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German to English
Russian to English
French to English

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United States
Lokal tid: 20:32 EST (GMT-5)

Morsmål i: English Native in English
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2 positive reviews
Kontotype Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verifisert nettstedbruker
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Tilknytninger This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Tjenester Translation, Editing/proofreading
Spesialiserer seg på:
AccountingAutomation & Robotics
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Electronics / Elect EngEnvironment & Ecology
Investment / SecuritiesLaw (general)
Mechanics / Mech EngineeringMedical: Pharmaceuticals

German to English - Standardpris: 0.09 USD per ord / 35 USD per time
Russian to English - Standardpris: 0.09 USD per ord / 35 USD per time
French to English - Standardpris: 0.09 USD per ord / 35 USD per time
Dutch to English - Standardpris: 0.09 USD per ord / 35 USD per time
Flemish to English - Standardpris: 0.09 USD per ord / 35 USD per time

KudoZ-aktivitet (PRO) Poeng på PRO-nivå: 4096, Besvarte spørsmål: 2785, Stilte spørsmål: 174
Payment methods accepted Visa, MasterCard, Check, Money order, various low cost methods | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Erfaring År med oversettelseserfaring: 37. Registrerte seg på ProZ.com: Jul 2001.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Akkrediteringer Afrikaans to English (millions of words of xln/editing, senior xlr/edr)
Romanian to English (Many 10exp5 words xln: tech, law etc. big cases.)
Russian to English (Millions of words xln: USGovt research, attys etc.)
Serbian to English (10exp(5)s words xln, for prestigious thinktanks &c)
Serbo-Croat to English ((see Croatian, supra))

Medlemskap N/A
Programvare Across, Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, (Proprietary CAT tools.), Powerpoint, Swordfish, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available under certain conditions
Yrkesmessige metoder TechLawDC støtter ProZ.com's Profesjonelle retningslinjer (v1.0).
Tech, legal, biomedical (certain fields, esp. pharmacology), accounting (and finance and securities), military (certain topics). Subspecialties and areas of particularly deep experience are too numerous to list (and proprietary).

Senior translator, very prestigious job history includes > 37 yr as translator, 8 yr as published scientist and engineer, 3 yr as law clerk and attorney, and 3 yr as investment advisor and investment analyst. Advanced degrees in science, engineering, and law (top schools).
Your brief test welcome.
Rates competitive.
Denne brukeren har tjent KudoZ-poeng ved å hjelpe andre oversettere med PRO-nivå uttrykk Klikk på totale poeng for å se på oversatte uttrykk

Totale poeng opptjent: 4199
Poeng på PRO-nivå: 4096

Topp språk (PRO)
Russian to English736
Polish to English608
Spanish to English537
Italian to English486
German to English425
Poeng i 17 par til >
Topp generelle felter (PRO)
Poeng i 4 felt til >
Topp spesifikke felter (PRO)
Law (general)838
Law: Contract(s)440
Finance (general)357
Medical (general)155
Medical: Pharmaceuticals155
Engineering (general)139
Business/Commerce (general)133
Poeng i 70 felt til >

Se alle opptjente poeng >
Nøkkelord: engineering, law, biology, pharmacology, toxicology, medicine, accounting, finance, securities, telecommunications. See more.engineering,law,biology,pharmacology,toxicology,medicine,accounting,finance,securities,telecommunications,solid state devices,military. See less.

Profil sist oppdatert
Nov 7, 2022