Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 23 '12 eng>fra supercharge your hormonal output Vous allez booster votre production hormonale pro closed no
- May 17 '12 eng>fra time best spent une meilleure mise à profit de votre temps pro closed ok
4 May 16 '12 eng>fra End Tab File Folder chemise à onglet latéral pro closed no
- May 16 '12 eng>fra no dividend shall bear interest against the company aucun dividende n’inclura d'intérêts contraires à ceux de la compagnie pro closed ok
- May 9 '10 eng>fra upward swipe swing vers le haut pro just_closed no
4 Apr 10 '10 eng>fra They have been provided with copies of the following disclosed inspections l'acheteur confirme qu'il lui a été fourni des copies des inspections divulguées ci-après pro closed no
- Mar 25 '10 eng>fra interform intraformationnel pro just_closed no
1 Mar 24 '10 fra>eng arrêtent ainsi qu'il suit hold as follows pro closed no
- Feb 14 '10 eng>fra pound-for-pound pound-for-pound pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '10 eng>fra pick-up device récupérateur pro just_closed no
4 Jan 11 '10 eng>fra Executive artistic director Directeur artistique et executif pro closed no
- Jan 11 '10 eng>fra On the Lean journey amélioration sans gaspillage pro closed no
- Jan 9 '10 eng>fra lease fournir ou louer pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '10 eng>fra hands in rassembler nos mains pro closed no
- Jan 9 '10 eng>fra All in tinsel town dans la ville clinquante ou scintillante pro closed no
- Jan 8 '10 fra>eng réinsertion reintregration or social reintregration pro closed ok
- Jan 8 '10 eng>fra a support friendly way un soutien agréable pro just_closed no
- Jan 8 '10 eng>fra Circulation-perfusion Perfusion circulatoire pro closed ok
- Jan 8 '10 eng>fra plastic returns retours en plastique pro closed no
- Jan 8 '10 eng>fra brand partnership partenariat avec une marque pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '10 eng>fra As we are busy... puisque nous sommes occupés à ... pro closed no
- Jan 6 '10 fra>eng tuyau pipe pro just_closed no
- Dec 28 '09 eng>fra Low-light-sensitive Faible Lumière pro closed no
- Dec 27 '09 fra>eng qu'on a sur le coeur what we have got on our mind easy closed ok
- Dec 27 '09 fra>eng (pré)dalle, prédalle permanent shuttering concrete slab pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered