English to Lithuanian translators and interpreters » General fields

English to Lithuanian Tech/Engineering oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Art/Literary oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Medical oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Law/Patents oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Science oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Bus/Financial oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Marketing oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Other oversettere (0)
English to Lithuanian Social Sciences oversettere (0)

English to Lithuanian translators and interpreters » Specific fields

English to Lithuanian translators: Accounting (164)
English to Lithuanian translators: Advertising / Public Relations
English to Lithuanian translators: Aerospace / Aviation / Space (46)
English to Lithuanian translators: Agriculture (688)
English to Lithuanian translators: Livestock / Animal Husbandry (53)
English to Lithuanian translators: Anthropology (58)
English to Lithuanian translators: Archaeology (598)
English to Lithuanian translators: Architecture (114)
English to Lithuanian translators: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting (216)
English to Lithuanian translators: Astronomy & Space
English to Lithuanian translators: Asylum/Migration/Displacement (1)
English to Lithuanian translators: Finance (general)
English to Lithuanian translators: Automation & Robotics (88)
English to Lithuanian translators: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
English to Lithuanian translators: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) (99)
English to Lithuanian translators: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
English to Lithuanian translators: Botany (56)
English to Lithuanian translators: Construction / Civil Engineering
English to Lithuanian translators: Business/Commerce (general) (414)
English to Lithuanian translators: Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
English to Lithuanian translators: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
English to Lithuanian translators: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (102)
English to Lithuanian translators: Poetry & Literature
English to Lithuanian translators: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama (319)
English to Lithuanian translators: Textiles / Clothing / Fashion (200)
English to Lithuanian translators: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
English to Lithuanian translators: Telecom(munications)
English to Lithuanian translators: Computers (general)
English to Lithuanian translators: Computers: Hardware (163)
English to Lithuanian translators: Computers: Software (257)
English to Lithuanian translators: Computers: Systems, Networks (177)
English to Lithuanian translators: Law: Contract(s) (301)
English to Lithuanian translators: Cooking / Culinary
English to Lithuanian translators: Cosmetics, Beauty (238)
English to Lithuanian translators: Medical: Dentistry
English to Lithuanian translators: Media / Multimedia
English to Lithuanian translators: Economics (255)
English to Lithuanian translators: Education / Pedagogy (318)
English to Lithuanian translators: Electronics / Elect Eng (165)
English to Lithuanian translators: Energy / Power Generation
English to Lithuanian translators: Engineering (general) (198)
English to Lithuanian translators: Engineering: Industrial (109)
English to Lithuanian translators: Mechanics / Mech Engineering (189)
English to Lithuanian translators: Nuclear Eng/Sci
English to Lithuanian translators: Environment & Ecology (220)
English to Lithuanian translators: Esoteric practices
English to Lithuanian translators: Fisheries (20)
English to Lithuanian translators: Folklore (87)
English to Lithuanian translators: Food & Drink (224)
English to Lithuanian translators: Forestry / Wood / Timber (88)
English to Lithuanian translators: Furniture / Household Appliances (119)
English to Lithuanian translators: Gambling/Casino/Bets (2)
English to Lithuanian translators: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports (173)
English to Lithuanian translators: Mining & Minerals / Gems
English to Lithuanian translators: Genealogy (22)
English to Lithuanian translators: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters (306)
English to Lithuanian translators: Genetics
English to Lithuanian translators: Geography (98)
English to Lithuanian translators: Geology (18)
English to Lithuanian translators: Government / Politics (223)
English to Lithuanian translators: Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) (128)
English to Lithuanian translators: Medical: Health Care
English to Lithuanian translators: History (179)
English to Lithuanian translators: Tourism & Travel (429)
English to Lithuanian translators: Human Resources (220)
English to Lithuanian translators: Human rights
English to Lithuanian translators: Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
English to Lithuanian translators: Insurance (137)
English to Lithuanian translators: International Org/Dev/Coop (128)
English to Lithuanian translators: Internet, e-Commerce
English to Lithuanian translators: Investment / Securities
English to Lithuanian translators: Metallurgy / Casting (25)
English to Lithuanian translators: IT (Information Technology) (281)
English to Lithuanian translators: Journalism
English to Lithuanian translators: Real Estate (129)
English to Lithuanian translators: Law (general) (364)
English to Lithuanian translators: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright (127)
English to Lithuanian translators: Law: Taxation & Customs (135)
English to Lithuanian translators: LGBTQ (552)
English to Lithuanian translators: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing (5)
English to Lithuanian translators: Linguistics
English to Lithuanian translators: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
English to Lithuanian translators: Management (206)
English to Lithuanian translators: Manufacturing (122)
English to Lithuanian translators: Ships, Sailing, Maritime (59)
English to Lithuanian translators: Market Research (5)
English to Lithuanian translators: Marketing (253)
English to Lithuanian translators: Massages/Reflexology
English to Lithuanian translators: Mathematics & Statistics (594)
English to Lithuanian translators: Medical (general) (332)
English to Lithuanian translators: Medical: Cardiology
English to Lithuanian translators: Medical: Instruments (128)
English to Lithuanian translators: Medical: Oncology
English to Lithuanian translators: Medical: Pharmaceuticals (196)
English to Lithuanian translators: Meteorology (12)
English to Lithuanian translators: Metrology (24)
English to Lithuanian translators: Military / Defense (58)
English to Lithuanian translators: Music (169)
English to Lithuanian translators: Names (personal, company) (90)
English to Lithuanian translators: Nutrition
English to Lithuanian translators: Petroleum Eng/Sci (61)
English to Lithuanian translators: Other
English to Lithuanian translators: Paper / Paper Manufacturing (27)
English to Lithuanian translators: Patents (49)
English to Lithuanian translators: Philosophy (111)
English to Lithuanian translators: Physics (592)
English to Lithuanian translators: Printing & Publishing
English to Lithuanian translators: Psychology (192)
English to Lithuanian translators: Religion (662)
English to Lithuanian translators: Retail (136)
English to Lithuanian translators: Safety (80)
English to Lithuanian translators: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations
English to Lithuanian translators: SAP (14)
English to Lithuanian translators: Science (general)
English to Lithuanian translators: Slang
English to Lithuanian translators: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (202)
English to Lithuanian translators: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
English to Lithuanian translators: Surveying (83)
English to Lithuanian translators: Veterinary
English to Lithuanian translators: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
English to Lithuanian translators: Water resources management
English to Lithuanian translators: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
English to Lithuanian translators: Zoology (46)

English to Lithuanian translators and interpreters

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KudoZ Points
(in pair)
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  Algis Masys
  Rhyme and reason
Lithuanian, computers, technology, software, localization, Marketing, advertising, vertimas, kompiuteriai, technologija, programinė įranga, lokalizavimas, reklama, automobiliai, copywriter, algis, masys, algirdas, translation, translator, trados, automotive ... Lithuanian
665 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Marius Reika
  Automotive - IT - Manuals
English to Lithuanian translation, Lithuaniandecoded.com, native English to Lithuanian translator, certified English Lithuanian translator, English Lithuanian automotive translations, English Lithuanian motorcycle translations, English Lithuanian website localization, English Lithuanian IT translations, certified English Lithuanian translations, English Lithuanian mechanical engineering translations, English Lithuanian software localization, high quality English Lithuanian translations, English Lithuanian game localization, reliable English Lithuanian translation, professional English Lithuanian translations, English Lithuanian user manuals translation, English Lithuanian electronics translation, English Lithuanian information technology translations, English Lithuanian household appliances translations, English Lithuanian Agriculture machinery translations, English Lithuanian travel guides translations, English Lithuanian video games localization, English Lithuanian bicycle manuals tr ... Lithuanian
