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    • English英语
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        • Term
          • busywork
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        • Definition(s)
          • Any action that does not create a loop is busywork. Busywork is generally not that much fun, and tends toward repetitive, low agency or permutative actions. Such activity typically could be automated or skipped entirely, does not cause meaningful change in the game world and only the player's tolerance for it governs whether they will become bored or not. What Games Are
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Less busywork, more rewarding quests and a FAR better open world. - Daily Star by
          • Whether it’s workified elements in AAA games, or often fully busywork-based browser, casual, mobile or idle games — these days the disguise of “fantasy” or “escapism” is often paper-thin, if it even exists. - Fabian Fischer by
          • At a time when players have more choice than ever about the games they play, publishers are spending millions on games that aim to become your only game, something you'll stay invested in at the expense of everything else. While this approach has given us big and beautiful game worlds like The Division's New York, it's also having a negative effect on the industry, forcing publishers to eschew riskier bets and pad out those games they do make with pointless busywork. - The Verge by
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    • Portuguese葡萄牙语
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          • tarefa repetitiva
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          • Não encontrei um termo específico para busywork em jogos, porém, encontrei tarefa repetitiva em fóruns e em artigo científico como a prática de tarefas repetitivas em jogos. Definição de tarefa repetitiva (fora de contexto de jogos): um processo contínuo de alguma atividade que pode se tornar maçante para quem realiza. Own research - by Paulo Ribeiro
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Analisamos, neste trabalho, o modo como esses jogos incentivam tarefas repetitivas e sequenciáveis (exploração de ambientes), um esquema que facilita a previsão de comportamentos dos jogadores por parte da produção industrial. - InterCom by Paulo Ribeiro
          • Questão é, eu odeio tarefas repetitivas em jogos. Além de achar o jogo menos original, aquela história de ter que ficar criando defunto pra Little Sister fazer harvest é muito, muito chato. - Outer Space by Paulo Ribeiro
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  • Compare this term in: Spanish西班牙语, 波斯语(法尔西语), French法语

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