Asked | Open questions | Answered
Date Pair Term Level Status Answers (undeclined) Gloss
Feb 17 '10 eng>rus in explanation pro open 1 no
Feb 4 '10 eng>rus that are respectful to the enviroment , to the laws, to people and to the commun pro closed 2 no
Feb 3 '10 eng>rus as one of the key actors in the construction sector to build buildings pro closed 2 ok
Feb 3 '10 eng>rus and adhere to a notion of total quality and to be competitive pro closed 4 ok
Feb 3 '10 eng>rus it is our fundamental principle to be loyal to the terms of our agreements and a pro closed 4 no
Feb 3 '10 eng>rus continue on its path towards serving in line with new strategies ..... pro closed 3 no
Feb 3 '10 eng>rus Our book that you are about to read presents examples of our projects pro closed 3 no
Nov 17 '09 rus>eng Beauty chair pro closed 2 no
Nov 10 '09 rus>eng procedura upravljaet iskljuchajushim pereborom vsex vozmojnix kombinacii pro open 2 no
Nov 10 '09 rus>eng ��������� ������������ �������� ��������� �������� ������� pro just_closed 0 no
Nov 10 '09 eng>rus strong bases pro closed 2 no
Asked | Open questions | Answered