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English to Norwegian - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time English to Norwegian (Bokmal) - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time French to Norwegian - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time English to French - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time Norwegian to English - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time
French to English - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time Danish to English - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time Swedish to English - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time Polish to English - Priser: 0.16 - 0.25 USD per ord / 50 - 50 USD per time
Kildetekst - French Développement territorial et association de la société civile
L’idée de redynamiser l’économie et de créer de nouveaux emplois via le développement territorial remonte à une vingtaine d’années. Toutefois, deux concepts ont fait plus récemment leur apparition, comme conditions d’un développement régional ou local réussi :
- la nécessité de lier développement local et lutte contre l’exclusion sociale ; en un mot, lier développement et cohésion sociale ;
- la nécessité de faire participer les populations concernées.
Cette participation est aujourd’hui admise comme un processus continu : de la définition de la stratégie à l’évaluation, en passant par la mise en œuvre des actions.
En ce sens, la participation de la société civile est nécessaire, non seulement pour des raisons démocratiques et éthiques, mais aussi pour des raisons d’efficacité et de durabilité des actions.
Les relations partenariales se bâtissent plus facilement à des échelles de proximité. En outre l’association de la société civile permet de mieux comprendre les besoins/problèmes et permet de mieux identifier des solutions innovantes.
Concernant la démarche de SPAN, la participation de la société civile à la définition des stratégies de développement territorial est un facteur d’innovation et une condition, à travers la mobilisation de tous les acteurs, de développement durable.
L’étude demandée par SPAN permettra de mieux cerner ces différents éléments et de valider la pertinence de créer la société, tel que prévu.
Notons à ce stade que si les deux concepts « programmation » et « association de la société civile » sont deux notions modernes et de pointe, ils sont loin d’être diffusés largement au plan européen.
Oversettelse - English Territorial development and partnership with civil society
The whole idea of rekindling the economy and creating new jobs through territorial development was born about twenty years ago. However, two theories that are conditional to a successful local or regional development have recently emerged:
- The need to see local development in context with the fight against social exclusion: in other words, associate development and social cohesion;
- The need to involve affected citizens.
Today this involvement is considered a continuous process: From defining a strategy right through to the evaluation phase, by way of the implementation of actions.
In this respect, the involvement of civil society is necessary, not only for democratic and ethical reasons, but also with a view to improving the impact and durability of actions taken. Partnerships are easier to build at community level. Furthermore, by involving civil society, it becomes easier to understand problems and needs, and to better recognize innovative solutions.
With regard to the SPAN approach, the involvement of civil society in defining territorial development strategies, by rallying all the actors, is an innovative factor and a prerequisite for sustainable development.
The study commissioned by SPAN will make it possible to better pinpoint these innumerable elements and confirm the significance of setting up the company, as planned.
At this point, it is useful to bear in mind that although the two concepts – “programming” and “involving civil society” are two modern and cutting-edge notions, they are far from being pervasive at European level.
English to Norwegian: Risk Management Manual
Kildetekst - English III. Introduction
A. The BHI Stock Throughput program is intended to provide worldwide coverage against "all risks" of physical loss or damage due to external causes. As used herein, “BHI” means Baker Hughes Incorporated, its subsidiaries, their divisions, entities, and affiliates. The program covers the following categories of property:
1. Cargo shipments to and from any place in the world, where responsibility for insuring the cargo has been assumed by BHI. High value items must be shipped separately under appropriate packaging.
2. Inventory (stock & rental tools) and mobile equipment, wherever located in the world.
3. Household goods/personal effects shipments require a valued inventory (a listing showing the replacement cost value of each item). Failure to provide a valued inventory may result in denial of claim. High value items must be shipped separately under appropriate packaging.
Oversettelse - Norwegian III. Innledning
A. BHIs program for varegjennomstrømming er ment å sørge for verdensomspennende dekning mot "alle risikoer" av fysisk tap eller skade som skyldes eksterne årsaker. I denne avtalen betyr "BHI" Baker Hughes Incorporated med datterselskaper, divisjoner, enheter og tilknyttede selskaper. Programmet dekker følgende kategorier av eiendeler:
1. Forsendelser til og fra alle steder i verden, hvor BHI har påtatt seg ansvaret for å forsikre lasten. Gjenstander av høy verdi må sendes separat i passende emballasje.
2. Inventar (varer og leide redskaper) og bevegelig utstyr, uansett hvor i verden det befinner seg.
3. Forsendelser av husholdningsutstyr / personlige gjenstander krever en taksert inventarliste (en liste som viser verdien av hver gjenstands utskiftingskostnad). Hvis du ikke fremlegger en taksert inventarliste, kan det føre til at kravet blir avslått. Gjenstander av høy verdi må sendes separat i passende emballasje.
Norwegian to English: Impact Assessment General field: Other Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Kildetekst - Norwegian Utslipp til luft
Det stilles stadig strengere krav til utslipp til luft fra petroleumsvirksomheten. Krav om VOC gjenvinningsanlegg ved lasting/lossing av olje og bruk av lav NOx-teknologi på gassturbiner bidrar til å redusere de negative miljøkonsekvensene fra virksomheten. For Skarv Idun feltene vil det bli installert gjenvinningsanlegg for nm VOC på lagertankskipet og skytteltankere som benyttes for transport av olje. Det legges til grunn at dette vil gjenvinne 78% av avdampet nm VOC.
Utslipp av CO2, CH4 og nm VOC bidrar til drivhuseffekten, og gir effekter av global karakter. Utslippene av CO2 fra Skarv Idun feltene utgjør inntil 425 000 tonn pr. år tilsvarende i underkant av 1% av nasjonale utslipp i 2005.
Utslippene av NOx og SO2 vil generelt kunne bidra til firsuring av jordsmonn og ferskvann, og gi gjødslingseffekt på vegetasjonen. Med bakgrunn i de saerdeles små nitrogenavsetningsverdiene beskriver RKU Norskehavet at nitrogenbidraget fra petroleumsvirksomheten i Norskehavet isolert sett vil ha liten til ingen effekt på vegetasjonen langs kysten fra Sogn og Fjordane til Nordland. I det berørte området forventes det heller ikke målbare effekter på forsurningssituasjonen. Totale bidrag til luftutslipp fra Skarv Idun er i størrelsesorden 0,2% av nasjonale utslipp av NOx.
Oversettelse - English Emissions to the air
There are increasingly stringent requirements for air emissions from the petroleum industry. Requirements for a VOC recovery plant for loading/unloading oil and the use of low NOx technology in gas turbines that contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment. VOC nm recycling plants will be installed on the stock tanker and shuttle tankers used to transport oil from the Skarv and Idun fields. It is assumed that this will recover 78% of evaporated VOC nm.
CO2, CH4 and VOC nm emissions contribute to the greenhouse effect, and give rise to global warming. CO2 emissions from the Skarv Idun fields account for up to 425,000 metric tons per year, which is less than 1% of national emissions in 2005.
NOx and SO2 emissions will generally contribute to the acidification of soils and water, and provide fertilization for the vegetation. Given the minute nitrogen deposit values, the RKU Norskehavet (Regional Consequence Analysis for the Norwegian Sea) explains that the nitrogen contribution from petroleum-related activities in the Norwegian Sea will by themselves have little to no effect on the vegetation along the coast from Sogn og Fjordane County to Nordland County. No measurable impact on acidification is expected in the affected area. The total contribution to air emissions from Skarv Idun is approximately 0.2% of the national NOx emissions.
Norwegian to English: Consolidated Financial Statement General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Accounting
Kildetekst - Norwegian 2.2 Konsolideringsprinsipper
Konsernregnskapet består av regnskapene til Eidesvik Offshore ASA og dets datterselskap pr 31. desember hvert år. Andeler i felleskontrollert virksomhet og tilknyttede selskaper regnskapsføres etter egenkapitalmetoden.
a) Datterselskaper
Datterselskaper er alle enheter der konsernet har bestemmende innflytelse på enhetens finansielle og operasjonelle strategi, normalt gjennom eie av mer enn halvparten av stemmeberettiget kapital. Ved fastsettelse av om det foreligger bestemmende innflytelse inkluderes effekten av potensielle stemmerettigheter som kan utøves eller konverteres på balansedagen. Datterselskaper blir konsolidert fra det tidspunkt kontroll er overført til konsernet og blir utelatt fra konsolideringen når kontroll opphører.
Overtakelsesmetoden benyttes for regnskapsføring ved kjøp av datterselskaper. Anskaffelseskost ved oppkjøp måles til virkelig verdi av eiendeler som ytes som vederlag ved kjøpet, egenkapitalinstrumenter som utstedes, pådratte forpliktelser ved overføring av kontroll Identifiserbare oppkjøpte eiendeler og overtatt gjeld er regnskapsført til virkelig verdi på oppkjøpstidspunktet, uavhengig av eventuelle minoritetsinteresser. Anskaffelseskost som overstiger virkelig verdi av identifiserbare netto eiendeler i datterselskapet balanseføres som goodwill. Hvis anskaffelseskost er lavere enn virkelig verdi av netto eiendeler i datterselskapet, resultatføres differansen på oppkjøpstidspunktet.
