The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Advertising / Public Relations Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
convenio de colaboración endorsement contract
desvinculado sin consecuencia alguna de dicho reclamo released and held harmless from the claim
excelente presencia - sentido de pertenencia a la empresa excellent / good appearance - to be committed to the company
la informalidad de los figurantes de la foto en su estilismo y vestuario. the informality, styling and clothes of the people
Entered by: Marian Vieyra
La que infrinja lo dispuesto en la normativa que regule la publicidad de (any advert) which violates the provisions of the rules governing advertising
"...queriendo llevar el resultado a donde convenga..." "...seeking to bias the result towards a favored outcome..."
"al principio no entendía de lo que podía ir. At first I didn't understand what it was (all) about/what was going on.
"de profesional a profesional" "From one professional to another"
"En el plazo contratado, al precio convenido, con seguridad" on time, on budget, safely
"proceso de titulación" qualification process
(EMPRESA) convoca un concurso de agencias calls for a pitch from agencies
(sillon) orejero wingback chair / wing chair
***gestionar la captacion y fidelizacion de la cartera de clientes*** manage the portfolio of new and existing clients
Entered by: Edward Tully por mayor... sino a la medida size fits all ... custom/taylor made
...con la plena seguridad de que... with the complete certainty that
...cuando el Índice de Confianza comienza a decrecer... When the Confidence Index begins to decrease que esto se haga de modo aleatorio... is for this to be done in a random fashion
...hablar del "Varon de 25 años de clase media-alta" the 25-year-old, upper-middle class male....
...involucrando y haciendo partícipes a todos ellos. had everyone joining in/getting everyone to join in
...quede por explicar ningún hecho importante... no significant factor from the sales series remains to be explained adapta mejor a los intereses de los padres y a los rendimientos escolares ... is in the best interest of the parents and the student's academic achievement
...una agregación de efectos en el tiempo... a cumulative effect over time
...una puesta en común clara acerca del papel... ...clear agreement regarding the role...
...y hacer el seguimiento según pasa el tiempo ... and do the follow-up over time / as time goes on
1,000,000,000 In English with commas
2a. de forros inside front cover
3a de forros inside back cover
4a de forros back cover
a pesar incluso del ser humano even in spite of the human being himself
a pura sangre (running magazine title) Full blown/To the max
A toda pastilla To Pill or Not To Pill
A viejos males grandes remedios New solutions for/to age-old problems
Entered by: Edward Tully
acción o relación action or association
acciones de marketing marketing initiatives
Acercarles a nuestros productos y conseguir que... Attract them to our products and manage to...
actualidad latest news
actuaron (in this context) perform
acuerdo de colaboracion permanente permanent cooperation agreement
adelantamos la primera campaña bring forward the first campaign
aerografiado airbrushed
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