The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Transport / Transportation / Shipping Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Verschub-Meister shunting conductor
Entered by: Paula Price
Verselbstständigung spin-off
Versorgungsschein (delivery) pass/supplier's permit
Verstärkerlinie extra line/relief route
Verstärkerzug additional train; relief train; extra train
vertauschsichere Kupplungsköpfe non-interchangeable brake line couplings
Vertragsreeder, Einschiffsgesellschaft contract carrier / one(-)ship company
verzichtskunde waiver customer
VFÖ = Verkaufsförderung sales promotion
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Volle PS auf die Straße full steam ahead
Vollgleiter planing hull
Vollgutlager full goods warehouse (or) finished goods warehouse
Vollsperrung motorway/highway closure
Volumenkilogramm volume / volumetric kilogram
Entered by: Steffen Walter
von Teilung pitch of (or: pitch =)
Vor- und Nachlauftransporte feeder and distribution services
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Voranschließer, Nachanschließer up siding (line/track), primary siding // down siding, (line/track) secondary siding // ....owners
vorauslegung extension
Voraussetzungen, welche wir dafür schaffen Apart from establishing the internal conditions to do so, ...
Voravise advance notice
vorbereitungsgrad degree of preparation
Vorerwerbergeschäften prior transacted purchases
vorgesteuert/vorsteuerung pre-controlled/pilot operated/pilot control
Vorhaltegebühren charges for taking supplies
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Vorhaltegebühren retention charges
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Vorhaltung stocking
vorheriger Mietvertrag (vorh. MV) previous rental contract/agreement
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Vorlagerung Temporary storage
Vorlaufkosten (Logistik) pre-carriage cost(s)/charge(s) // first (transport) leg cost(s)/charge(s)
Vorpapier preceding document
Vorprüfschein preliminary test report / certificate
Vorpufferlager buffer stock warehouse
Vorreibeblech dog/snip/clip sheet
Vorschiff bow or forecastle
Entered by: Paula Price
Vorspediteur previous freight forwarder
Vorstaulager pre-storage area
Vorstellgruppe Rail link and formation/preparation sidings at PORT
Vorzone pre-zone
VUH front and rear (vorne und hinten)
Wagen BPa Wagon or Freight car, type BPa
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