The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Russian to English History Translation Glossary

Russian term English translation
Гражданская оборона и медицинские средства гражданской обороны Civil defense and first-aid used for civil defense
Главлеслаг Main Directorate of Logging Camps
Главное дежурство (army) headquarters
Госкомсельхозтехника State Committee of/(on/ for) Agricultural Machinery
Дмитрий Жилка Dmitri Zhilka
Дмитрий Внук Dmitri Vnuk (grandson of Ivan III)
Дом крестьянина Dom Krestyanina (cultural and educational center for farmworkers/peasants)
Действительный Статский Советник Full State Counsellor
Его пьесы идут на советских и зарубежных сценах His plays are running on Soviet and foreign stages.
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