634 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Inga Jokubauske
  No meaning is lost in translation
Lithuanian, English, translator, interpreter, localization, social science, business, Marketing, job centre, application form, literature, law, travel, Human Resources, translation, proofreading, editing, text, finance, Lithuanian translator, English translator, anglu verteja, anglų vertėja, dokumentu vertimas, localisation, transcreation, dokumentų vertimas, dokumentu vertimas, lietuvių vertėja, lietuviu verteja, vertimas, vertimai, proofreading, proofreader, translate, edit, editor, proofread, editing, copywriting, fashion, textile, Retail, clothes, travel, tourism, contracts, terms and conditions, corporate, EU, education, programme, program, Mobility of higher education institutions, internal company information, recruitment, policies and procedures, warranty, warranties, product description, services, MSDS, material Safety data sheet, saugos duomenų lapas, European Union content, website translation ... Lithuanian
532 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Rita Vaicekonyte
legal translation, anti money laundering, counter terrorism financing, AML, CTF, AML/CTF, banking, client onboarding, financial translation, business translation, Marketing translation, tourism translation, bilingual, native English, native Lithuanian, Lithuanian, English, UK English, US English, Lithuanian/English, English/Lithuanian, Italian/English, expert translations, Rita Vaicekonyte, Rita Vaičekonytė, teisiniai vertimai, pinigų plovimo prevencija, bankai, bankininkystė, finansiniai vertimai, rinkodaros vertimai, turizmo vertimai, vertimai, proofreading, copy editing, revision, teksto tikrinimas, teksto taisymas, teksto redagavimas, korektūra, redagavimas, financial legislation translation, Insurance contract translation, business contract translation, company report translation, court proceedings translation, laws and legislation, Lithuania, UK, website content, B2B, Trados Studio 2021, MultiTerm, MemoQ, xbench, EU translation, EU content translation, Trados, Medical translation ... Lithuanian/English
529 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Kristina Radziulyte
  Precision & Creativity
Professional Lithuanian translator, translate to Lithuanian, translation English Lithuanian, translation French Lithuanian, translation Polish Lithuanian, Lithuanian Web content translation, Lithuanian Blog translation, Website translation to Lithuanian, translate document from English to Lithuanian, translate text from French to Lithuanian, translate document from Polish to Lithuanian, traduire vers lituanien, traduction lituanien, relecture lituanien, traduction anglais lituanien, traduction français lituanien, traduction polonais lituanien, traduire français lituanien, traduire anglais lituanien, przetłumacz na litewski, profesjonalny tłumacz litewski, korekta litewski, redakcja litewski, tłumaczenia angielski litewski, tłumaczenia francuski litewski, tłumaczenia polski litewski, vertimo raštu paslaugos, Law, Contracts, Business, Commerce, Engineering, Advertising, Public Relations, Government, Politics, Fitness, Recreation, Tourism, Agriculture, Printing, Publishing, Subtitles, EU ... Lithuanian
511 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Justas Staniulis
  Solid technical background
translator, translation, translate, English, Lithuanian, russian, en, lt, ru, internet, pc, medical, automotive, car, engine, mechanical, Marketing, manual, advertisement, technical, computer, software, hardware, truck, engineering, tomography, angiography, phone, phones, communications, Telecom(munications), gsm, mobile, mobiles, it, printer, printers, scanner, scanners, fax, website, web-site, websites, engines, freelance, freelancer, military, Safety, instruction, instructions, work, machine, device, GUI, network, localization, manual, manuals, business, Marketing, guide ... Lithuanian
430 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Romualdas Zvonkus
  Volvo, BMW, Sony, Canon, Epson, Samsung
Fast, experienced, quality, law, technical, Lithuanian, Lithuania, Klaipeda, Klaipėda, Lietuva, Zvonkus, Romualdas, EU, ES, French, English, German, interpreting, conference, Transit, Across, lietuvių, technical, automotive ... Lithuanian
349 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Mindaugas Vasinauskas
  Certified Lithuanian translations
