The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Poetry & Literature Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Kletterkunststück impressive/masterful climbing antics/exploits/feats
Knecht Ruprecht Poem Translation I came here from the forest
Komsomolze Komsomol member
konnotativer Bedeutungshof connotative field of (symbolic) meaning
Entered by: Stephen Old
Kosmos minus 50 Kosmos minus 50
Kranzelherr groomsman / usher
Krötenauge goggle-eyed
Krummschwerter curved swords
Kulturleichen Cultural outcasts / establishment outcasts
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Kultursprache major language
kurz und trocken with a whack/bluntly/deliberately
Laßt mich bei meinem Becher Wein. Leave me with my wine alone
Larve larva, pupa
Laut-Archäologie sound archaeology
Lauterbarkeit probity (legal ctxts+; fair[ness]: *f. trading*); (inher't -, evid't -) integrity/sincerity/honesty/uprightness Cf. ingenuous &c
Lautgedicht sound poetry
Entered by: monbuckland
lösend und befreiend a sense of release and liberation
lebenswahr true performing
Leithandschriftenprinzip best-text principle
Lenz um Lenz spring(tide) after spring(tide);year after year
Letztgänger Guardians of the Hearth
Libellenreigen cloud of (dancing) dragonflies, flight of dragonflies
literarische Überformung literary transformation/reworking
literarischer Alleingänger a literary maverick
Entered by: Helen Shiner
literaturwissenschaftlich literary analysis
locker gereicht casually served up
Luxuskaschemme opulent dive
Entered by: Edwin Miles
mache mit Lust Geschäfte bei Tage show zeal for each day's affairs of business
Macht, Mieten und Moneten Power, Property and Profit
Machtmensch power freak (among other options)
Man gönnt sich ja sonst nichts! I simply deserve the best
man weiss nur, was man sieht (Cassandra) One knows only what one sees
Materialfülle quantity of material
mattbunt colo(u)rful yet subdued/faded
Medienlektorat media editing (service)
Mein Leipzig lob ich mir! Es ist ein klein Paris und bildet seine Leute Leipzig's the place for me
Meint Ihr, ich sehe zu, wie Ihr mein Volk mit in den Untergang zieht? Do you think I'm just going to stand and watch as you drag my people down with you?
Menander quote The greatest blessing in life is an appreciation of beauty.
Mimik/mienenspiel facial expressions
mir is alles ans, mir is alles ans... Ah well, there's little I can do about it.
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