The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Construction / Civil Engineering Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
caixa de recalque pumping station..pumping resevoir..pump resevoir
caixa de recepção collection tank, collection box, water receptor, tank
Caixa de Sino Bell Housing
caixa de unha flush bolts
Entered by: judith ryan
caixa de ventosa ventilation box..chimney terminal..chimney top
caixa de visita manhole
caixa estampada stamped box
caixa multiplicadora gearbox
caixa sinfonada siphon box
caixas de areia grit chambers (OR sand traps)
Entered by: Fernando Domeniconi
Caixas de vista man-holes
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
caixão cimbrado caisson with falsework / falsework caisson
Entered by: Mario Freitas
caixão perdido crawl space
caixão soldado welded mesh foundation cage
Entered by: judith ryan
CAIXÃO PERDIDO box caisson
caixões alimentadores feeder boxes
caixiliaría de alumínio aluminum (window) frames
caixonete box
calçada sidewalk
calçar o caminhão com uma viagem de material load the truck with the material
calda mortar and or grout
calda de cimento e tomada de calda cement syrup/paste and paste/syrup injection/capture
Caldeira para árvore Circular earth dam
calha channel
calhetao corrugated roofing/ roof tiles
Entered by: judith ryan
calibragem (in this case) calibration
Entered by: judith ryan
californiana California switch
calota e bancada cap rock and bench (maybe benching system)
camada de regularização leveling layer
camadas vibro-prensadas vibro-pressed layers
camarinha de zinco zinc standing seam
Entered by: Tania Pires
caminhão com carroceria fixa non-articulated truck / straight truck
caminhão de abastecimento fuel supply truck
caminhão oficina mobile workshop (truck)
caminhão vácuo vacuum truck
Entered by: Carla Lopes
caminhões fora da estrada off-road trucks
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Campânula de concretagem concrete cap
canaletas de plástico vazado hollow plastic electrical conduits
Entered by: Martin Riordan
canecas de elevador elevator buckets
Entered by: Martin Riordan
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