Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 10 '18 ita>eng tette well-endowed, heavily endowed pro closed ok
4 Jun 18 '08 ita>eng avara poverta greedy poverty pro closed no
4 Jul 28 '05 ita>eng gente di mare comes from a seafaring family pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '05 ita>eng essere all'origine honour of being the creator pro closed ok
4 Mar 14 '05 ita>eng punta di diamante (di un programma culturale) highlight pro closed no
- Mar 7 '05 ita>eng Mi fai un po' rivivere it brings back a few memories of/ it reminds me a bit about (the time)...... easy closed no
4 Feb 10 '05 ita>eng darsi un ordine no self-discipline, they can't control themselves easy closed no
4 Feb 10 '05 ita>eng né con te né senza di te neither with you (n)or without you easy closed no
4 Oct 8 '04 ita>eng Lae donder mobili En soo moretsa a bastardisation of "La donna è mobile' from Verdi's opera Rigoletto. easy closed no
4 Sep 8 '04 ita>eng lepido more charming, (beguiling....) pro closed no
4 Sep 8 '04 ita>eng Ah, perdona al primo affetto here goes... only a rough (and I mean rough) idea... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered