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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Proz -the poetry of Human Collaboration

September 11, 2004, 9:00 am
IndiaNew DelhiIn personEnglish
Special thanks to a couple I don't know who have sent their support. I'm surfing the net for your email but it's all dutch and greek to me!
Hop on to net work and update skills.
Power to the Shaktis of India.
Asha Puri for believing the dream.
Sandhya Murthy for doing everything from A to Z all the way out there in Bombay.
Rachna, Crystal Hues, for the lovely badges.
Jagruti Trivedi, Get well soon! I wish you could have come since you have been so supportive.
Yulia Pal, for keeping the fire burning when it threatened to burn low.
All the girls- your emails have given this powwow its pow and its wow: God Bless.
Thanks of course to the organising tips and advice from Jaya Bhat, Jasbir, Suman.
Power to the Wonder Women!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (34) / Confirmed: 11 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Xgitacsurya (X)  \"Organizer\" \"PNS \"Reporter\" \"Host\" 3 for photos! For the reporting? Any takers?  y
Rajiv Arora  \"Organizer\" I wish this event all the best. I really want to witness this dream being realized tomorrow but I regret to inform that due to some unavoidable circumstances I would not be able to attend the meet. ALL THE BEST TO THE POWWOW IN DELHI!!!  n
XSoftlingua (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Host\" I will definately attend this event,So plz let us knwo what the progress is going on regarding the event.  y
satish krishna itikela   'Iam intrested in this powwow but iam unable to attend the meeting,so please send me the summary of the meeting, i will be thankfull to you.  
Sanjay Ray   I would very much like to join. Please inform about the venue and time.  y
Naresh Advani  \"Photographer\" I would be very interested in participating & am glad to know that this event is taking place on a Saturday. Since I am a Mumbai resident, other Mumbaikars are requested to contact me at [email protected] to make group bookings, etc.  
PRAKASH SHARMA   Sorry, despite of strong desire, I can't attend the powwow, but my good wishes are always with organizers, Miss Geeta, Mr. Ray etc. Cheer up friends, the day is near now! Hopeful of a Grand Finale of a Grand Powwow! :) SHUBHAMASTU  n
PULAKKAD WARRIER  \"Photographer\" I would like to attend this function. But please give the venue details, program schedule and other info to make an early planning.  
Kurt Hammond   I am planning to be in India sometime in August and/or September. If the timing is right, I might be able to stop by!  
XDebjani Bhattacharyya (X)   I would also like to take part in this event, but i dont live in delhi and dont know if i will be there in september, but could we all keep in touch, and maybe i can have a look at the report from the event,  
Jaya Bhat  \"Host\" so many to meet. with same and more experienced. wonderful!  y
XPraveen Kumar   I belong to a Kmowledge Services Company working globally with various language requirements. I am looking forward to 'Powwow', as an opportunity to tap resources and meet industry specialists.  
Rajesh Khandal  \"Reporter\" ...  
Bits P Ltd   ...  
Ashok Bagri   Our company could help in terms of giving demonstration on Trados and Alchemy Catalyst  
milinad   I am interested in attending. More info required  
nlingua   Sad to say, I have to cancel at the last moment as something urgent has come up.  n
sandhya   Hi all! Would love to attend this event, provided translating issues are tackled seriously and professionally. Will keep in touch for the schedule, agenda etc.  y
Rajan Chopra   It is heartening to learn that a powwow is being arranged which I think will provide a solid platform to discuss the matters related to translation and mutual interest. I wish the event every success.  
Ravindra Godbole   As it wouldnot be possible to attend, would be interested in getting the minutes of the meeting  
Xaes (X)   Very happy to know about the event. I shall try to attend the meeting. Post me details regarding the duration and venue and any specific programme agenda if prepared already.  
jaswinder singh   I will be coming. But why it goes on saying 'meeting in Gurgaon'. As the vanue is now finalised to be NCR-Subroto park. Please correct me if I am wrong. But now when the vanue is final, we should have the clear picture and name of the place.(Dastak)  y
Xjasraaz   Would like to come, but let's see if can get free on the day  m
XRuchira Shukla   Sorry for the last minute cancellation !! too bad i wont be there !  n
XDhananjaya Sharma   I am new member of proz and like to know about the proceedings of this powwow. If possible, I like to contribute via e-mail.  
Pradeep Tyagi   I would be delighted to be a part of this powwow but physical presence is not possible for me this time. So please let me know if I can get the details of the proceedings/minutes by e-mail. I would like to contirbute via e-mail.  
XNaseeruddin (X)  \"Reporter\" \"Host\" A good apportunity for all of us to meet and discuss about the problems involved in our linguistic field and to share our ideas for an advantageous future.  y
Deependra Pandey   I would be interested in attending this most awaited event here. Will definately be a fruitful one for existing Prozers & Emergers.  y
Ritu Bhanot   I am still interested in case you ever reshedule this event  
Vivek Raj   I m also interested in participating in Powwow. Let me in....  y
gopalan balachandhran   G.Balachandhran email:[email protected]  y
S M Gotiwalee   Hi, it would not be possible to attend. Happy learning to all of u  n
Anil Goyal   ...  m
Aniruddha Vishwakarma   I'm sure to attend  y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: New Delhi - India
PRAKASH SHARMA  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:12
English to Hindi
+ ...
Aham asmin samvaade upasthitam na bhavishyaami param shubhamstu bhawaan sarwaan. Jun 21, 2004

