The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Aerospace / Aviation / Space Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
C.N. airworthiness certificate
operazione di permuta in-kind exchange transaction
a vuoto base Basic empty weight
accettazione in deroga alle prescrizioni use/accept as is
aerea attesa waiting area
Entered by: Tom in London
Aerotecnica aeronautical engineering
aiuti visivi luminosi Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL)
Al di là delle note di colore Notwithstanding that touch of extravagance
ATT Landings
attraversamento crossing
Autoassicurarsi agli ancoraggi predisposti. Firmly grip the hand holds available
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
autofornitore automatic feeding device
autoidroschiuma foam spraying vehicle/machine
avere in carico to use / to make us of
avventura spaziale di marca italiana \"made in Italy\" space (ad)venture
“correre” nello Spazio (were preparing) the Space Race
banco di potenza power test stand
Entered by: Michael Tovbin
battute su scalo stops (on jig)
bottini di bordo aircraft's waste waters
bretelle links
C.O. T.C. (True Copy)
cavidotti cable ducts
Entered by: Angela Arnone
CEB Commercial Engine Bulletin (CEB) / bollettino commerciale motori
cellula dell'elicottero helicopter fuselage
centraggio weight and balance operations (in this/aviations context) - centering mechanism - centering
Entered by: Angela Arnone
Comando del Distaccamento Aeroportuale Airport Fire Brigade Headquarters
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
cono aereo di atterraggio (airport) approach zone
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
Contratto di esercenza di aeromobile. Aircraft operating agreement
Entered by: Dana Rinaldi
deposito bagagli disguidati Lost and found
difetti risc. da contr. difetti riscontrati da controlli / defects found upon checking
doppio piano double deck
Entered by: Elena Jones
e che su aerei con musetti adatti la possono sostituire that can be mounted on planes with the right type of nose cones
Entered by: Jo Macdonald
enti destinatari recipients/recipient bodies/instituitions/authorities
era giunto a terra non guasto was brought down in serviceable condition
fasce laterali di sicurezza lateral safety zones
fermo tecnico invernale winter maintenance
finestra di inserimento window insert
gamba strut
gruppi dinamici moving parts/moving assemblies
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
i fasci dei riflettori the search/reflector beams
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