lorena Baudo   Count me in!  n
Roberto Rostagno   Cuenten conmigo!  n
Paula Binetti   Paula Binetti CU there!  y
Rolando D'Amico Inzirillo   So sorry, but I won't be able to. Hope next time! Thanx just as the smae,  n
Guillermo Gerchinhoren   Surgieron complicaciones, será la próxima.
  What are these?
Paulo Lopes   Saludos de Brasil!  y
Sara Brown   nos vemos  y
Vanina Garcia    Thank you very much for inviting me. i´ll be there.
  What are these?
elu   I'll be glad to share this kind of experience for the first time  y
Gi Monchamp   I hope to see you there!  y
Maria del Mar Fernandez Oliver   Look foward to seeing you  y
Carolina Ceci   This will be my fist pow wow. See you all there!  y

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Powwow: Cordoba - Argentina
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Si quieren sabor a Powwow, hay uno en Mendoza el sábado 18 Jun 16, 2005

El sábado 18, dentro de dos días, hay PW en Mendoza. Lo organiza Natalia y parece que seremos unos 50 o más.
Ustedes están cerca de Mendozaicon_smile.gif

Info at

  What are these?

José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Digo...para entrar en calor :-) Jun 16, 2005

Un powwow en junio, otro en agostoicon_smile.gif

JL - seguimos trabajando

Natalia Zudaire
Natalia Zudaire  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
¡¡Hola!!! Jun 27, 2005

Qué lindo cuánta gente va a la conferencia. ¿Dónde van a estar hospedados? Estaría piola coincidir con alguien para movilizarnos juntos, tengo entendido que el lugar de la conferencia está un poco alejado.
¿Al final se hace el sábado o el domingo el powwow?

  What are these?

Natalia Zudaire
Natalia Zudaire  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Por si quieren conocer algunas caras.... Jun 29, 2005

Elinor Thomas
Elinor Thomas  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
O sea... Jul 3, 2005

lo que en nuestra adolescencia se conocía como un asalto. Las chicas llevan los comestibles y los chicos las bebidas...icon_smile.gif
  What are these?

Gisela Re
Gisela Re  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Pasajes Jul 22, 2005

A los que vayan desde BsAs, les comento que ir en avión no es tan descabellado. Cierta empresa trasandina (no voy a dar chivos) sacó una promoción justamente a Córdoba.
El pasaje les terminaría saliendo entre 300-330 ARS y es sólo 1 hora. ;o)

Pueden inspeccionar más aquí:

Espero que
... See more
A los que vayan desde BsAs, les comento que ir en avión no es tan descabellado. Cierta empresa trasandina (no voy a dar chivos) sacó una promoción justamente a Córdoba.
El pasaje les terminaría saliendo entre 300-330 ARS y es sólo 1 hora. ;o)

Pueden inspeccionar más aquí:

Espero que les sirva
[porque yo no sé si podré acompañarlos]


  What are these?

Gisela Re
Gisela Re  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 09:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Rectificación Jul 23, 2005

Por apurada, les presenté 1ro la opción anterior, cuando en realidad la competencia nacional es más barata (verificado). Estas son las tarifas de AA:
Tarifa Tasa Pesos (Argentina)
18.00 + 44.70 = 262.70

Para los que se lo preguntaron, no estoy aburrida ni me sobra el tiempo. Simplemente quería, pero no podré, ir.

Así que espero que al menos les sea de utilidad.


  What are these?

Andrea Ali
Andrea Ali  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
Member (2003)
English to Spanish
+ ...
No, no, no, mi estimada Gisela Jul 23, 2005

Yo tengo los pasajes por Aerolíneas Argentinas y pagué ARS 203.- ida y vuelta con impuestos incluidos. Tampoco quiero hacer "chivos" pero los saqué por Internet en la página de

El vuelo de ida dura 1 hora 10 minutos y el de regreso 1 hora 15 minutos. Cosas de la aviación, mire vea.

Se puede pagar con tarjeta en 1 - 3 - 6 pagos. Ojalá puedas venir!


  What are these?

José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)
José Luis Villanueva-Senchuk (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Way to go, Patrick! Jul 23, 2005


Como contacto/representante de en la Argentina, será un placer presentar a Patrick Dotterer, gerente interino de Argentina y, hermano de Henry (creador del sitio).

Feliz fin de semana.


  What are these?

Natalia Zudaire
Natalia Zudaire  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Welcome, Patrick, to Argentina! Jul 23, 2005

¡Qué bueno que ProZ va a estar presente con nada más ni nada menos que Patrick!
¡Qué lindo powwow se está armando!


  What are these?

Luciana Malano (X)
Luciana Malano (X)
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
please confirm how many are coming :) Jul 24, 2005

if you are coming with a partner, husband, wife, etc who is not registered separately please let us know so we can get an accurate head count

Luciana Malano (X)
Luciana Malano (X)
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
welcome to all those from far afield! Jul 24, 2005

Welcome to all those who are coming from for afield to this pow wow in Cordoba!! Especially to Patrick who is coming all the way from the USAicon_smile.gif

laBern  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
Dos más. Jul 26, 2005

Mi hija y yo confirmadas para esta fiesta.

Luciana Malano (X)
Luciana Malano (X)
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
we are going to cap it at 100 for organizational purposes Jul 28, 2005

we are going to cap it at 100 for organizational purposes, as that is the limit of the venue.
I will send info on the venue very soon!

Luciana Malano (X)
Luciana Malano (X)
Local time: 06:41
English to Spanish
+ ...
if anyone is vegetarian or requires Kosher food... Jul 29, 2005

Let us know NOW or you won't eat!

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