The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English to Indonesian Psychology Translation Glossary

English term Indonesian translation
1. trait hostility; and 2. state hostility 1.Sifat permusuhan; dan 2. Rasa permusuhan
address primary psychological reversals membahas pembalikan psikologi dasar
adrenaline rush dorongan adrenalin
adults generally presume the most resilient umumnya dianggap orang dewasa sebagai masa-masa paling tahan [terhadap hal itu]
affective dispositions kecenderungan afektif
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
anecdotal evidence bukti nonilmiah
at a time setiap kali [memulai, dsb.]
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
“up-front” time masa praproyek
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
behavioral intentions niat berperilaku
Entered by: Ahmad Ridwan Munib
being menjadi
being embodied (merasa) utuh
binge drinking minum alkohol berlebihan
Entered by: Joe Ly Sien
burn out kelelahan fisik dan emosional
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
can address multi-cultural and national levels of trauma dapat mengatasi trauma tingkat multibudaya dan multibangsa
can never afford tidak sanggup menerima akibat
comfort with conflict nyaman menghadapi konflik
common force kekuatan bersama
Entered by: Ferry Toar
condition vs circumstances keadaan, situasi
Conscientiousness kecermatan
Entered by: Rosmeilan Siagian
cope / coping menanggulangi / penanggulangan
corresponding effects pengaruh timbal-balik
cracking pecah-pecah
cutting agent bahan campuran
Entered by: Joe Ly Sien
Disruptive Behavior Disorder Gangguan Perilaku Disruptif
dissociating command perintah disosiasi
down regulation penurunan regulasi
ego-threatening category of people. kategori orang-orang yang mengancam-ego
elaborativeness sikap cermat
Entered by: Joe Ly Sien
Enemy Image Syndrome sindrom bayang-bayang musuh
engineering sculpture membuat/membentuk patung
Enlists Cooperation meminta bantuan kerjasama
excruciating double bind dilema yang menyiksa
extensive body work terapi manipulasi tubuh ekstensif, terapi olah tubuh ekstensif
extraversion ekstroversi
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
fallout zone zona imbas
first responder penanggap pertama
for all is free will karena apa pun (jalan yg Anda dipilih) adalah kehendak Anda sendiri
genetically encoded terpatri secara genetis
grass-roots akar rumput
groupthink pemikiran-kelompok
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