International business, investor, finance, Marketing, advertising, Accounting, mutual funds, corporate documents, business, contract, statute, articles, incorporation, association, registration, merger, acquisition, corporate, governance, banking, stock-market, Telecom(munications), technical, documentation, manual, law, legal, certification, sworn, warrant, indictment, evidence, affidavit, declaration, court, transcript, judgement, EU, EEA, European Union, report, assessment, directives, public documents, certificate, diploma, pharmaceutical, medical, clinical trials, patient consent form, Microsoft, licence, IT, Internet, HTML, web site, content, medicine, instruments, biotech, pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pahrmaceuticals, MSDS sheets ... Lithuanian
344 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Ramunas Kontrimas
  My extra mile included in the fee
Lithuanian ... Lithuanian
329 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Loreta Alechnaviciute Hoffmann
  fast and reliable
Lithuanian, medicine, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacy, medical equipment, European Union, EU, law, heating, electrodrives, household appliances, dentistry, MRI, magnet, in vitro resonance, CT, tomography, cardiac, laparoscopy, surgery lietuvių, lietuviškai, farmakologija, farmacija, vaistai, vaistų, medicinos, medicina, Europos, odontologija, dantų, MRV, magnetinis rezonansas, KT, tomografija, kardiologija, chirurgija, chirurginės, laporoskopija Sąjunga, ES, teisė, teisiniai, juridiniai, šildymas, šildymo, elektros varikliai, buities, technika, įranga, įrenginiai, prietaisai, litauisch, litauische, Pharmakologie, Pharmakozeutic, Pharmazeutik, Arznei, Medizin, tomographie, Magnetresonanz, Computertomographie, Chirurgie, chirurgische, Kargiologie, Zahnmedizin, Europäische Union, Recht, rechtliche, Heizung, Heizungstechnik, Elektromotor, Haushaltstechnik, Geräte, Anlagen, литовский, фармация, фармацевтика, фармакология, лекарства, ЕС, Евросоюз, Европейский Союз, право, правовые, ото ... Lithuanian
298 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Giedrius Ramasauskas
  Accurate, deadline oriented
Medical, pharmaceutical, EMEA, medical equipment, PIL, SPC, FDA, clinical, study, trial, Trados, Sudio, Wordfast, SDLX, medical software, informed consent, IFU, EMA, informed consent ... Lithuanian
118 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Ona Stankevičiūtė
  Improvement never stops!
English, Lithuanian, medical translation, medical translator, pharmaceutical translation, pharma translator, package insert, clinical trials, protocol, patient-facing documentation, back-translation, ICF, PRO, linguistic validation, technical translation, technical translator, legal translation, contracts, Marketing translation, translation services, editing, proofreading, medicine, pharma, medical, pharmaceutical, medicinal product, medicines, product information, SmPC, PIL, SPC, QRD, medical devices, assays, IFUs, Veterinary, tactical medicine, manuals, technical manuals, technical, legal, Marketing, environmental protection, biology, biochemical Patents, experienced, localization, transcreation, HSE, SDS, freelance translator, freelance ... Lithuanian
95 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Edita Rimavičiūtė
  Law, finance & commerce
English, Italian, Lithuanian translator, Inglese, Lituano, Italiano, law, Economics, finance, legal, economical, commercial, financial translation, manuals, Patents, contracts, user, installation, service and repair manuals, technical specifications, manuali, diritto Europeo (Comunità Europea) e Diritto Lituano, manuali utente, d’installazione, di servizio e di riparazione, specifiche tecniche, specifiche e offerte per gare di appalto, contratti di fornitura e manutenzione, uso e manutenzione di macchinari industriali e prodotti di consumo, procedure d’installazione ... Lithuanian
84 points
English to Lithuanian
  Giedre Asin Marco
  Lithuanian, Spanish & English Translator
Lithuanian translator, spanish, Lithuanian, Lithuania, English, spanish-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-spanish, English-Lithuanian, English into Lithuanian translator, spanish into Lithuanian translator, IT translations, information technologies, software localization, website translations, legal translations, Marketing translations, tourism translations, website translations into Lithuanian, culture translations, interpreting, legal interpreting, transcreation, voiceover, voiceover direction, ispanų kalbos vertėja, vertėja iš ispanų kalbos, vertėja į ispanų kalbą, ispanų-lietuvių vertimai, ispanų vertimai, vertimai iš ispanų, ispanų kalba, vertimai į ispanų, vertimas į ispanų, versti į ispanų, versti iš ispanų, teisiniai vertimai, dokumentų vertimai, svetainių vertimai, rinkodaros vertimai, vertimai raštu, redagavimas, reklamų įgarsinimas, kūrybinis vertimas, traductora lituano, traducciones de lituano, traducciones lituano-español, traducciones español-lituano, traducciones legales, traducci ... Lithuanian
66 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Mindaugas Putelis
  Celebrating two decades of experience
