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Poeng på PRO-nivå: 1281, Besvarte spørsmål: 591, Stilte spørsmål: 20
Prøveoversettelser sendt inn: 2
Norwegian to English: Selection from a play (4000 words) translated for a local dramatics company [Completed: October 2004]
Kildetekst - Norwegian Men vi skal gi han en unik sjanse.
En sjanse ikke mange får.
Vi har skrevet en tekst om hans liv,
Og vi rykker han ut av tid og rom for at han skal kunne analysere seg selv og forstå hvorfor han har blitt slik som han har blitt.
Vi har til og med ført inn i teksten,
drømmekvinnen hans, hun som bare med
sin tilstedeværelse, sitt erotisk flammende blikk
skal legge han ned,
skal vise han rundt i det som kunne blitt hans liv.
Oversettelse - English But we shall give him one more chance.
A chance not given to many.
We have penned a text about his life
And we will spirit him away from time and space so he can analyse himself and understand why he became as he has now become.
From time to time we introduce into the text
the woman of his dreams, who simply
by her presence; her erotic, flaming glance
will overpower him, and thus guide him through that which has become his life.
Norwegian to English: Selection from academic paper on management theory - [completed: December 2005]
Kildetekst - Norwegian Vi skal forsvare det vi tror på, våre prinsipper og verdier, sier Chris Argyris, men vi skal gjøre det på en slik måte at vi inviterer til vurdering av dem og oppmuntrer andre til å gjøre det samme. Vi skal prøve å klargjøre egne resonnementer og oppmuntre oss selv og andre til å fortelle det vi vet, men frykter å si. Vi skal være sterke ved å forsvare våre egne posisjoner, men på en slik måte at vi også underkaster våre posisjoner undersøkelse og refleksjon. Følelse av sårbarhet er en styrke når vi samtidig vurderer hva som ligger bak sårbarheten. Vi skal øke både egne og andres evner til å bli konfrontert med egne idéer og resonnementer, slik at det skapes styrke og åpenhet til å stille seg ansikt til ansikt med egne skjulte antakelser, konklusjoner, handlinger og frykt.
Oversettelse - English We should defend what we believe in, our principles and values, says Chris Argyris, but we should do it in such a manner that we invite evaluation of them and encourage others to do the same. We should try to explain our own reasonings and encourage ourselves and others to express what we know, but are afraid to say. We should be strong in defending our own positions, but in such a way that we also accept scrutiny and reflection of our positions. A feeling of vulnerability is a strength when at the same time we evaluate what lies behind the vulnerability. We should extend both our own and others’ ability to be confronted with our own ideas and reasonings, so that we create strength and openness to stand face to face with one’s own presumptions, conclusions, actions and fears.
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Bill Gray MA; Dip.TEFL; Dip.Theol.
Norsk versjon finnes nederst - (Norwegian version below) Since 1995 have worked as an English teacher in Norway primary - secondary - technical school - university - voluntary adult classes. Since 1997 have also been employed regularly as a free-lance translator for a wide range of clients in Nord-Trøndelag, all of Norway and throughout the world. Recently retired (August 2015) from University Lecturer in English (areas of work: phonetics, grammar, and translation) and working as part-time on-call interpreter in work with refugees for local municipality CV/resumé available on request
My original education in New Zealand was in Education and Theology . I later specialised at Masters level in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland.
For 12 years I worked in New Zealand as a pastor, followed by 5 years in Northern Ireland as a church worker. After completing my MA studies in 1990, I joined a research group in the university working on the development of children's language in the classroom using computers. Later I became a lecturer in Religious Education in the university's teacher training department.
Since coming to Norway in 1995, I have taught English at all levels of education in the Norwegian education system. I have also had experience in translating and/or teaching for several large companies in Norway:
NTE large local electricity company DataPowerLearning on-line training provider NorskeSkog large paper-manufacturing company Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag university college Skyggsjå A/S environmental protection company SpareBank 1 bank
This has provided a wide range of experience in different professional areas. I seek to offer a service of professional excellence, meeting your needs & on time delivery
QUOTE UPDATED PERIODICALLY, NOT REGULARLY!! "Things isn't as they used to was before they is as they am now, was they?"
A bit of grammatical nonsense heard from my mother-in-law!
Norsk versjon:
Viktige opplysningerSiden 1995 har jobbet i Norge som engelsklærer grunnskole og videregående skole (allmennfag og yrkesfag) - høgskole - friundervisning. Siden 1997 har jobbet med regelmessige oversettingsarbeid («free lance») for en en stor rekke kunder i Nord-Trøndelag, hele Norge og fra hele verden. Nylig pensjonert (august 2015) fra høgskolelektor i engelsk (områder: fonetikk, grammatikk og oversettelse) og som tilkallingstolk med flyktningstjeneste i kommunen CV/resumé kan sendes ved epost Rates by agreement : Pris etter avtale