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I specialize in EN-DA legal translation. After having worked as a legal translator with a Danish law firm for 7 years (2001-2008), I have succesfully worked as a freelance translator since 2008.
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verifisert medlem
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English to Danish: Social partners as beneficiaries - the European Social Fund
Kildetekst - English Social partners as beneficiaries
European Social Fund support to social
partners in the 2007-2013 period
1. Introduction
Definition of Social Partners
“Social partners” is a term widely used throughout Europe to refer to representatives of management and labour
(employers’ organisations and trade unions).
Social partners have a unique role in social and economic governance: they represent in all respects the interests and problems of the world of work, ranging from working conditions to the development of continuing training and including the definition of wage standards. In particular, they are entitled to conduct dialogue on behalf of their members which may culminate in collective agreements on all the issues they cover. This means that they do not only voice the interests of management and labour. They can also commit their members to certain actions in
negotiations. This distinguishes social dialogue, the broader process of collective bargaining and consultation, be
it bi-partite between autonomous social partners or tri-partite with public authorities, from a wider civic dialogue with other interest organisations. As a consequence, social dialogue can be a powerful instrument for joint problem solving.
In addition to tri-partite consultation of social partners by the government on policy issues, bi-partite dialogue between representative social partners organisations can resolve many potential conflicts in the world of work autonomously that would otherwise
have to be fought and settled in the political sphere. Social dialogue can provide companies and employees with a stable environment which they can thrive in, and it can contribute significantly to the anticipation and successful management of change. Tri-partite social concertation can engage trade unions, employers’ organisations and the
government in a process of deliberation, in which they can explain, give reasons and take a wider responsibility for their actions. Recent examples from several Member States have shown that tri-partite social dialogue contributes significantly to the successful modernisation of labour market policy. This new approach to tripartism can be
developed at local, national and European level.
ESF support to social partners in 2000-2006
Social partners participate are promoters in a very high number of projects financed by the ESF. In the period 2000-2006, social partners have been particularly visible in the adaptability of workers fi eld, especially in the provision of training and lifelong learning. Through the social dialogue budget lines, the EQUAL initiative, and PHARE, projects
have also supported social dialogue and improved social partners’ skills in general.
Oversettelse - Danish Arbejdsmarkedets parter som støttemodtagere
Støtte fra Den Europæiske Socialfond til
arbejdsmarkedets parter i perioden 2007-2013
1. Indledning
Definition af arbejdsmarkedets parter
“Arbejdsmarkedets parter” er en term, der anvendes bredt i Europa om repræsentanter for arbejdsgivere og
arbejdstagere (arbejdsgiverorganisationer og fagforeninger).
Arbejdsmarkedets parter har en unik rolle i den sociale og økonomiske forvaltning, idet de i alle henseender repræsenterer de interesser og problemer, der måtte opstå i relation til arbejdsmarkedet, lige fra arbejdsforhold til udvikling af kontinuerlig uddannelse og fastsættelse af mindsteløn. I særdeleshed er de berettigede til at føre
dialog på vegne af deres medlemmer, hvilket kan føre til kollektive aftaler inden for alle de områder, de dækker. Dette betyder, at de ikke kun afspejler arbejdsgivernes og arbejdstagernes interesser. De kan også forpligte deres
medlemmer til visse handlinger i forhandlingsprocessen. Dette adskiller den sociale dialog, den bredere proces
med kollektive forhandlinger og drøftelser, det være sig tosidede mellem uafhængige arbejdsmarkedsparter eller tresidede med offentlige myndigheder, fra en bredere medborgerlig dialog med øvrige interesseorganisationer. Som følge heraf kan den sociale dialog være et effektivt redskab til fælles problemløsning.
Derudover kan tresidede drøftelser mellem staten og arbejdsmarkedets parter vedrørende politiske emner samt en tosidet dialog mellem repræsentanter fra arbejdsmarkedets parter, løse mange potentielle konflikter, som ellers ville have været indledt og afgjort i den politiske sfære. Den sociale dialog kan give virksomheder og medarbejdere et stabilt miljø at trives i, og kan bidrage betydeligt til forventningen og en succesfuld håndtering af forandringer. Et tresidet socialt samråd kan engagere fagforeninger, arbejdsgiverorganisationer og staten i en proces med drøftelser, hvor de kan redegøre for, argumentere for, og tage et bredere ansvar for deres handlinger. Nylige eksempler fra flere medlemsstater har vist, at en tresidet social dialog bidrager betydeligt til en succesfuld modernisering af arbejdsmarkedspolitikken. Denne
nye tilgang til tresidede forhandlinger kan udvikles på lokalt, nationalt og europæisk niveau.
Støtte fra ESF til arbejdsmarkedets parter i perioden 2000-2006
Arbejdsmarkedets parter er initiativtagere til en lang række projekter, der finansieres af ESF. I perioden 2000-2006 har arbejdsmarkedets parter været særligt synlige inden for området, der vedrører tilpasning af arbejdstagere, og
specielt vedrørende tilvejebringelse af uddannelse og livslang læring. Ved hjælp af de tilknyttede budgetter, har
EQUAL-initiativet og PHARE-projektet også støttet den sociale dialog og generelt forbedret kvalifikationerne blandt
arbejdsmarkedets parter.
År med oversettelseserfaring: 23. Registrerte seg på Feb 2003. Ble medlem: Mar 2008.
English to Danish (The Aarhus School of Business, verified) English to Danish (Danish State-Authorized Translators and Interpreters Association (DT) Dansk Translatørforbund)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MS Office, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I have more than seven years of legal translation experience from a position as an in-house translator with a Danish law firm, where I have obtained professional skills in translating all types of legal and business-related texts.
As a legal translator, it is very important not only to translate but also to understand the full legal content of a document. I do.
In addition, I have obtained experience in translating various technical and financial texts.
My translation experience is based on a Master's Degree in English (legal, technical and financial translation) and a Master's Degree in international communication and public relations.
Since 2008 I have worked as a freelance translator specialised in legal translation (EN-DA and DA-EN).
As a perfectionist, my translation and proofreading work is of high quality.
Christina Kjærgaard
Østergårdsparken 12
DK-8410 Rønde [email protected]
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