The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Botany Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
base de limo estrechada con cojinete narrowed/narrow leaf blade base with leaf-cushion
Entered by: liz askew
impactantes brácteas color magenta breathtaking magenta-colored (coloured) bracts
"mercado de flores" "floral market"
(al proteger el medioambiente) tiene un alto valor ecológico [the tree] has great ecological value, since it protects.../because it protects the environment...
..por su calidad de forraje invernal... as it can be used for winter forage
Entered by: patinba
a la papa le están saliendo los primeros brotes the first buds are appearing on the potato
A raíz desnuda bare-root
añublo de la vaina, Rhizoctonia solani rice sheath blight disease, Rhizoctonia solani
abelia abelia
abono / fertilizante fertilizer
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
acículas de pino pine needles
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
achiquillote Smilax aristolochiifolia Miller
actinomicetes actinomycetes
Entered by: Andrea Quintana
agapandos agapanthus
agave de papel paper agave
agregado aggregate
ajo rosa temprano early pink garlic
alegrías del hogar Impatiens
alegrias ajonjolís o ajonjolíes /se conoce también como alegrías y sésamo
algas esciáfilas de modo calmo sciaphilic algae in calm water
Entered by: liz askew
aliento de niño parsley fern
alpiste; gramilla canary grass; quack grass
alvedo albedo
Alzado sección poste Upright post section
anemócoras anemochorous / anemochore
antela anthela
Entered by: liz askew
apagada infusion
Entered by: patinba
apropiarse de algo to own sth / to make it your own
arboles grandes de los géneros ficus y ceiba tall/large trees of the genera Ficus and Ceiba
arriates beds
artejo internode
Artemisia tridentata Sagebrush
Entered by: Lia Mušič
auranciáceas Rutaceae
Entered by: David Russell
árbol de semejanza dendrogram / tree diagram
ºBrix ºBrix
Baccharis trimera (carqueja),Colletia paradoxa (espina de la cruz). Baccharis trimera (Carqueja), Colletia paradoxa (Anchor plant).
bagazo residual pulp
bastones hooks
belén impatiens
bolos de marmol marble pebbles
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