Selskaper hvor konsernet har kontroll er konsolidert 100 % linje for linje i konsernregnskapet. Konserninterne transaksjoner, mellomværende og urealisert fortjeneste mellom konsernselskaper er eliminert. Urealiserte tap elimineres, men vurderes som en indikator på verdifall i forhold til nedskrivning av den overførte eiendelen. Konsernregnskapet er utarbeidet med ensartede regnskapsprinsipper for like transaksjoner og andre hendelser under like forutsetninger. Klassifisering av poster i resultat og balanse er gjennomført etter ensartede definisjoner.
b) Felleskontrollert virksomhet
Som felles kontrollert virksomhet defineres selskaper hvor konsernet har felles kontroll sammen med en annen part. Felleskontrollert virksomhet foreligger ved 50/50 eierandel eller dersom det på annen måte er regulert at partene har felles kontroll. Investeringer i felleskontrollert virksomhet regnskapsføres etter egenkapitalmetoden.
Konsernets andel av over- eller underskudd i felleskontrollert virksomhet resultatføres og tillegges balanseført verdi av investeringene sammen med andel av ikke resultatførte egenkapitalendringer. Konsernet resultatfører ikke andel av underskudd hvis dette medfører at balanseført verdi av investeringen blir negativ (inklusive usikrede fordringer på enheten), med mindre konsernet har påtatt seg forpliktelser eller avgitt garantier for det felleskontrollerte selskapets forpliktelser.
c) Tilknyttede selskaper
Som tilknyttede selskaper defineres enheter hvor konsernet har betydelig innflytelse, men ikke kontroll. Betydelig innflytelse foreligger normalt når konsernet har mellom 20 og 50 % av stemmeberettiget kapital. Investeringer i tilknyttete selskaper regnskapsføres etter egenkapitalmetoden. Prinsippet for klassifisering av konsernets andel av resultat i tilknyttede selskap er endret. andelen ble tidligere klassifisert som driftspost, men fra 2010 klassifiseres det som en finanspost.
Sammenligningstallene er omarbeidet tilsvarende. Konsernets andel av over- eller underskudd i tilknyttede selskaper resultatføres og tillegges balanseført verdi av investeringene sammen med andel av ikke resultatførte egenkapitalendringer. Konsernet resultatfører ikke andel av underskudd hvis dette medfører at balanseført verdi av investeringen blir negativ (inklusive usikrede fordringer på enheten), med mindre konsernet har påtatt seg forpliktelser eller avgitt garantier for det tilknyttede selskapets forpliktelser.
Konsernets andel av urealisert fortjeneste på transaksjoner mellom konsernet og dets tilknyttede selskaper elimineres. Det samme gjelder for urealiserte tap med mindre transaksjonen tilsier en nedskrivning av den overførte eiendelen. Der det har vært nødvendig er regnskapsprinsipper i de tilknyttede selskaper endret for å oppnå samsvar med konsernets regnskapsprinsipper.
d) Minoritetsinteresser
Minoritetens andel av egenkapitalen er vist på egen linje i konsernets egenkapital. Minoritetsinteressen inkluderer minoritetens andel av balanseført verdi av datterselskaper inkludert andel av identifiserbare merverdier på tidspunkt for oppkjøpet av et datterselskap.
Oversettelse - English 2.2 Consolidation
The consolidated accounts consist of the accounts of Eidesvik Offshore ASA and its subsidiaries as at 31 December each year. Shares in joint ventures and associated companies are accounted for according to the equity method of accounting.
a) Subsidiaries
Subsidiaries are all entities in which the Group has decisive influence over the subsidiaries’ financial and operational strategy, generally by owning more than half of the voting capital. The effect of potential voting rights that can be exercised or converted on the balance sheet date is taken into consideration in determining whether or not decisive influence exists. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the moment control is transferred to the Group, and are eliminated from consolidation when such control ceases.
