Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Access Cash General Partnership is Canada's premier ATM portfolio management services provider that operates under the Access Cash, Cash N Go and EZEE ATM brand names. The glossary of terms is provided as a support to customers/potential customers.
Drugs street terms (drug slang)
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture.
Insurance glossary by Aegon, one of the world ’s largest life insurance and pension companies, and a strong provider of investment products.
Karolinska Institutets MeSH resource
Karolinska Institutet/U.S. National Library of Medicine |
The MeSH® (Medical Subject Headings) is the controlled vocabulary thesaurus of the NLM (U.S. National Library of Medicine). NLM is the creator, maintainer, and provider of the data. The present resource is based on the year 2007 MeSH. The original data from NLM have been supplemented with Swedish translations made by staff at the Karolinska I... View more
Glossary of Terms in Managed Health Care Definitions of commonly used terms in the medical provider, hospital and managed care industries. This dictionary is comprised of 26 individual pages, one for each letter of the alphabet. To find a certain word that starts with this letter of the alphabet, may we suggest that you please try the "find" or... View more
Glossary of Stamp Collecting Terms
AskPhil - Collectors Club of Chicago |
With more than 30,000 listings, we believe the AskPhil Glossary to be the largest of its type anywhere ... whether on line or in print.
With visitors from more than 150 countries, AskPhil has the benefit of perhaps the broadest range of stamp collectors view our reference of any reference provider.
Albeit being a monolingual source, the g... View more
With the large amount of terminology in the workforce development field, it can be challenging for staff working with LEP clients to be knowledgeable about all applicable policies and terms, and to be able to convey them properly to their customers. It can be even more challenging for newer bilingual staff, interpreters or translators, bilingual in... View more
Cancer Glossary - Simon Cotterill |
this glossary has been written for educational purposes only, it can not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or a disease. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your doctor. No responsibility can be accepted for information on any linked page, please read the provider's own disclaimer where appropr... View more
Latin abbreviations for disease states and physiologic states relevant to dosing, and English definitions Latin abbreviations for Dosage Forms Found in Inscription, Subscription or Signa, and English definitions Abbreviations used in the directions to the patient or instructions to care providers and English definitions Abbreviations frequ... View more
Glossary of Terms in Managed Health Care
Casualty Actuarial Society |
The following are definitions of commonly used terms in the medical provider, hospital and managed care industries.
Suitable for Language combinations English - German and German - english
I just discovered this one. My initial impression is that it is a very good and comprehensive bi-lingual glossary of data communications terminology.
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture. You can also download a printable version of Street Terms (P... View more
On-line Database of 4000+ Translated Medical Terms
Medical Translations ( translation services provider) |
FR<>ENG medical terms database, a creation of the France based agency Medical Translations.