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Poll: Working, tired... Which would be your #1 choice as a pick-me-up snack?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Feb 5

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Working, tired... Which would be your #1 choice as a pick-me-up snack?".

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Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Other Feb 5

Another repeated Quick Poll!

I'll give the same answer:

An espresso coffee with one or two squares of a good dark chocolate does the job for me!

P.L.F. Persio
Paulo Melo
Mónica Algazi
Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
Barbara Carrara
Stephanie Mitchel
Stephanie Mitchel  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:31
French to English
Vitamin "C" Feb 5

Unless I'm really hungry, a tall cup of coffee, cocoa or chai does the trick for me: just enough sugar, milk and caffeine (yes, dark cocoa has a bit, as do some decaf black teas and coffees) to keep the brain humming. But if I'm starving and it's close to mealtime, it's a protein emergency.

Thomas Lof
Thomas Lof
Local time: 22:31
Member (2020)
English to Dutch
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Dubbelzoute drop Feb 5

En... wat denkt de Proz-gemeenschap van goede dubbelzoute drop?

Christina Pauly
Arne Krueger
Arne Krueger
Local time: 22:31
German to English
+ ...
Disgusting... Feb 5

Thomas Lof wrote:

En... wat denkt de Proz-gemeenschap van goede dubbelzoute drop?

...sorry to say! But everybody has different preferences. Enjoy it.

In Germany, we actually have a "pick up" snack (real name of the product). From a company called Bahlsen. I like that one.

[Bearbeitet am 2024-02-05 15:58 GMT]

Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 22:31
Member (2020)
English to German
+ ...
Other Feb 5

A generous helping of fingernails chased by a pint of homemade moonshine, while lamenting the state of our industry.

[Edited at 2024-02-05 17:16 GMT]

Rachel Waddington
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
P.L.F. Persio
Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:31
Member (2009)
English to German
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Only two items Feb 5

A piece of corn sugar, orange flavor, and a large cup of coffee, and I'm ready to roll on.

[Edited at 2024-02-06 06:46 GMT]

Local time: 22:31
Spanish to English
+ ...
Other Feb 5

The notion of having a snack as a pick-me-up seems rather strange to me. I have breakfast in the morning and lunch at lunchtime, and that's usually enough to keep me going throughout the working day. I also have dinner quite late, usually after 9 or 10.

I might occasionally have a cup of (instant) coffee in winter, or fruit juice or water in summer when it's hotter, but I don't usually snack between meals.

Cecília Alves
Liena Vijupe
Philippe Etienne
Cilian O'Tuama
Cilian O'Tuama  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:31
German to English
+ ...
A muesli bar and an espresso. Feb 5

It works even better if you're wearing odd socks.

Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:31
Member (2006)
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Coffee Feb 5


Helena Ajuria Ibarra
Helena Ajuria Ibarra  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:31
English to Spanish
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Depends Feb 6

I try to have healthy snacks such as avocado toast or a mix of nuts, but in the case of the poll question, I would go for something like the brownie or just a chocolate or maybe some cookies (although I usually don't feel like I need it and I have set times for my snacks, hehe).

Rachel Waddington
Rachel Waddington  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:31
Dutch to English
+ ...
Handful of nuts Feb 6

I tend to have a handful of nuts if I'm hungry, or some fruit. I have cut out most of the sugary treats on the list because I've become more aware of how bad they are for you recently. If I'm tired I would try to get away from my computer for a while and have a short walk or even a nap. I try to plan my schedule so that I don't have to work through extreme tiredness as I know I don't produce good results when I'm in that state.

Dan Lucas
Rita Utt
Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
Ana Vozone
Ana Vozone  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2010)
English to Portuguese
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A few squares of dark chocolate Feb 6

and/or, very often, just some fruit...

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:31
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Probably Feb 6

Probably a banana. Quick, easy, healthy, filling, cheap. Oh- and tasty.

[Edited at 2024-02-06 09:12 GMT]

Dan Lucas
Dan Lucas  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:31
Member (2014)
Japanese to English
I have to be careful though Feb 6

Rachel Waddington wrote:
I tend to have a handful of nuts if I'm hungry

Nuts are great, but also deceptively calorific, especially if one eats them with raisins...


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Poll: Working, tired... Which would be your #1 choice as a pick-me-up snack?

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