The acquisition method is used in accounting for the acquisition of subsidiaries. The historical acquisition cost is established according to the fair value of assets contributed as consideration at the time of the acquisition, equity capital instruments that have been issued, liabilities assumed when transferring control. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are recorded in the accounts at fair value at the time of acquisition, irrespective of any minority interests. Cost of acquisition that exceeds the real value of acquired, identifiable net assets in the subsidiary is recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is inferior to the fair value of net assets in the subsidiary, the difference is posted in the profit and loss account at the time of the acquisition.
Identifiable acquired assets and assumed liabilities are listed at fair value on the date of acquisition, irrespective of any minority interests. The cost of acquisition that exceeds the actual value of identifiable net assets in the subsidiary is recorded as goodwill. If the price is lower than the actual value of net assets in the subsidiary, the difference is recorded at the time of the acquisition.
Companies where the Group has control are consolidated 100% line for line in the consolidated financial statement. Intercompany transaction, balances and unrealized gains between companies in the Group are eliminated. Unrealized losses are likewise eliminated, but considered an indicator of loss of value in relation to depreciation of the asset that is transferred. The consolidated financial statement is prepared using uniform accounting principles for similar transactions and other events occurring in similar circumstances. The classification of items in the income statement and balance sheet is carried out according to uniform definitions.
b) Joint Ventures
Joint ventures are described as companies where the Group has joint control with another party. Joint ventures exist if the ownership is split equally in two ways (50/50) or if it is otherwise regulated that the parties have joint control. Investments in joint ventures are accounted for by using the equity method. The Group’s share of the profits or losses in a joint venture is recognized and added to the carrying value of the investments along with a share of unrecognized equity changes. The Group does not record the proportion of loss if this means that the investment’s carrying value becomes negative (including any unsecured receivables), unless the Group has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the obligations of the joint venture.
c) Associated companies
Associated companies are defined as entities in which the Group has a significant influence, but not control. Significant influence is usually present when the Group has between 20 and 50% of the voting rights. Investments in affiliated companies are recorded in the accounts using the equity method. The principle for classification of the Group’s share of the profit in associated companies has changed. The proportion was previously classified as an operating record, but as of 2010 it is classified as a financial item.
The comparable figures have been adjusted accordingly. The Group’s share of the profits and losses in associated companies is recorded and added to the carrying value of the investments along with a share of unrecognized equity changes. The Group does not record its share of the loss if this entails that the investment’s carrying value becomes negative (including any unsecured receivables), unless the Group has taken on liabilities or made payments on behalf of the affiliated company.
The Group’s share of unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its affiliated companies is eliminated. The same applies to unrealised losses unless the transaction indicates a depreciation of the transferred asset. Accounting principles in the affiliated companies have been altered where necessary to achieve consistency with the Group’s accounting principles.
d) Minority Interests
The minority share of the equity is shown on a separate line under Group equity. The minority interest includes subsidiaries’ minority shares of the carrying value, including a share of the identifiable added values at the time of the acquisition of a subsidiary.
English to Norwegian: Operator's Manual General field: Tech/Engineering
Kildetekst - English SAFETY
Always follow these safety precautions when operating the grill:
DO NOT operate the grill without reading this operator's manual. Failure to comply may result in equipment damage or personal injury. This manual should be kept in a safe place for future reference.
Per IEC 60335-1 and its part 2 standards, “This appliance is to be used only by trained personnel. It is not intended for use by children or people with reduced physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.”
DO NOT install the unit in an area where a water jet could be used. DO NOT use a water jet to clean or rinse the grill. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious electrical shock. In addition, water may collect inside the grill and destroy electrical components and cause injury from hot steam.
DO NOT operate the grill unless it is properly grounded. Failure to comply may result in equipment damage or personal injury.
This unit is provided with an equipotential grounding lug that is to be properly attached to the rear of the frame by the authorized installer. The installation location is marked by the equipotential bonding symbol (5021 of IEC 604171) on both the removable panel and the equipment's frame.
Oversettelse - Norwegian SIKKERHET
Disse sikkerhetsreglene skal alltid følges når stekebordet med lokk brukes:
BRUK ALDRI stekebordet med lokk uten først å lese denne brukerhåndboken. Hvis denne forholdsregelen ikke følges, kan det medføre person- eller utstyrsskade. Denne håndboken skal oppbevares på et trygt sted for fremtidig bruk.
Ifølge IEC 60335-1 med standarder i del 2, skal “denne maskinen kun brukes av opplært personnell. Den skal ikke brukes av barn eller personer med reduserte fysiske, sansemessige eller mentale ferdigheter, manglende erfaring og kunnskaper, med mindre de oversees eller får opplæring i bruk av maskinen av en person som er ansvarlig for deres sikkerhet.”
