Translation Glossaries from the Web
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ruby1094 | http://singapore economy
global downturn
A rich and comprehensive bilingual online translating and explanatory dictionary of economy, banking, business and finance. With more than 6850 entries per language, the dictionary tackles all domains of today's business life, from the most recent Stock Exchange instruments to corporate and trade finance, risk management, accounting, credit practic... View more
Англо-русский эконометрический словарь содержит около 2 100 терминов.
Англо-русский словарь терминов венчурного финансирования
Словарь содержит более 1700 толкований терминов и расшифровок аббревиатур в сфере венчурного бизнеса (инвестирование, рынки, проекты, методы и инструменты), прямых инвестиций, деятельности фондовых бирж, IPO. Ввиду того что многие термины имеют несколько различные толкования по разные стороны океана или же могут быть неоднозначными, в словарь включ... View more
Словарь содержит более сотни терминов с толкованиями по управлению рисками. Словарь может быть полезен риск-менеджерам и финансовым аналитикам, работающим в банках и на предприятиях нефинансовой сферы.
Economy & Trade, German - English |
It is a dictionary of financial, in particular stock market, terms, and, as well as giving the translation, gives a short definition of the meaning.
Julià Buxadera i Vilà |
Glosario de economía en catalán. Glosssary with vocabulary related to economy.
Financial Glossary
Compiled by Campbell R. Harvey, J. Paul Sticht Professor of International Business, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University |
More than 8,000 entries with 18,000 links finance and business abbreviations and explanations English to English
Indonesian bank and finance glossary
Asian Development Bank |
This glossary is a list of terminologies associated with Indonesia's economy system
Glossary of AD Terms for Market and Non-Market Economy Cases
US Department of Commerce |
This glossary is intended to provide parties with a basic understanding of many antidumping technical terms. These explanations are not regulations or rules with the force of law. As difficult or detailed questions arise, the analyst should seek clarification from their program manager or supervisor, rather than attempting to derive precise guidanc... View more
Dictionary of Philosophical Terms
KG Sauer München |
20 000 entries covering all disciplines of philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of history, social philosophy, philosophy of language, theory of action, decision theory, ethcis, aesthetics) - plus topical entries of philosophical re... View more
Terminology of European Monetary Integration
European Commission |
Terminology of European Monetary Integration. Downloadable PDF file.
This glossary will eventually attempt to cover all of the terms and concepts from international economics, including both international trade and international finance, at least at the introductory level. The glossary includes definitions, links to definitions, and wherever appropriate links to other sites and documents that may provide additional... View more
There are currently over 400 words in the Economic Glossary. The links beside each bullet point will take you to a resource on that topic. So "Money, Value of" will take you to an article detailing where money gets its value. A number of free online economics textbooks that will help you ace your economics tests and help you better understand how t... View more
SmartMoney Glossary
SmartMoney University |
Medium-sized glossary of terms related to stock trading, investment, business, commerce & economy.
Oltre 2000 termini inglesi e italiani di economia e finanza. Per consultare il glossario cliccare sui tasti; da qualsiasi pagina sarà possibile passare dall'italiano all'inglese e viceversa.
A Glossary of Political Economy Terms | http://A Glossary of Political Econ...
This is the online edition of "A Glossary of Political Economy Terms" by Dr. Paul M. Johnson of Auburn University. Very usefull !
Słownik angielsko - polski terminów finansowych / English - Polish dictionary of financial terms
Faculty of Economic Sciences Warsaw University |
english terms translated and explained
Glossario di economia e finanza
Performance Trading |
Vey well done, with definition of the terms.