Buying Trados
Thread poster: boy
Local time: 20:56
English to Russian
Feb 6, 2004

Óâàæàåìûå êîëëåãè! Õîòåëîñü áû îñâîèòü ïðîãðàììó TRADOS, íî íå çíàþ, ãäå ìîæíî åå ïðèîáðåñòè â Ìîñêâå ïî ñõîäíîé öåíå. Ãäå ìîæíî íàéòè ðóêîâîäñòâî äëÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ? Ãäå âçÿòü äåìîíñòðàöèîííóþ âåðñèþ? Åñëè êòî ïîäñêàæåò, áóäó âåñüìà áëàãîäàðåí. È åùå – õîòåëîñü áû óñëûøàòü âàøå ìíåíèå îá ýòîé ïðîãðàììå. Íàñêîëüêî îùóòèìà ïîëüçà îò åå èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ?

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:56
English to German
+ ...
Re-post in English, please... Feb 7, 2004

May I suggest you re-post your query in English? This ought to improve your chances of getting responses in this forum.

Thanks, and best regards,


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Buying Trados

Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business

Are you ready for something fresh in the industry? TM-Town is a unique new site for you -- the freelance translator -- to store, manage and share translation memories (TMs) and glossaries...and potentially meet new clients on the basis of your prior work.

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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