IKKE installer enheten på et sted hvor det kan brukes vannstråle, og bruk IKKE vannstråle til å rengjøre eller skylle grillen. Hvis denne forholdsreglen ikke følges, kan det medføre alvorlig elektrisk støt. I tillegg kan det samle seg vann inni grillen som kan ødelegge elektriske komponeneter og forårsake skade fra varm damp.
BRUK ALDRI stekebordet med lokk uten at det er forsvarlig jordet. Hvis denne forholdsreglen ikke følges, kan det medføre person- eller utstyrsskade.
Dette utstyret leveres med en jordingssko som skal festes forsvarlig bak på rammen av en autorisert installatør. Installasjonspunktet er merket med det ekvipotensiale elektriske faste koplingsymbolet (5021 i IEC 60417-1) på det demonterbare panelet og rammen.
English to Norwegian (Universit� de Mons-Hainaut (Belgium)) Norwegian to English (Universit� de Mons-Hainaut (Belgium)) Danish to English (Ecole d'Interpr�tes Internationaux (Belgium)) Swedish to English (Université de Mons-Hainaut) Danish to English (Université de Mons-Hainaut)
French to English (Université de Mons-Hainaut) English to French (Université de Mons-Hainaut) English to Norwegian (Université de Mons-Hainaut) Norwegian to English (Université de Mons-Hainaut) English to French (UMONS - Zofia Wyszynski, verified) French to English (UMONS - Zofia Wyszynski, verified) English to Norwegian (UMONS - Zofia Wyszynski, verified) Norwegian to English (UMONS - Zofia Wyszynski, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
Zofia is a seasoned linguist with almost 30 years of translation and conference interpreting experience at the highest levels, dedicated to providing her clients with quality translations and interpretation in a wide range of fields, including Legal, Financial, Marketing & Copywriting, Life Sciences, Medical, Manufacturing & Engineering, Localization & IT, European and Social Affairs.
Zofia graduated 3rd in her class with a B.A. in Translation and Interpretation Studies from the Ecole d'Interpretes Internationaux (EII) in Belgium. She later pursued a Master's in EN<>NO Translation with an emphasis on financial and business translation from the University of Mons (Belgium). These have been supplemented in more recent years by conference interpreting courses from Polish into English from the Uniwersytet Jagiellonski in Krakow, Poland, organized by the European Commission.
During her career she has taught English and Norwegian as a foreign language, served as a legal conference interpreter at the European Court of Justice, worked at Intel Corporation as a Norwegian Team Lead and QA Engineer for French, Danish and Polish in the company's localization department, and has a total of 30 years conference interpreting, translating and editing/proofreading.
In the past she has served as a grader for ATA’s DA-EN certification.
Zofia is a skilled Conference Interpreter with extensive experience working with a wide variety of clients, including OECD, the European Court of Justice, Eurocontrol, Europol, EuroJust, EFTA, the EFTA Court, ILO, the Mission of Norway to the European Union, Norwegian MPs and many European Trade Unions. In more recent years, Zofia has also provided translation services to several agencies within the United States Department of Justice, the United States Department of State, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as several United Nations tribunals, including the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, and is also on the roster of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague.
Zofia is a native English speaker and works from Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, French and Polish. Having lived in Norway many years as a child and young adult, she is equally proficient in Norwegian, and regularly works into Norwegian from English and French. Since she studied and worked in Belgium for 14 years, she is also fluent in French.
The bulk of Zofia's translation work has been in the fields of European Affairs, in particular European Trade Unions and works councils, but also software localization, accounting, general business and environmental affairs, not to mention legal documents and technical assignments including work dealing with wind parks, automobile and truck engines. and meetings with engineers designing the Pont de Normandie (The Normandy Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge spanning over the river Seine and linking Le Havre to Honfleur). More recently she has taken an interest in national security and international law enforcement, and has regular assignments for several clients.
She also has a keen interest in cooking, wine, art, music, literature, traditional and holistic medicine, philosophy and history.
Zofia offers superior quality and customer service at affordable prices.
Rate for simultaneous interpreting: 8-hour day with breaks (full day): USD 900
Rate for consecutive interpreting: 8-hour day with breaks (full day): USD 1,100
Rates for Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI):
Up to 2 hours: USD 350
4 hours (half day): USD 450
4-8 hours (whole day): USD 900
For more information regarding her rates, please contact Zofia at: Enquiries