The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Religion Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
お直り下さい Please raise/lift your heads - You may now raise/lift your heads
なりけり has become
Entered by: Shannon Morales
十方法界 all of the existing world
Entered by: casey
主祭神 Presiding deity
平常心是道 \'The ordinary mind is the way\'
Entered by: casey
得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 - Buddhist sutra? Supreme perfect enlightenment (anuttara-samyak-sambodhi)
祖仏 (Teachings of) Buddha and the Founders (of various sects)
身の世界 true self
老驥櫪に伏すとも志千里に在り -- Buddhist sutra An old war-horse may be stabled, Yet still it longs to gallop a thousand li;
楽房 Gakubo
Entered by: cinefil
気がついている主体 the subject who is aware of
明治神宮略記 (Meiji Jingu Ryakki) Brief History (or Description, or Background) of Meiji Shrine
斎庭 purified place, sacred ground
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