Translation glossary: Medical Terms

Showing entries 1-42 of 42
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Advanced (Healthcare) DirectivesTıbbi vasiyet veya Hasta vasiyeti 
English to Turkish   Medical: Oncology
Arthrotomy: surgical opening in a jointArtrotomi: Eklem boşluğunun cerrahi olarak açılması 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
AutologousOtolog; aynı vücuttan nakledilen (organ). 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
CatheterSonda, kateter 
English to Turkish
Chronic kidney failure (CKD)Kronik böbrek yetmezliği (KBY) 
English to Turkish
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)kronik miyeloid lösemi (KML) 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Costovertebral angle (CVA) tendernessKostovertebral açı hassasiyeti (KVAH) 
English to Turkish
CT - Computed TomographyBT 
English to Turkish
Dental scalingDiş taşı temizliği 
English to Turkish
Downregulate/ upregulateDown regüle /up regüle (etmek) 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
English to Turkish
EffusionSıvı birikmesi 
English to Turkish
Epithelial tissue (ET)Epitel doku, örtü dokusu 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
ExtractionDiş çekimi 
English to Turkish
English to Turkish
Formation of stones (urology)Taş teşekkülü/oluşumu 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Fracture lineKırık hattı 
English to Turkish
Gastrointestinal tract (GI)Gastrointestinal yol/sindirim yolu 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
genitourinary system, or urogenital systemgenitoüriner/ürogenital sistem 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Gum surgeryDiş eti cerrahisi 
English to Turkish
Gut barrierBağırsak bariyeri 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Gut immune barrierBağırsak bağışıklık bariyeri 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Impacted teethGömülü dişler 
English to Turkish
Incidence of Allogenic Blood TransfusionAllojenik kan transfüzyon insidansı 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Indifferent plantar reflexLakayt taban derisi refleksi 
English to Turkish
Interfragmentary compressionİnterfragmenter kompresyon 
English to Turkish
Layers incisedKatlar geçildi 
English to Turkish
Leaky gut syndrome (LGS)Geçirgen Bağırsak Sendromu 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Lesion that fades with/on/under pressureBasınca solan lezyon 
English to Turkish
Medical power of attorneyTıbbi vekaletname 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
MRI - Magnetic Resonance ImagingMR 
English to Turkish
Partially erupted wisdom toothKısmen çıkmış 20'lik diş 
English to Turkish
Pleural effusionPlevral efüzyon 
English to Turkish
Pneumatic tourniquetHavalı turnike 
English to Turkish
Secondary bile acidsİkincil (Sekonder) safra asitleri 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)Kısa zincirli yağ asitleri (KZYA\'lar) 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
ST elevation (on ECG)ST elevasyonu (EKG'de) 
English to Turkish
Stone disease/renal stone diseaseTaş hastalıḡı 
English to Turkish   Medical (general)
The fracture was reducedKırık redükte edildi 
English to Turkish
Under fluoroscopic guidanceSkopi kontrolünde 
English to Turkish
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