Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 4 '07 eng>rus bothering без (сохранения) pro closed ok
4 Mar 31 '07 eng>rus job account number шифр работы pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '07 eng>rus The requirement of a server role is that it is a server that could be run as... А може поубирать сорные слова:-) pro closed no
- Dec 20 '06 eng>rus Get vertical МСБ выбирают вертикаль pro closed no
- Mar 13 '05 eng>rus delta checkout стратегия "проверки отличий" pro closed ok
4 Jul 16 '04 eng>rus Federation Development and Execution Process Model модель разработки процессов интеграции и реализации (исполнения) pro closed no
- Sep 2 '02 eng>rus software patches программная вставка pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered