The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Poetry & Literature Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Standesamt registry office, registrar's office, registrar of births, deaths and marriages
Stay a while! You are so lovely! Linger a while -- thou art so fair
Sternstunde epiphany
stilistische Bergung stylistic containment (as in Hemmingway\'s prose style)
Entered by: Stephen Old
Stimmungsbilder vignettes
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Strichfassung dramaturgical cut script
stumm silent / muted / taciturn
Szene-Krimi [hip] whodunit/crime novel set in xyz milieu
tabuisieren relegate to the realm of the taboo
tagblinde Höhlengräber cave-digging night-eyes /dayblind cavediggers (-dwellers) / night-eyed cavedwellers
Tanzbahn (outdoor) dance floor
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Hudson
Taubonbons dewdrops/drops of dew
Tauchte ich irgendwo auf, hießen auf einmal alle Hase. When I showed up, suddenly nobody knew anything
Entered by: Hannah Gunasingh
Töne der Stille sounds of silence
Türblatt door / door leaf
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Theaterroman novel as playscript / novel as theatre script / novel in the form of a playscript / novel in x no. of acts
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Totgesagte leben länger Reports of His death are greatly exaggerated
Entered by: Bettina Grieser Johns
trau schau wem watch whom you trust
Entered by: Tegan Raleigh
Traum vom Glück pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
treffen (here) ...had to build on the wording or meaning of the....
Entered by: Stephen Old
tributpflichtigen tributary
Trockensieb drying rack
tropisch figuratively
Trugwerk contrivance OR trick
tulpenfarb'gen [tulpenfarbigen] tulip-colored/tulip-hued
Turnusstelle (medical ) rotation training
um schweigen zu lernen to learn to shut up
Umsteige transfer ticket
und genau dagegen führt XXX einen schrecklichen Vernichtungkrieg and against which Pxxxn is now waging a dreadful war of annihilation
Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein neuer Zauber inne In all beginnings dwells a magic force
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Unerlöstheit released/set free
unten schon deutlich Trunkenheit und Späte now clearly drunkenness and time (untime)
unter Zuziehung drawing on
Valentinade Valentin sketches
Verblendung merging
verbockt defiantly
Verbotenes Verlangen - Ich liebe meinen Schüler Forbidden desire - I love my student
verbunden mit einer ästhetischen Würdigung im narrativen Stil together with an aesthetic appreciation in the narrative form
verdichtet, aber nicht erdichtet turned into poetry, not fictional
Verfluchtes dumpfes Mauerloch musty, cursed cell
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