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BaccS - Windows-based management and invoicing software for translators
Thread poster: Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 12:48
English to Russian
App localization, new E-mail sending feature Dec 8, 2016

Hello all,

First of all, would like to inform that BaccS can now send e-mails with invoices and payment reminders. Also it's possible to send a message to me right from the app (with suggestions, requests, bug details, etc.). Messages can be composed using customized templates, so you can keep e-mail look consistent with your own style. All sent messages are placed into "Sent" folder of the mail service.

The second. I've started to work on app localization. Of course, t
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Hello all,

First of all, would like to inform that BaccS can now send e-mails with invoices and payment reminders. Also it's possible to send a message to me right from the app (with suggestions, requests, bug details, etc.). Messages can be composed using customized templates, so you can keep e-mail look consistent with your own style. All sent messages are placed into "Sent" folder of the mail service.

The second. I've started to work on app localization. Of course, translating into Russian. Another planned target languages:
ES (reserved)
SV (maybe)
Translation volume is about 400-800 words (still counting). If someone have a wish to help with translation, please contact me. In exchange for help I can provide free license. Already have offers to help in translation into Spanish and Italian, but this still not confirmed. So please free to write a message anyway. Hope someone will respond. Of course, you can offer another language - more is better.

The last news. Due to high complexity and flexibility of the app the price for 2017 is changed. Instead of planned 40 USD it will cost 75 USD. Current year price remains the same ($33). License validity term - infinite (no need to upgrade upon release of the new version).

[Редактировалось 2016-12-08 16:41 GMT]

[Редактировалось 2016-12-08 19:49 GMT]

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 12:48
English to Russian
Happy new year! And latest update Jan 3, 2017

Didn't write here a long time. Happy new year, community!

Thanks to kind translators who offered app localization in Spanish, French and Italian!

Let me just refresh this thread and write shortly what has changed during last month.

- Partial invoicing: possible to create any number of invoices per job (the app reminds about uninvoiced amount)
- Better filtering in all lists
- Fully redesigned invoice template designer - now it is really easy to
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Didn't write here a long time. Happy new year, community!

Thanks to kind translators who offered app localization in Spanish, French and Italian!

Let me just refresh this thread and write shortly what has changed during last month.

- Partial invoicing: possible to create any number of invoices per job (the app reminds about uninvoiced amount)
- Better filtering in all lists
- Fully redesigned invoice template designer - now it is really easy to use: a lot of built-in helpers, drag/drop support, very responsive
- Customer logos
- Contact photos (it's nice no simply select project manager, but also see the picture)
- Bug and performance fixes (of course)
- Custom pluggable reports - the most significant update. Allows to create any tabular reports, charts, forms, price lists - everything depends on user, the developer just can help to create the report. All such reports will be added to the Downloads page on the web-site. Just for example, the first such report allows to print customer list along with employees and even table of contents on the left, like this:

I will be adding more and more reports on the web-site with time.

Now will switch to another large part: contractors. So, soon it will be possible to account not only received jobs, but also jobs distributed to another translators. This means the app will become usable for small teams directed by one person.

Thanks for reading, Eugene

[Редактировалось 2017-01-03 11:52 GMT]

Erik-Martin Jansen Hesshaus
Erik-Martin Jansen Hesshaus  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:48
Dutch to Spanish
Happy user Jan 16, 2017

Hi, there!

I have been testing this software during last month and since the 1st of January I have totally switched to it and have already done a lot of invoices with it.

It all started when I got myself a 4K 32" monitor: good ole TO3000 is uncapable of adjusting it's now microscopic interface (like parts of also Java based MemoQ and what else not).

Baccs interface is refreshing and has a very informative homescreen. And it is fast! Support from Eugene an
... See more
Hi, there!

I have been testing this software during last month and since the 1st of January I have totally switched to it and have already done a lot of invoices with it.

It all started when I got myself a 4K 32" monitor: good ole TO3000 is uncapable of adjusting it's now microscopic interface (like parts of also Java based MemoQ and what else not).

Baccs interface is refreshing and has a very informative homescreen. And it is fast! Support from Eugene and the dev team is top notch, any questions that I had were promptly resolved. It is worth every penny.

Yiftah Hellerman-Carmel
Yiftah Hellerman-Carmel  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:48
German to Hebrew
+ ...
Another happy user Jan 17, 2017

Very happy with it. A lot of features, but still easy to use.

Another great plus so far is the customer service (Eugene). Very short response times. Friendly. Small issues have been fixed quickly. He is open to suggestions and ideas and implements them where possible. 👍

Florian Wollenschein
Florian Wollenschein  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:48
Member (2013)
English to German
+ ...
Probably the best... Jan 18, 2017

Hi Eugene,

I think I have tried all management software solutions there are for freelance translators but none of them convinced me in the end... until now.

