The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Engineering (general) Translation Glossary

French term English translation
aménagement du lit works to the river channel
ame en PTFE with PTFE core
amenagement des PN improvement/upgrading/development of Level Crossings
Entered by: liz askew
amonts upstream
amortisseur en cuvette pit buffer
anneau surmoulé de silicone. silicone-encapsulated ring
appareil à collerette (dudgeonnières) flaring tool
appareils de forage Drilling Equipment
appliquer apply
Entered by: Tony M
appropriation des évaluations use of assessments
Entered by: Mark Nathan
appui de fin de course Endanschlag
appui de l'extrémité supérieure du support bearing (surface or area)of the upper end of support
arêtes vives sharp / cutting edges
Entered by: EirTranslations
armatures reinforcement
armure en aramide anti-giratoire anti-torsion aramid braid/armor
arrêt de chaleur thermal insulating (effect)
arrête edge
arret-pompier fireman's switch / Fire Brigade/Service isolator or isolating switch
arrière lagging
ASSEMBLAGE DES CAPOTS SUR SUPPORT POTENCE place covers onto extension bracket
atelier de charge d’accumulateurs battery charging area/room/shop
ateliers de forage drilling rigs
atmosphère trop riche excessively rich atmosphere
attaque tread / nosing
Entered by: Mark Bossanyi
attente [construction, etc.] pre-installed (feed of water, electricity, piping, wiring etc.) SEE QUESTION for more precise terms
Entered by: Tony M
au droit de... in line with / level with / adjacent to
Entered by: Tony M
au fioul lourd on heavy fuel
Entered by: Paula Price
au minimum entre the lesser of the two
au pas de every; at intervals of
au plus près carried out as close in proximity to work areas as possible
autoclavés autoclaved
autoclimat climatisation
automatismes industriels industrial automation
avec une exactitude de 1% within a precision of 1%
axe axis (It's a line around which an object rotates.)
à alimentation indépendante with separate cistern
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
à conducteur porté ride-on
Entered by: Tony M
à déconnecter ou à jointer disconnected and blanked (off)??
à demi-recouvrement half lap
à force preloaded
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