The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Geology Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
afloramento natural de jazidas natural outcrop of mineral deposits
eliciou menor terrestrialidade indicated fewer/elicited a lower occurrence of + terrestrial substrates
Entered by: Mario Freitas
lateração lateration/trilateration
Entered by: judith ryan
"faciologia" facies analysis
a película da alteração pedogénica pedogenically altered film
a própria in natura that form of the substance which is found in nature (in natura)
Entered by: Carla Selyer
abas laterais side flaps/cantilevers
aberta com florestas de galeria opened with gallery forests
abertura de picadas opening trails / opening passageways (in the wild)
Entered by: Mario Freitas
abrangida surrounded
ACERVO DE DRAGAGEM Record of Dredging Operations
acidente hidrográfico hydographic features
Entered by: Thiago Capatti
Alevrolito fosfatado phosphated alevrolite (or aleurolite)
amigdaloidal amygdale zones
amostragem de solos soil sampling
antéclise anteclise
Antropoclimática anthropoclimatic
Aquitano-Burdigaliano Aquitanian-Burdigalian
arcóseos conglomeráticos conglomeratic arkoses
areias quartzosas distróficas dystrophic quartzose sands
Entered by: Fernando Domeniconi
arenitos, siltitos e folhelos sandstone, siltstone and shale
argilo-gresoso // greso-argiloso clayey-sandy / sandy-clayey
aterros lançados land levelling works
ATIRAR TODAS AS LINHAS PROGRAMADAS shoot all programmed (scheduled) lines
bagacina pumice / lapilli / consolidated lava
balanço de corte e aterro cut and fill balance
Entered by: Fernando Domeniconi
banca de rejeito waste embankment
Barcaça Auto-Descarregável self-unloading barge
barra/interrompe which hinders or interrupts the trapping
Entered by: Mario Freitas
barrilha leve sodium carbonate (light)
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
berma, punção, escavação berm, punching, excavation
biscoitos "biscoitos" (+ explicação)
Bloco Pai Parent Block
blocos rochosos blocks of rock
bota fora piles of waste
brechas interderrames interflow breccias
brechóides breccioid
cabeceira de drenagem headwater
Entered by: liz askew
caixas-de-correio pigeon holes
calhas menos encaixadas larger, less regular grooves
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