Your product is really awesome! It is easy to use and has all the features I need. It might be the best solution at all.

Keep up the great work!

All the best,

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 12:48
English to Russian
Biggest thanks Jan 18, 2017

Dear Erik and Yiftah,

Thank you, mates! It was unexpected and very pleasant words!And 'thanks' not only for words, but for your suggestions in private conversations - they are really helpful!

Thank you too, Florian. Very nice to meet! Indeed, months of hard work and close cooperation allowed to highly
... See more
Dear Erik and Yiftah,

Thank you, mates! It was unexpected and very pleasant words!And 'thanks' not only for words, but for your suggestions in private conversations - they are really helpful!

Thank you too, Florian. Very nice to meet! Indeed, months of hard work and close cooperation allowed to highly improve it. As you said ("Keep up the great work!"), the direction will remain the same - I will think what to add and listen to every suggestion. There are still much things to polish and much to add. And, seeing such supportive messages as previous three ones, I get more inspiration to work.

Thank you all!

To keep this message more informative, here is latest news:
- Added French localization
- Polish and Spanish already in work
- Latest updates introduced no new features, but contain many 'polishing' and performance corrections
Current plans:
- Work on the performance
- Better updater
- Contractors module (very huge part), which allows to distribute jobs and do accounting of relationships with your translators. Software will still remain intended for individual translators (not for companies), who don't need to create web-portals. But this module will allow to issue POs, send files, record incoming invoices and outgoing payments, pick-up translators for the project, etc.

Roni_S  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:48
Slovak to English
demo version problem Feb 4, 2017

I tried downloading the demo version by clicking 'run'. After a few minutes I got the message: "BaccS_win_install.exe is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer". Further details indicated something about it not being signed by its owner, but understanding what that means is above my pay grade. Just to be on the safe side, I deleted it. Has anyone else received this message? Is it okay to download and install anyway?

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 12:48
English to Russian
Yes, issue exists Feb 4, 2017

Roni_S wrote:

I tried downloading the demo version by clicking 'run'. After a few minutes I got the message: "BaccS_win_install.exe is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer". Further details indicated something about it not being signed by its owner, but understanding what that means is above my pay grade. Just to be on the safe side, I deleted it. Has anyone else received this message? Is it okay to download and install anyway?

Hello, Roni_S
Yes, I confirm that already got a number of the same reports. Antivirus tells about a virus or OS tells that it may harm your computer. Most of users didn't get such messages, but sometimes it appears, and because of such sporadic nature I can't find where is the root of the problem. I personally checked it on different computers with different antivirus software, but didn't get such messages. Please tell me what antivirus you have - I will try to install it and retest.

For sure, there are no any viruses. The program contains a code which may create folders and files inside program folder and also delete them (for example, to reset customizations some settings files must be deleted). Maybe because of this code your antivirus warms about some possible harm.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:48
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Overeager antivirus message Feb 4, 2017

Roni_S wrote:
After a few minutes I got the message: "BaccS_win_install.exe is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer".

I have the same issue with "programs not commonly downloaded". Even if I create a program myself, on my own computer, my antivirus warns me that the program is "not commonly downloaded" and could therefore harm my computer. The antivirus message is simply misleading. Many users of the antivirus programs have complained about this false logic, without any luck.

Roni_S  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:48
Slovak to English
@Eugene, @Samuel Feb 4, 2017

Thanks for your replies. I use ESET NOD32, but I have to say it's the first time I've seen that message. On the other hand, I don't download many programs so that may be the reason I've never seen it.

I will try the download again and click past the warning. Thanks!

Rolf Keller
Rolf Keller
Local time: 11:48
English to German
The message originates from MS Feb 4, 2017

Eugene Kuchynski wrote:

Yes, I confirm that already got a number of the same reports. Antivirus tells about a virus or OS tells that it may harm your computer. Most of users didn't get such messages, but sometimes it appears, and because of such sporadic nature I can't find where is the root of the problem.

The message comes from Windows itself. One can get rid of it by disabling the SmartScreen filter in browser settings. (Sorry, no link with instructions, as I've just experienced ProZ' censorship because of "unwanted advertizing").

Of course you may buy a certificate from Microsoft in order to make your software "trustworthy".

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 12:48
English to Russian
Thanks, Rolf Feb 6, 2017

Rolf Keller wrote:

Eugene Kuchynski wrote:

Yes, I confirm that already got a number of the same reports. Antivirus tells about a virus or OS tells that it may harm your computer. Most of users didn't get such messages, but sometimes it appears, and because of such sporadic nature I can't find where is the root of the problem.

