Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Instituto Universitario de Estudios Marítimos - Íria González Liaño & Ana López Pampín |
Resumen Este artículo surge de la necesidad de contar con terminología técnica relacionada con el ámbito marítimo, en concreto, con el aspecto comercial; desde el inglés como lengua internacional de comunicación, al español, nuestra lengua de trabajo. De hecho, toda la documentación necesaria para llevar a cabo las distintas operaciones para la... View more
Glossary of armed forces and political parties | http://www.easttimor-reconciliation...
Short glossary containing abbreviations and terminology in relation to armed forces and the reconciliation of Indonesia and East Timor
Glossary of AD Terms for Market and Non-Market Economy Cases
US Department of Commerce |
This glossary is intended to provide parties with a basic understanding of many antidumping technical terms. These explanations are not regulations or rules with the force of law. As difficult or detailed questions arise, the analyst should seek clarification from their program manager or supervisor, rather than attempting to derive precise guidanc... View more
Polska po angielsku
Arkadiusz Belczyk |
Podzielony na kilka działów glosariusz pokazujący jak tłumaczy na angielski różne pojęcia związane z Polską: jednostki podziału administracyjnego, partii politycznych, religie i królowie POlski
The Glossary has been prepared by the International Center for Accounting Reform (ICAR) covering Accounting, Audit and financial terminology in use throughout most industries and economic sectors. To compile the Glossary, ICAR undertook a wide consultation exercise with interested parties and used terminology of its previous publications of its par... View more
(52 pages) Considering the distinct international character of the field of accidental marine pollution preparedness and response, REMPEC has considered useful to elaborate an English-French, French-English lexicon of anti-pollution terminology. The document consists of two parts: - First part: English-French - Second part: French-English In... View more
Terminav© contains thousands of specialized terms, in both official languages, which are specific to NAV CANADA and to the aviation industry as a whole, and which have been created and standardized by the Company or taken from reliable sources.
Terminav©, une base de données terminologiques bilingue conçue spécialement pour répondre aux ... View more
Spanish governmental institutions (etc) and how they are called in English. Quite useful! (with links)