Translation glossary: Limitation of Liability

Showing entries 1-36 of 36
öffentlich-rechtliches Sondervermögenpublic-law Special Fund 
German to English
örtlich zuständig Gerichtregional court having jurisdiction 
German to English
der Gegenanspruch ist nicht statthaftthe counterclaim is inadmissible 
German to English
einen Anspruch erheben/eine Klage erhebento lodge a (legal) claim/to take legal action 
German to English
einen Vertrag schließento conclude a contract, to enter into an agreement/contract 
German to English
Erfüllungsgehilfenassistants, vicarious agents 
German to English
fahrlässig, Fahrlässigkeitneglient, negligence 
German to English
für Schaden haftento be liable for damages 
German to English
Forderungrequest, demand 
German to English
geschäftsschädigenddetrimental to the company's reputation, bad for business 
German to English
Haftungsbeschränkunglimitation of lliability 
German to English
juristische Person des oeffentlichen Rechtslegal entity under Public Law 
German to English
Kündigung, kündigencancellation, to cancel/to terminate 
German to English
German to English
German to English
Nutzungsbedingungenterms of use 
German to English
Personenschädendamage to persons, personal injury, bodily injury 
German to English
Produzentenhaftungmanufacturer's liability 
German to English
rechtlich unwirksamlegally void 
German to English
rechtskräftiglegally binding 
German to English
rechtswidrig handelnto act illegally/unlawfully 
German to English
salvatorische KlauselSalvatory Clause, Severability/Separability Clause 
German to English
Schadensbetrag begrenzento limit the amount of damages 
German to English
Schäden herbeiführento cause damages 
German to English
Schriftformklauselwritten clause 
German to English
sich verpflichtento bind/commit/pledge oneself to something 
German to English
unmittelbare Schädenproximate damages 
German to English
Verletzungbreach, infringement 
German to English
Vermögensschädenfinancial losses, damage to property 
German to English
Verschuldenblame, fault 
German to English
Vertragspflichtencontractual obligations 
German to English
Vollkaufmannregistered trader within the meaning of the German Commercial Code 
German to English
vorhersehbare Schädenforeseeable damages 
German to English
Wettbewerbsrechtsverletzungcompetition law infringement 
German to English
Zahlungsverpflichtungobligation to pay 
German to English
Zurückhaltung von Zahlungenretention of payments 
German to English
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