Kind words from members

Testimonials and success stories from current paying members.

Member testimonials

Find premium clients membership has been my best investment by far at this stage of my career as it provides exposure on the global scenario, a chance to share and learn on an on-going basis, very useful linguistic resources, and an invaluable e-atmosphere.
Becoming a member of was one of the wisest moves I made upon starting to work freelance. I got numerous good clients through the site and never have a shortage of work as a result!
Once I discovered, I immediately became a member and started to reply to job offers. Now, thanks to I have many good clients all over the world.Thanks to my dream of becoming a full-time freelance translator has come true, together with a good income. What can I add? Thanks a lot for running the site.
Som platiaci člen od roku 2005. Členstvo mi prináša mnoho zákazníkov. Zdá sa, že to bola veľmi dobrá investícia.
Peter Hladky
I find membership really valuable because I got many good new clients around the world.
In quite many cases, the very first order won via more than covers the annual membership dues.
My impression and experience with is positive. I get the majority of my clients from there. I use the services, like the Blue Board and the webinars, I watch the International Translation Day each year. I've spoken to someone from regarding my rates and she was very helpful. I'd say the yearly fee is totally worth it. I think is definitely on the side of freelancers, I think it's a great platform and I'm so glad I found it. has always opened up new horizons for me. My profile is my online business card, the one I can't do without. is echt de beste website/verzamelplaats voor vertalers en iedereen die werkt met taal.
Michael Beijer
United Kingdom
Being a paid member not only tripled my clients, but also gave them trust and confidence to use my language services repeatedly. I am totally satisfied with membership benefits, including the support has given me throughout the years and counting.
We have been members for one year now, and we are very satisfied because, while we get one or two jobs per year through the job system, most of the jobs we get come from customers who found us on the directory.
About 90% of my clients have come from I really don’t have a presence there and barely open the page, but the directory works and the right people have contacted me over the years.
Carolina Garrido
United States
I have been a member since 2007 and most of my new customers have come through
I have been a paying member of for two years now and I would like to express my satisfaction as regards membership benefits. has opened new horizons to me and within this two fruitful years my clients have more than tripled. has been the greatest marketing tool I've used. My investment paid off really quickly and now I have more and better clients.
Paula Borges
United Kingdom

Get and give professional advice
Bır de 10 yıllık üyelik ücreti olmasi gerekir. Onun daha avantajli bir fiyati vardi. Ben vakti zamaninda 10 yil için üye olmustum. Pek dogal olarak bunun fiyati senelik üyelige göre daha avantajli idi.
Sites like work for you 24 hours, even when you sleep. landed me two regular end clients, and I got many other jobs, not to speak about digital exposure. I ask all my clients how they found me and why they selected me, and not someone else. The answer is always the same: my online activity, especially in terminology help, translation contests, etc… alone offers more than 50 features that can help you create yourself and your brand. The sooner you start, the sooner you will start earning experience and money.
This past year has been great. I woke up one morning deciding to go back to translating full time but I was not 100% sure that my decision was the right one. I left my "safe" English teaching job and recontacted my old clients. It didn't take long and I was soon back on track. Thanks to ProZ I have made contacts with new agencies around the world. I have met colleagues worldwide and found new friends... Words are my passion and this is the ideal job for me with growing children who love to see me around. My small office at home is not a lonely place at all and may I say I have never been happier. Thanks has acted as my guide. With my membership, I'm a happy, fully-fledged freelancer and I can safely say that I wouldn't be where I am today without the knowledge that I have gained from the site or the friendly community support network. Thank you!
Rebecca Hendry
United Kingdom is a new higher level society and new way of thinking for translators! is not only our workplace, it's also a worldwide, developing community of people in translation business.
Gabor Kun
U vielmi mnohich vypadkach samaja pieršaja zamova, atrymanaja praz, bolš čym całkam pakryvaje hadavy ŭniosak.
This is simply the best, most comprehensive support network and best moderated web site I could wish for as a translator.
Anne Lee
United Kingdom

Add enjoyment to your work
Boa oportunidade para todos os tradutores. Vou de certeza recomendar a adesão. Acho que é uma grande oportunidade profissional. Não percam esta possibilidade incrível!
The site definitely helped me to extend my business as a freelancer. This surely helped me to "make much more money" than I earned before registration at the site. And I guess I am not the only one who met clients and established new business relations via
अनुवाद से आनेवाली मेरी आमदनी का अधिकांश प्रोज.कॉम के जरिए आता है। प्रोज.कॉम का सदस्य बनने के बाद मेरी आर्थिक स्थति इतनी मजबूत हुई कि मैं अपनी अच्छी-खासी पूर्णकालिक नौकरी छोड़कर पूरा समय फ्रीलांस हिंदी अनुवाद को देने की हिम्मत कर सका।
I am regularly headhunted by prospective clients, because they've seen my profile on That's why I stay.
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Kudoz to and their Blueboard for translator and agency ratings!! It's worth being a paying member. I just let a company with late payment know that I was aware they had some negative feedback and that I would add mine by the end of the week if I did not receive payment by then. I also started following their profiles on LinkedIn. 5 minutes later I received my payment via Wise!
Lianne van de Ven
United States
Sì- è un buon investimento per le ragioni già ampiamente esposte, e non dimenticare che il costo è scaricabile dal reddito imponibile !
Tom in London
United Kingdom is a more than liable reference.
Just another sign of quality: I systematically cross-check translation offers from other sites with the Blue Board database... has opened for me a completely new market, complementary to my existing one. I've learnt to apply new tools for marketing, business (software and systems) and translation.
I've been paying membership for 3 years and it helped me a lot in finding new clients. Now I'm overwhelmed with jobs.
In 3 years as a Proz member I have got quite a lot of work through having a profile here. That's the keyword: p r o f i l e.
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Thanks to in one year my life has changed, I have now become a full time translator, receiving many jobs from Italy and mainly abroad, I have now created my full time job which I can do from any part of the world or just by staying at home, all of this has been possible thanks to and the friendly and warm community support network! Not only I have increased my clients base but I have also got a longer list of new friends ..all of this couldn't have happened without!!
En lo personal, considero que la inscripción en es una de las mejores inversiones de mi vida.
When I first started providing freelance translations I found a great source of information and helpful in many ways. Now it is part of my daily routine. To me not only means job offers, but it is a community and knowledge base and makes me enjoy work even more. Thanks to everybody working for to provide this page and for ever being helpful!
Thanks to I got in touch with all my major clients years ago.
I don't even want to think where I would have been in my career if it weren't for Most probably, I would remain stuck within the boundaries of my country, trying irritatingly hard to deliver valuable service in return for dramatically low compensation. has always opened up new horizons for me. My profile is my online business card, the one I can't do without.