The message comes from Windows itself. One can get rid of it by disabling the SmartScreen filter in browser settings. (Sorry, no link with instructions, as I've just experienced ProZ' censorship because of "unwanted advertizing").

Of course you may buy a certificate from Microsoft in order to make your software "trustworthy".

Hello, Rolf!
Thank you for being so helpful (and active on the forums). Indeed, the problem is not about antivirus software, but about Windows. Well, I've also read that with time this problem may suddenly go away. This depends on website popularity and maybe other factors. So, I will just add corresponding information in the QA section on the website. Certificate from Microsoft isn't an option at the time, of course

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 12:48
English to Russian
Contractors module Feb 28, 2017

Hello! Didn't write news for some time, so decided to update this thread and write about recent update. Hope it will be interesting for many of you.

As long as there are many changes, will briefly list them.

1. Added polish language!
2. Contractors module! Huge new feature, which is intended for those who calls for external translator's help from time to time. From now, BaccS allows to keep list of contractors (along with default prices), create job assignments, p
... See more
Hello! Didn't write news for some time, so decided to update this thread and write about recent update. Hope it will be interesting for many of you.

As long as there are many changes, will briefly list them.

1. Added polish language!
2. Contractors module! Huge new feature, which is intended for those who calls for external translator's help from time to time. From now, BaccS allows to keep list of contractors (along with default prices), create job assignments, print purchase orders (customizable forms!), set ratings for each translator, register incoming invoices, track payment terms and create outgoing payments, and of course build a balance sheet.
In future this functionality will be expanded by e-mail sending (check translators availability, send POs or files), pick-up mechanism to select right translator for one or another project, some stats charts and dashboard widgets.

3. Improved invoice printing forms (composite jobs, containing different work/fuzzy types, displayed much better, thanks to logical grouping when repetitive data not displayed many times)

4. Ledger custom report, where all earnings and expenses are grouped by currency and expense/income type

6. Refreshed balance statement report. Much better to navigate and open corresponding documents. Plus, nice visual dressing there (animated rows, always visible group headers when scrolling, etc.) and possibility to change grouping and sorting (along with totals on the fly)

7. Improve performance through all program.

8. Quote forms customization. Now it's possible to customize not only invoice forms, but quotes and purchase orders.

9. Million of small fixes.

So, work never ends, and hope that with these new features the program is now more complete. Many of the new features are based on your suggestions (including from those translators I met thanks to this forums). So, I'm glad to see how the program evolves, becoming more solid, more stable and more actual. After some wrong movements (online version, or just look on the first page comments) it found it's way, thanks to your supportive messages and interest. Thank you, and will do my best to add much more exclusive features during this year.

Demo (65 Mb) here:

Chié_JP  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:48
Member (2013)
English to Japanese
+ ...
so far this is the best accounting and management software I Mar 3, 2017

Hello Eugene,
I learned about this software from ProZ ad and purchased a license. Thanks for sending me the code!

This software, I believe, has everything I wanted.
It was very considerate of you to register client website and login details!

I still have difficulties with handling job list and alignment of dashboard ,
but this so far is the best accounting and management software I knew of.

Thank you again for developing this. if this w
... See more
Hello Eugene,
I learned about this software from ProZ ad and purchased a license. Thanks for sending me the code!

This software, I believe, has everything I wanted.
It was very considerate of you to register client website and login details!

I still have difficulties with handling job list and alignment of dashboard ,
but this so far is the best accounting and management software I knew of.

Thank you again for developing this. if this works this will save me a lot of time.

Eugene Kuchynski
Eugene Kuchynski
Local time: 12:48
English to Russian
Thank you! Mar 6, 2017

Chie. I wrote:

Hello Eugene,
I learned about this software from ProZ ad and purchased a license. Thanks for sending me the code!

This software, I believe, has everything I wanted.
It was very considerate of you to register client website and login details!

I still have difficulties with handling job list and alignment of dashboard ,
but this so far is the best accounting and management software I knew of.

Thank you again for developing this. if this works this will save me a lot of time.

Hello, Chie!
Thank you very much for sharing your view here! Very pleasant to hear this, especially from the translator from Japan.
If you still didn't found a way how to solve those difficulties, feel free to ask - I'll provide detailed explanation how to do one or another thing in the list or in Dashboard. It's just a matter of small adaptation period, because things works slightly different than in another software. Plus, at the moment I temporary stopped development and concentrated on updating the manual. There will be many new chapters, including how to work with lists (sorting, filtering, grouping, nested grouping, searching, conditional formatting etc.), because it may be difficult to immediately get familiar with such a large amount of functions.

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BaccS - Windows-based management and invoicing software for translators

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