Swaagatam Shreemantah! Asmin Samvaaday Anuvaadakaanaam Samasyaah Vishaye Chintanam Bhavishyati. Aham tatra aagantum na shaknomi param aham hridayat ishwaram prarthayaami yat idam samvaadam safalam bhavet. Shubhamastu! PRAKAASH (Sanskrit Anuvaadak)

PRAKASH SHARMA  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:12
English to Hindi
+ ...
Aham asmin samvaade upasthitam na bhavishyaami param shubhamstu bhawaan sarwaan. Jun 21, 2004

Swaagatam Shreemantah! Asmin Samvaaday Anuvaadakaanaam Samasyaah Vishaye Chintanam Bhavishyati. Aham tatra aagantum na shaknomi param aham hridayat ishwaram prarthayaami yat idam samvaadam safalam bhavet. Shubhamastu! PRAKAASH (Sanskrit Anuvaadak)

PULAKKAD WARRIER  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:12
English to Malayalam
+ ...
We must make it a Grand Success. Jun 24, 2004

I have become a Platinum Member only couple of months ago. And I have high expectations about this. Why can't we make it a memorable and model Powwow?
P.K.Warrier (Mumbai)

Jaya Bhat
Jaya Bhat  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:12
English to Kannada
+ ...
will give strength to our field Jun 28, 2004

i learnt many things by becoming a member of proz. i will explore more this translation field with the help of proz.

PRAKASH SHARMA  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:12
English to Hindi
+ ...
All there living nearby must please try to make this powwow a grand successful event! Jul 8, 2004

This will be the first ever powwow that will be going to be organised in India. I wish all interesting ones best of luck! Please let me be informed about each and every thing that may be discussed in powwow. Please put forth your views in this page about some of the topics and problems i.e. is needed to be discussed. For example- Translators' image and role in modern India, translation arena's future in our country, problems working as a freelancers/agencies and their solutions etc. Agencies may... See more
This will be the first ever powwow that will be going to be organised in India. I wish all interesting ones best of luck! Please let me be informed about each and every thing that may be discussed in powwow. Please put forth your views in this page about some of the topics and problems i.e. is needed to be discussed. For example- Translators' image and role in modern India, translation arena's future in our country, problems working as a freelancers/agencies and their solutions etc. Agencies may also show deep interest as I feel that they can find good translators there upon whom they can trust. As I'm very much busy and far from Delhi, so despite of strong desire, I can't attend the meeting. But strongly urge all you fellow translators from Gurgaon or nearby to attend this powwow. If you have any problem, please discuss them with organizer.
Three cheers for all of you!
Nepali, Hindi and Sanskrit Translator

Rajesh Khandal
Rajesh Khandal
Local time: 16:12
Japanese to Hindi
+ ...
raju Jul 9, 2004

I am willing to participate in the programme as it is taking place in my native city Gurgaon. I am ready to offer my services for the event.

Bits P Ltd
Bits P Ltd
Local time: 16:12
French to English
+ ...
Powwow Jul 15, 2004

Just to correct what a posting claimed. This is not the first Proz Powwow in India. The first was in Mumbai and the second in Pune

Sanjay Ray
Sanjay Ray  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:12
Member (2002)
English to Bengali
+ ...
first or second or third Jul 15, 2004

There could be POWWOW's earlier but those who could not attend them due to any reasons could really never know what were the deleberations there. So I hope that from this time onwards, transcripts of the meeting, and other materials should be made available to all the interested translators.

Bits P Ltd
Bits P Ltd
Local time: 16:12
French to English
+ ...
Powwow Jul 15, 2004

The reports of past powwows are indeed available on the Proz site for those interested.
Mumbai [] Pune []

Ashok Bagri
Ashok Bagri  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:12
English to Hindi
+ ...
Demo on translation tools/talk on technical translation Jul 16, 2004

Our company could help in terms of giving demonstration on Trados and Alchemy Catalyst
translation tools, talk on technical translation/editing, any other topic of interest to
translators. Due to the great expense involved in organising such demos/talks, it would be financially viable if there at least 75-100 participants. Pl. contact u
... See more
Our company could help in terms of giving demonstration on Trados and Alchemy Catalyst
translation tools, talk on technical translation/editing, any other topic of interest to
translators. Due to the great expense involved in organising such demos/talks, it would be financially viable if there at least 75-100 participants. Pl. contact us on: transinfo@vsnl
.com. Our website URL is:

Local time: 16:12
English to Urdu
+ ...
Nice that someone took the initiative Jul 27, 2004

I think previous attempts at organizing Powwows in NCR fizzled out. It's up to all of us to make this one succeed.

gitacsurya (X)
gitacsurya (X)
Local time: 16:12
English to French
+ ...
It's not my powwow- it's your powwow! Jul 29, 2004

Guys and gals in Delhi and NCR, please help make this a grand affair!

gitacsurya (X)
gitacsurya (X)
Local time: 16:12
English to French
+ ...
Thanks, AES! Aug 15, 2004

Every new participant is one more vote in favour of improving the quality, reliability and general conditions of the Indian Translator.

gitacsurya (X)
gitacsurya (X)
Local time: 16:12
English to French
+ ...
The Asian Angle! Aug 15, 2004

Kurt, Hope to hear from you!

Kurt Hammond
Kurt Hammond  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 02:42
Japanese to English
Would be fun! Aug 15, 2004

I may be in India during the time, not sure yet. We shall see.

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