The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Geography Translation Glossary

German term English translation
a. L. am Lech
Entered by: Yuu Andou
Agglomerationsstandort area of urban agglomeration
Entered by: Stefanie Sendelbach
Anfahrtsplan driving directions
Aussichtspunkt vista point
Bayerische Bavarian
Böschung vs. Deich Embankment vs. dike/levee
Bergarbeiterdorf mining village
Bergisches Sauerland the Bergische Sauerland
bewegt sich frei runs freely (unencumbered by ...)
Binnenort inland village
Dünung deep water swell waves
Düsseldorf Düsseldorf
Die Lausitz Lusatia
Doppelberg mountain with two peaks
Dreiländereck three countries' corner
Dschamahirija Jamahiriya
Ebene (as Austrian geographic feature) plateau
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
eingebettet situated (between), embedded
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Elblachen small shallow lakes along the river Elbe
Endmoränengebiet/-landschaft terminal moraine region
EU-ausländisch from other EU countries
Flächengemeinde amalgamated community / integrated community
fruchtbarer Halbmond fertile crescent
Gäuhochfläche Gäu Plateau
Gebirgsrand foot of the mountain or mountain range
Geestsporn sandy plateau spur
Gefälle (grade of) slope
Geoinformationswirtschaft geo-information science/studies
Entered by: Steffen Walter
GR Graubünden (Swiss Canton)
Grodenflächen polders / salt marshes
hallt hier wie aus der nächsten Nähe wieder ..any news from over there resonates with us on the deepest level
Hamburgerin (= Pat.) aus Weimar A lady from Hamburg, a patient (originally) from Weimar
Heißländen xeric habitats
Himmelsbrücke Bridge of Heaven
i.v.H. in von Hundert = percent or as a percentage of
im angelsächsischen Raum English-speaking countries
im Grundbuch des Amtsgerichts Spandau von Staaken in the land register for Staaken at the local court (Amtsgericht) of Spandau
Entered by: Steffen Walter
in unseren Breiten where we come from/in our part of the world/in our latitudes
innerörtliche / ausserörtliche Strasse urban roads / rural roads
Entered by: John Bishop
Inselvielfalt exceptional diversity (of islands)
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