The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Croatian to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

Croatian term English translation
Sektor za upravljanje rizičnim plasmanima risk sale(s) management sector (department)
skrbništvo nad financijskim instrumentima financial instruments custody
skrbnik custodian
slijedeća cjelina prijenosne premije unearned premiums
Entered by: bonafide1313
slog record
slog record
sredstva fonda fund assets
sredstva plaćanja means of payment
sredstva sakupljena od naplata ulaska all the monies collected/income generated from the fees paid to enter the zones
Entered by: sandra zovko
Stambena stedionica building society
steći stručnu spremu VII stupnja obtain a university degree
Stjecatelj primitka/osiguranik the person who acquires the receipt/the person acquiring the receipt
stručna služba department
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
sudski procesuirani slučaj case brought before the courts
suglasan s istim will be deemed to have consented to
suključarstvo dual key (security) system
temeljni kapital original capital; capital stock; share capital
temeljnica Bookkeeping order
termin dospijeća repayment period
trajni nalog permanent tranfer order
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
troskovnicki i vantroskovnicki izdaci Expenses/excess costs
tuđa imovina non-owned assets
u ime i za račun in the name of/on behalf of
Entered by: bonafide1313
u MM months (2-digit)
u otplatu repayment
u sustavu PDV-a registered for VAT
udio kapitala u izvorima sredstava debt to equity ratio
udjel u fondu fund shares
Entered by: I H
udružena sredstva pooled assets
ugovor iz nadzorne knjige Number from foreign payments control registry
ugovor o kreditnom poslu s inozemstvom broj xxxxx International Loan Agreement No.
ugovor o ustupu potraživanja assignment of claim
umanjen za gubitke od umanjenja vrijednosti reduced by impairment losses
umanjenje kreditnog rizika credit risk mitigation
unos u stvarima i pravima predstavlja contribution in items and rights...
unovciti mjenicu to cash a bill
Upisnik sudskih i javnobilježničkih osiguranja tražbina na pokretnim stvarima... Court and Notarial Register of Chattels as security for claims / Claim Security Register for movable assets and rights
uplata i isplata deposits and credits
Upućenik Assignee
Entered by: V&E-Team file no.
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