Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 25 '15 eng>eng additional to these Articles above and beyond the percentage provided in these articles pro closed ok
4 Mar 25 '15 eng>eng to borrow against to use future income from the budget as collateral for a current loan pro closed ok
- Apr 17 '12 eng>eng inter partes between the parties pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '12 eng>eng if ... were to continue making interpretations, it could fail if Member States continue interpreting it in the way that suits them, the Coord. Mech. could fail pro closed no
- Dec 14 '11 eng>eng organic process organizational process pro closed no
4 Apr 17 '11 eng>eng project staff was discontinued the project team was disbanded pro closed no
- Apr 13 '11 eng>eng originating information information that gives origin to proactivity pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered