Translation glossary: Economics

Showing entries 1-50 of 252
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French to English
accounting controlsauditoria contabilística 
English to Portuguese
AgenceBranch Office 
French to English
Allègement d’effectifsLay-offs 
French to English
Allocation de ch�mageUnemployment benefit 
French to English
Am�lioration directe des salairesSalary improvement 
French to English
Analyste de la main d’oeuvre du secteur publiqueState labour analyst 
French to English
French to English
Approfondir les rélations avec les clientsImprove client relations 
French to English
appropriations allocated for the financial perioddotações atribuídas para o exercício 
English to Portuguese
Au d�pense deAt the expense of 
French to English
Avant la fin de l�ann�eBy the end of the year 
French to English
Avantages complémentairesFringe benefits 
French to English
Avoir du mal � joindre les deux boutsDifficult to make ends meet 
French to English
Avoir les moyens d’acheter quelque choseAfford 
French to English
économie en réseaunetwork economy 
French to English
banque primaireleading bank 
French to English
Bec et onglesTooth & nail 
French to English
French to English
French to English
blood diamondsdiamantes de sangue 
English to Portuguese
Bons du Tr�sorTreasury bills 
French to English
Bourse d’étudiantStudent loan 
French to English
brain drainesgotamento cerebral 
English to Portuguese
breakevenoperação nula 
English to Portuguese
budget formulationformulação de orçamentos 
English to Portuguese
Bulle boursi�reStock market boom 
French to English
Bulle immobili�reProperty boom 
French to English
Bulle obligatoireDebenture boom 
French to English
business financesFinanças Empresariais 
English to Portuguese
business statisticsEstatísticas Empresariais 
English to Portuguese
Caisses de retraitePension schemes 
French to English
carrying amountmontante transportado 
English to Portuguese
câmbio paraleloparallel exchange market 
Portuguese to English
Chèque de salairePay cheque 
French to English
chèque en portefeuilleportfolio cheque 
French to English
Chiffre d’affairesTurnover 
French to English
Chute de ventesDrop in sales 
French to English
Coûts de la masse salarienneEmployee payroll charges 
French to English
comércio ambulantestreet vending/street hawking 
Portuguese to English
comércio de representaçãotrade agents 
Portuguese to English
Comércio precárioInformal vending/trading 
Portuguese to English
comptes de bilancash accounts 
French to English
Conçu partiellementDesigned in part 
French to English
Contrairement àUnlike 
French to English
contraiu-se fortementedecreased sharply 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Contre la productioncounter-productive 
French to English
French to English
contrecoupripple effect 
French to English
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