translations, translation, Lithuanian, IT, digital imaging, automotive, hardware, computers, technology, software, localization, engineering, nuclear, heavy machinery, cars, digital equipment, industrial machinery, wastewater, Volvo, Microsoft, Google, Peugeot, Opel, Renault, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Kia, Hyundai, Honda, Mazda, Toyota, Mitsubishi, General Motors, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Cisco, cars, heavy equipment, industrial equipment, digital imaging translations, camera, cameras, laptop, laptops, computer, computers, Nissan, home appliances, freezer, fridge, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave oven, Lithuanian translation ... Lithuanian
56 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Ruta Peter
  lithuanian translations
Lithuanian, German, English, technical, translations, litauisch, deutsch, technisch, DTP, Layout, Technik, Medizin, Trados ... Lithuanian
55 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Džiuginta Spalbar
  Technical translator since 2000
pc, animated films, newspaper articles, mobile phones, software, engineering, vilnius, environement, trados, finland, portugal, portuguese, russian, technical, translator, sustainability, travel, hardware, proofreading, editor, editing, Lithuanian, lithuania, translation, CAT tools, manuals, documentation, environmental science ... Lithuanian
33 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Saulene Kudarauskaite
  Medical translations
English, Lithuanian, medicine, translation, editing, pharmaceutical, clinical trials, product information, Summary of Product Characteristics, Labelling and Package Leaflet. ... Lithuanian
20 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Rasa Racevičiūtė
  Responsibility, Diligence, Creativity
computer software & hardware, IT, librarianship & bibliography, EU documentation, contracts, CT/MR equipment, medical, clinical trials, operation manuals, Lithuanian to English translation, English to Lithuanian translation, Lithuanian translator, Lithuanian to English translator, English to Lithuanian translator, Lithuanian into English translator, English into Lithuanian translator, Rasa Raceviciute, Rasa Racevičiūtė, fiction translation ... Lithuanian
United States
14 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Marija Eidukevičiūtė
  EN<>LT Technical/IT/Medical
Marketing, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Computers (general), Engineering (general), Construction / Civil Engineering, Computers: Software, Mechanics / Mech Engineering, IT (Information Technology), Mathematics & Statistics, Medical: Instruments, Physics, Science (general), Metrology ... Lithuanian
8 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Ula Staneviciene
  English to Lithuanian
translation, translator, Lithuanian, English to Lithuanian, English-Lithuanian, general, pharma, pharmaceutical, human, Veterinary, SMPC, PIL, Labelling, medical, medicine, clinical trials, clinical studies, IVD, in vitro diagnostics, medical devices, EU affairs, localization, software, user manuals, Telecom(munications) ... Lithuanian
4 points
English to Lithuanian
  Jurgita Šimkus
  Lithuanian translations
technical, law, engineering, business, financial, softwares, manuals, Insurance, forms, computer, fast, best price. ... Lithuanian
United Kingdom
4 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Dalia Milmantas translation, interpretation, Lithuanian, English legal, business, documents, manuals, courts, meetings, interviews ... Lithuanian
4 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Asta Zemelyte
  12 years in technical translation
French, Lithuanian, technical, translation, general, professional, technology, Marketing, medical, professional, quality, transportation, equipment, commercial ... Lithuanian
4 points
English to Lithuanian
Identity Verified   Rytis Gedvilas
  Technical & Creative Language Solutions
Lithuanian, English, norwegian, danish, computers, IT, technical, engineering, Marketing, consumer electronics, electronic devices, vertimai, vertimas, automotive, cycling, industrial, norsk, litauisk, litauiska, oversettelse, oversættelse, semiconductors, security systems, ict, software, hardware, machinery, post editor, reviewer, proofreader, post editing, experienced, expert, elearning, cybersecurity, premium translator, premium, mtpe, machine editing, post editing, localization, localization specialist, transcreation, editing, proofreading, technical translator, engineering translator, IT translator, UX localization, localisation, QA, quality assurance, quality control, subtitling, English to Lithuanian, norsk til litauisk, e-commerce, ecommerce, user manuals, Safety instructions, aerospace, aviation, IT security, SaaS localization, Game localization, Cloud computing, Network security, UI/UX translation, Terminology Management, Content adaptation, Linguistic validation, Regulatory ... Lithuanian
4 points
English to Lithuanian
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