ما يعمل عليه المترجمون

شارك المعلومات حول ما تعمل عليه للترويج عملك والسماح بتتبع المشاريع مع مرور الوقت. ناقش هذه الميزة.

ما هي مشاريع الترجمة التي تعمل عليها الآن؟

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Interim financial statements.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

I'm translating a course on agile project management. Love it.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Annual accounts.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Just finishing a wonderful website about transhumant shepherds, merino wool and knitting. It's so good I'm thinking of buying one of their kits to take up knitting myself when the site goes live :)


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

ES>EN garden descriptions for Allariz Garden Festival. I enjoy this arty project every year and always want to visit the festival.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Feedback for the trainees preparing for the DipTrans exam on my Advanced Spanish-to-English Translation Course :


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Spanish-to-English translation of a confidentiality agreement. I always enjoy a good contract.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

A book about watercolours. A real joy, with beautiful images.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

A big fashion project. Clothes descriptions. I love sewing and so always enjoy these ones.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Reviewing my Spanish-to-English translation course and adding four new modules. https://translatorstudio.co.uk/spanish-english-translation-course/


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

A massive invitation to tender. 20K words. Boy, this one is heavy.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Website for a steel company.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

Lovely big tourism texts: Russia, New Orleans, Iceland... I'm dreaming of my next holiday destination!


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

A busy day yesterday, with 5,500-word website translation for a shopping mall and leisure complex. Today, 1,500 words for a Madrid tourist guide and then a colleague's translation blog.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

I have just got back to work after my holiday in Stockholm and am working my way through my inbox! I'm also updating my CV.


I Do That

نشر Gwenydd Jones من خلال ProZ.com ما يلي:

I'm currently putting the finishing touches to my presentation about strategies for freelancers with regard to machine translation, for the ProZ conference in Stockholm next week.


I Do That

رد من خلال ProZ.com عند الساعة 18:54 Aug 25, 2016:

Congratulations, Gwenydd! Wish you all the best!