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Spanish to English Genetics Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
(secuenciación y) identificación genómica genome sequencing and identification
...en los que un gen defectuoso determina que no se sintetice ... disorders, in which a defective gene determines that a specific protein is not synthesized ...
>A/del. Ex18 deletion of exon 18 (del. Ex18) and T>A
abre nuevas expectativas opens up new possibilities for the treatment of...
astringencia stringency [DNA technology]
células en división dividing cells
cebadores específicos de alelos allele-specific primers
celulas con una gran capacidad de proliferacion high-proliferating cells
concordancia concordance
Entered by: Marcelo González
correspondientes reactivos (Science) appropriate agents
Entered by: Andrea Quintana
divulgación científica science communication
Entered by: liz askew
endocría y cruzabilidad inbreeding and crossbreeding
evolución potencial evolutionary potential
extendidos quirúrgicos intraoperative smear preparations
genetica de poblaciones populations genetics
genotipado genotyping
genotipo y fenotipo genotype and phenotype
grados de sangre blood degrees
Entered by: Maria Elena Martinez
interpretación combinatoria combinatorial interpretation
introducir dentro estas celulas (in this sentence) Ver...
línea germinal Germ line
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
maíz para doble propósito dual purpose corn
Mejoraron su capacidad inmune improved their immune capacity
Entered by: Maria Elena Martinez
metilación methylation
Entered by: liz askew
microorganimos que necesitan que en el medio de cultivo... microorganisms that need ( ) in the culture medium
negativo de extracción (Science) negative control of the extraction
Entered by: Andrea Quintana
o bien especifico de tejido... o bien inducible or a tissue-specific promoter... or an inducible promoter
Entered by: Coral Getino
perfil de seguridad bueno a good safety profile
pico nidatorio (nidatory) estrogen surge
plaquear to culture
población normal normal population
Entered by: David Russell
prueba de exploracion exploratory tests
pseudogestante pseudogestational
que favorece la aparicion de mutantes resistentes promotes the growth of resistant mutants / promotes resistant mutants growth
que por tanto cabe aplicarlas a las enfermedades thus it would be/is possible to apply them to...
realizar el blanco making/preparing the blank
retraso genómico genome lag
se considera To be considered/To consider
Sirven para hacer que una celula pierda una función Their purpose is to make a cell lose a function in a specific way
supuso un duro golpe came as a big shock..
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